from decimal import Decimal import random import re import urllib2 from django import http from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt import commonware.log from django_statsd.clients import statsd import phpserialize as php import amo from amo.decorators import no_login_required, post_required, write from paypal import paypal_log_cef from stats.db import StatsDictField from stats.models import Contribution, ContributionError, SubscriptionEvent paypal_log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.paypal') @write @csrf_exempt @no_login_required @post_required def paypal(request): """ Handle PayPal IPN post-back for contribution transactions. IPN will retry periodically until it gets success (status=200). Any db errors or replication lag will result in an exception and http status of 500, which is good so PayPal will try again later. PayPal IPN variables available at: &content_ID=developer/e_howto_html_IPNandPDTVariables """ try: return _paypal(request) except Exception, e: paypal_log.error('%s\n%s' % (e, request)) return http.HttpResponseServerError('Unknown error.') def _log_error_with_data(msg, post): """Log a message along with some of the POST info from PayPal.""" id = random.randint(0, 99999999) msg = "[%s] %s (dumping data)" % (id, msg) paypal_log.error(msg) logme = {'txn_id': post.get('txn_id'), 'txn_type': post.get('txn_type'), 'payer_email': post.get('payer_email'), 'receiver_email': post.get('receiver_email'), 'payment_status': post.get('payment_status'), 'payment_type': post.get('payment_type'), 'mc_gross': post.get('mc_gross'), 'item_number': post.get('item_number'), } paypal_log.error("[%s] PayPal Data: %s" % (id, logme)) def _log_unmatched(post): key = "%s%s:%s" % (settings.CACHE_PREFIX, 'contrib', post['item_number']) count = cache.get(key, 0) + 1 paypal_log.warning('Contribution not found: %s, #%s, %s' % (post['item_number'], count, post.get('txn_id', ''))) if count > 10: msg = ("PayPal sent a transaction that we don't know " "about and we're giving up on it.") _log_error_with_data(msg, post) cache.delete(key) return http.HttpResponse('Transaction not found; skipping.') cache.set(key, count, 1209600) # This is 2 weeks. return http.HttpResponseServerError('Contribution not found') number = re.compile('transaction\[(?P\d+)\]\.(?P\w+)') currency = re.compile('(?P\w+) (?P[\d.,]+)') def _parse(post): """ List of (old, new) codes so we can transpose the data for embedded payments. """ for old, new in [('payment_status', 'status'), ('item_number', 'tracking_id'), ('txn_id', 'tracking_id'), ('payer_email', 'sender_email')]: if old not in post and new in post: post[old] = post[new] transactions = {} for k, v in post.items(): match = number.match(k) if match: data = match.groupdict() transactions.setdefault(data['number'], {}) transactions[data['number']][data['name']] = v return post, transactions def _parse_currency(amount): """Parse USD 10.00 into a dictionary of currency and amount as Decimal.""" res = currency.match(amount).groupdict() if 'amount' in res: res['amount'] = Decimal(res['amount']) return res def _paypal(request): # raw_post_data has to be accessed before request.POST. wtf django? raw, post = request.raw_post_data, request.POST.copy()'IPN received: %s' % raw) # Check that the request is valid and coming from PayPal. # The order of the params has to match the original request. data = u'cmd=_notify-validate&' + raw with statsd.timer('paypal.validate-ipn'): paypal_response = urllib2.urlopen(settings.PAYPAL_CGI_URL, data, 20).readline() post, transactions = _parse(post) # If paypal doesn't like us, fail. if paypal_response != 'VERIFIED': msg = ("Expecting 'VERIFIED' from PayPal, got '%s'. " "Failing." % paypal_response) _log_error_with_data(msg, post) return http.HttpResponseForbidden('Invalid confirmation') # Cope with subscription events. if post.get('txn_type', '').startswith('subscr_'): SubscriptionEvent.objects.create(post_data=php.serialize(post))'Subscription created: %s' % post.get('txn_id', '')) return http.HttpResponse('Success!') payment_status = post.get('payment_status', '').lower() if payment_status != 'completed': return paypal_ignore(request, post) # There could be multiple transactions on the IPN. This will deal # with them appropriately or cope if we don't know how to deal with # any of them. methods = {'refunded': paypal_refunded, 'completed': paypal_completed, 'reversal': paypal_reversal} result = None called = False for key, value in transactions.items(): status = value.get('status', '').lower() if status not in methods:'Unknown status: %s' % status) continue result = methods[status](request, post, value) called = True if not called: # Whilst the payment status was completed, it contained # no transactions with status, which means we don't know # how to process it. Hence it's being ignored. return paypal_ignore(request, post) if not result: return _log_unmatched(post) return result def paypal_ignore(request, post):'Ignoring: %s' % post.get('txn_id', '')) return http.HttpResponse('Ignoring %s' % post.get('txn_id', '')) def paypal_refunded(request, post, transaction): try: original = Contribution.objects.get(transaction_id=post['txn_id']) except Contribution.DoesNotExist: return None # If the contribution has a related contribution we've processed it. try: original = Contribution.objects.get(related=original)'Related contribution, state: %s, pk: %s' % (original.related.type, return http.HttpResponse('Transaction already processed') except Contribution.DoesNotExist: pass'Refund IPN received: %s' % post['txn_id']) amount = _parse_currency(transaction['amount']) Contribution.objects.create( addon=original.addon, related=original, user=original.user, type=amo.CONTRIB_REFUND, amount=-amount['amount'], currency=amount['currency'], post_data=php.serialize(post) )'Refund successfully processed') paypal_log_cef(request, original.addon, post['txn_id'], 'Refund', 'REFUND', 'A paypal refund was processed') return http.HttpResponse('Success!') def paypal_reversal(request, post, transaction): try: original = Contribution.objects.get(transaction_id=post['txn_id']) except Contribution.DoesNotExist: return None # If the contribution has a related contribution we've processed it. try: original = Contribution.objects.get(related=original)'Related contribution, state: %s, pk: %s' % (original.related.type, return http.HttpResponse('Transaction already processed') except Contribution.DoesNotExist: pass'Reversal IPN received: %s' % post['txn_id']) amount = _parse_currency(transaction['amount']) refund = Contribution.objects.create( addon=original.addon, related=original, user=original.user, type=amo.CONTRIB_CHARGEBACK, amount=-amount['amount'], currency=amount['currency'], post_data=php.serialize(post) ) refund.mail_chargeback() paypal_log_cef(request, original.addon, post['txn_id'], 'Chargeback', 'CHARGEBACK', 'A paypal chargeback was processed') return http.HttpResponse('Success!') def paypal_completed(request, post, transaction): # Make sure transaction has not yet been processed. if Contribution.objects.filter(transaction_id=post['txn_id']).exists():'Completed IPN already processed') return http.HttpResponse('Transaction already processed') # Note that when this completes the uuid is moved over to transaction_id. try: original = Contribution.objects.get(uuid=post['txn_id']) except Contribution.DoesNotExist: return None'Completed IPN received: %s' % post['txn_id']) data = StatsDictField().to_python(php.serialize(post)) update = {'transaction_id': post['txn_id'], 'uuid': None, 'post_data': data} if original.type == amo.CONTRIB_PENDING: # This is a purchase that has failed to hit the completed page. # But this ok, this IPN means that it all went through. update['type'] = amo.CONTRIB_PURCHASE if 'mc_gross' in post: update['amount'] = post['mc_gross'] original.update(**update) # Send thankyou email. try: original.mail_thankyou(request) except ContributionError as e: # A failed thankyou email is not a show stopper, but is good to know. paypal_log.error('Thankyou note email failed with error: %s' % e) paypal_log_cef(request, original.addon, post['txn_id'], 'Purchase', 'PURCHASE', 'A user purchased or contributed to an addon')'Completed successfully processed') return http.HttpResponse('Success!')