.. _contributing: ============ Contributing ============ If you're not sure this is the correct place to file an issue then please file an issue on the `mozilla/addons`_ project instead. Before contributing code, please note: - You agree to license your contributions under the `license`_. - Please ask on the `dev-addons mailing list`_ before submitting pull-requests for new features or large changes that are not related to existing issues. - Follow `PEP8`_, `jshint`_ and our other `style guide conventions`_. - Please write tests and read the docs on `addons-server`_. Thank you for contributing! .. _license: https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/blob/master/LICENSE .. _dev-addons mailing list: https://mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-addons .. _PEP8: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ .. _jshint: http://www.jshint.com/ .. _style guide conventions: https://mozweb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _addons-server: https://addons-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _mozilla/addons: https://github.com/mozilla/addons/issues/new