FROM centos:centos7 ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 # need to compile swig ENV SWIG_FEATURES="-D__x86_64__" # Should change it to use ARG instead of ENV for OLYMPIA_UID # once the jenkins server is upgraded to support docker >= v1.9.0 ENV OLYMPIA_UID=9500 RUN useradd -u ${OLYMPIA_UID} -s /sbin/nologin olympia ADD docker/nodesource.gpg.key /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-nodesource ADD docker/epel.gpg.key /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7 ADD docker/nodesource.repo docker/epel.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ RUN yum update -y \ && yum install -y \ gcc-c++ \ gettext \ # Git, because we're using git-checkout dependencies git \ libffi-devel \ libxml2-devel \ libxslt-devel \ mariadb \ mariadb-devel \ nodejs \ openssl-devel \ python-devel \ swig \ uwsgi- \ uwsgi-plugin-python \ && yum clean all \ && curl -sSL | python COPY . /data/olympia WORKDIR /data/olympia # Install all python requires RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --exists-action=w --no-deps -r requirements/prod.txt \ && [ -f requirements/prod_without_hash.txt ] \ && pip install --no-cache-dir --exists-action=w --no-deps -r requirements/prod_without_hash.txt\ && pip install --no-cache-dir --exists-action=w --no-deps -e . RUN echo -e "from olympia.lib.settings_base import *\n\ STYLUS_BIN = 'node_modules/stylus/bin/stylus'\n\ LESS_BIN = 'node_modules/less/bin/lessc'\n\ CLEANCSS_BIN = 'node_modules/clean-css/bin/cleancss'\n\ UGLIFY_BIN = 'node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs'\n\ FXA_CONFIG = {'default': {}, 'internal': {}}\n"\ > RUN DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_local' locale/ locale # compile asssets RUN npm install \ && DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_local' python compress_assets -t \ && DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_local' python collectstatic --noinput RUN rm -f settings_local.pyc RUN GITREF=$(git rev-parse HEAD) \ GITTAG=$(git name-rev --tags --name-only $GITREF) \ SOURCE='' \ && echo "{\"source\": \"$SOURCE\", \"version\": \"$GITTAG\", \"commit\": \"$GITREF\"}" > version.json