# Copy of .gitignore please keep these in sync *.css.tmp *.egg-info *.js.tmp *.less.css *.mo *.po~ *.py[co] *.signed.zip *.styl.css *-all.css *-all.js *-min.css *-min.js .*.sw? .cache .DS_Store .env .ipython .mysql_history .nose* .npm/ .pdbhistory .pytest_cache .ssh .tox/ .vscode backups build*.py buildx-bake-metadata.json deps docker*.yml docker/artifacts/* docs/_build docs/_gh-pages docs/api/_build local_settings.py MANIFEST node_modules pip-log.txt private/ .ruff_cache settings_local.py* settings_local_*.py shellng_local.py site-static/* src/olympia/discovery/strings.jinja2 static-build/* static/css/node_lib/* static/js/node_lib/* storage/files/* storage/git-storage/* storage/guarded-addons/* storage/mlbf/* storage/shared_storage/* storage/sitemaps/* tmp/* # Additionally ignore these files from the docker build that are not in .gitignore .dockerignore .github docs private storage docker-bake.hcl docker-compose*.yml Dockerfile* Makefile-os