APP=src/olympia/ .PHONY: help_redirect help_redirect: @$(MAKE) help --no-print-directory .PHONY: help_submake help_submake: @echo "Commands that are designed to be run in the host:" @echo " debug to connect to a running addons-server docker for debugging" @echo " djshell to connect to a running addons-server docker django shell" @echo " dbshell to connect to a running addons-server docker database shell" @echo " make to connect to a running addons-server docker and run make ARGS" @echo " shell to connect to a running addons-server docker shell" @echo " tdd to run the entire test suite, but stop on the first error" @echo " test to run the entire test suite" @echo " test_es to run the ES tests" @echo " test_failed to rerun the failed tests from the previous run" @echo " test_force_db to run the entire test suite with a new database" @echo " test_no_es to run all but the ES tests" @echo " initialize_docker to initialize a docker image" @echo " update_docker to update a docker image" .PHONY: test test: docker-compose exec web pytest $(APP) $(ARGS) .PHONY: test_es test_es: docker-compose exec web pytest -m es_tests $(APP) $(ARGS) .PHONY: test_no_es test_no_es: docker-compose exec web pytest -m "not es_tests" $(APP) $(ARGS) .PHONY: test_force_db test_force_db: docker-compose exec web pytest --create-db $(APP) $(ARGS) .PHONY: tdd tdd: docker-compose exec web pytest -x --pdb $(ARGS) $(APP) .PHONY: test_failed test_failed: docker-compose exec web pytest --lf $(ARGS) $(APP) .PHONY: update_docker update_docker: docker-compose exec worker make update_deps docker-compose exec web make update docker-compose restart web docker-compose restart worker .PHONY: initialize_docker initialize_docker: docker-compose exec web make initialize .PHONY: debug debug: docker-compose exec web supervisorctl fg olympia .PHONY: shell shell: docker-compose exec web bash .PHONY: djshell djshell: docker-compose exec web ./ shell_plus .PHONY: dbshell dbshell: docker-compose exec web ./ dbshell # Run a make command in the container .PHONY: make make: docker-compose exec web make $(ARGS)