import hashlib import logging import os from tempfile import mkstemp from celeryutils import task from amo import set_user from devhub.tasks import _fetch_content from files.utils import get_sha256 from users.utils import get_task_user from mkt.webapps.models import Webapp task_log = logging.getLogger('z.task') @task(rate_limit='15/m') def webapp_update_weekly_downloads(data, **kw):'[%s@%s] Update weekly downloads.' % (len(data), webapp_update_weekly_downloads.rate_limit)) for line in data: webapp = Webapp.objects.get(pk=line['addon']) webapp.update(weekly_downloads=line['count']) def _get_content_hash(temp, url): # Fetch the webapp, write it to a file and return the hash of that. data = _fetch_content(url).read() with open(temp, 'w') as fp: fp.write(data) return 'sha256:%s' % get_sha256(temp) @task def update_manifests(ids, **kw):'[%s@%s] Update manifests.' % (len(ids), update_manifests.rate_limit)) # Since we'll be logging the updated manifest change to the users log, # we'll need to log in as user. set_user(get_task_user()) for id in ids:'Fetching webapp manifest for: %s' % id) webapp = Webapp.objects.get(pk=id) file_ = webapp.get_latest_file() if not file_:'Ignoring, no existing file for: %s' % id) continue # Fetch the data. temp = mkstemp(suffix='.webapp')[1] try: hash_ = _get_content_hash(temp, webapp.manifest_url) except:'Failed to get manifest for: %s' % id, exc_info=True) os.unlink(temp) continue # Try to create a new version, if needed. try: if file_.hash != hash_:'Webapp manifest different for: %s' % id) webapp.manifest_updated(temp) else:'Webapp manifest the same for: %s' % id) except:'Failed to create version for: %s' % id, exc_info=True) finally: os.unlink(temp)