199 строки
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199 строки
6.9 KiB
import calendar
import hashlib
import sys
import time
import urlparse
import uuid
from urllib import urlencode
from django import http
from django.conf import settings
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
import bleach
import commonware.log
import waffle
from tower import ugettext as _
from addons.decorators import (addon_view_factory, can_be_purchased,
import amo
from amo.decorators import json_view, login_required, post_required, write
from amo.helpers import absolutify
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from lib.cef_loggers import app_pay_cef
from lib.crypto.webpay import (InvalidSender, parse_from_webpay,
from mkt.webapps.models import Webapp
from stats.models import ClientData, Contribution
from . import webpay_tasks as tasks
log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.purchase')
addon_view = addon_view_factory(qs=Webapp.objects.valid)
def start_purchase(request, addon):
log.debug('Starting purchase of app: %s by user: %s'
% (addon.pk, request.amo_user.pk))
amount = addon.get_price(region=request.REGION.id)
uuid_ = hashlib.md5(str(uuid.uuid4())).hexdigest()
# L10n: {0} is the addon name.
contrib_for = (_(u'Firefox Marketplace purchase of {0}')
currency = request.REGION.default_currency
return amount, currency, uuid_, contrib_for
def make_ext_id(addon_pk):
Generates a webpay/solitude external ID for this addon's primary key.
# This namespace is currently necessary because app products
# are mixed into an application's own in-app products.
# Maybe we can fix that.
# Also, we may use various dev/stage servers with the same
# Bango test API.
domain = getattr(settings, 'DOMAIN', None)
if not domain:
domain = 'marketplace-dev'
ext_id = domain.split('.')[0]
return '%s:%s' % (ext_id, addon_pk)
def prepare_pay(request, addon):
return _prepare_pay(request, addon)
def _prepare_pay(request, addon):
"""Prepare a JWT to pass into navigator.pay()"""
amount, currency, uuid_, contrib_for = start_purchase(request, addon)
log.debug('Storing contrib for uuid: %s' % uuid_)
Contribution.objects.create(addon_id=addon.id, amount=amount,
source=request.REQUEST.get('src', ''),
uuid=str(uuid_), type=amo.CONTRIB_PENDING,
paykey=None, user=request.amo_user,
# Until atob() supports encoded HTML we are stripping all tags.
# See bug 831524
app_summary = bleach.clean(unicode(addon.summary), strip=True, tags=[])
acct = addon.app_payment_account.payment_account
seller_uuid = acct.solitude_seller.uuid
issued_at = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
icons = {}
for size in amo.ADDON_ICON_SIZES:
icons[str(size)] = absolutify(addon.get_icon_url(size))
req = {
'iss': settings.APP_PURCHASE_KEY,
'typ': settings.APP_PURCHASE_TYP,
'aud': settings.APP_PURCHASE_AUD,
'iat': issued_at,
'exp': issued_at + 3600, # expires in 1 hour
'request': {
'name': unicode(addon.name),
'description': app_summary,
'pricePoint': addon.premium.price.name,
'id': make_ext_id(addon.pk),
'postbackURL': absolutify(reverse('webpay.postback')),
'chargebackURL': absolutify(reverse('webpay.chargeback')),
'productData': urlencode({'contrib_uuid': uuid_,
'seller_uuid': seller_uuid,
'addon_id': addon.pk}),
'icons': icons,
jwt_ = sign_webpay_jwt(req)
log.debug('Preparing webpay JWT for addon %s: %s' % (addon, jwt_))
app_pay_cef.log(request, 'Preparing JWT', 'preparing_jwt',
'Preparing JWT for: %s' % (addon.pk), severity=3)
if request.API:
url = reverse('api_dispatch_detail', kwargs={
'resource_name': 'status', 'api_name': 'webpay',
'uuid': uuid_})
url = reverse('webpay.pay_status', args=[addon.app_slug, uuid_])
return {'webpayJWT': jwt_, 'contribStatusURL': url}
def pay_status(request, addon, contrib_uuid):
Return JSON dict of {status: complete|incomplete}.
The status of the payment is only complete when it exists by uuid,
was purchased by the logged in user, and has been marked paid by the
JWT postback. After that the UI is free to call app/purchase/record
to generate a receipt.
au = request.amo_user
qs = Contribution.objects.filter(uuid=contrib_uuid,
return {'status': 'complete' if qs.exists() else 'incomplete'}
def postback(request):
"""Verify signature and set contribution to paid."""
signed_jwt = request.POST.get('notice', '')
data = parse_from_webpay(signed_jwt, request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR'))
except InvalidSender, exc:
app_pay_cef.log(request, 'Unknown app', 'invalid_postback',
'Ignoring invalid JWT %r: %s' % (signed_jwt, exc),
return http.HttpResponseBadRequest()
pd = urlparse.parse_qs(data['request']['productData'])
contrib_uuid = pd['contrib_uuid'][0]
contrib = Contribution.objects.get(uuid=contrib_uuid)
except Contribution.DoesNotExist:
etype, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
raise LookupError('JWT (iss:%s, aud:%s) for trans_id %s '
'links to contrib %s which doesn\'t exist'
% (data['iss'], data['aud'],
contrib_uuid)), None, tb
trans_id = data['response']['transactionID']
log.info('webpay postback: fulfilling purchase for contrib %s with '
'transaction %s' % (contrib, trans_id))
app_pay_cef.log(request, 'Purchase complete', 'purchase_complete',
'Purchase complete for: %s' % (contrib.addon.pk),
contrib.update(transaction_id=trans_id, type=amo.CONTRIB_PURCHASE)
return http.HttpResponse(trans_id)
def chargeback(request):
Verify signature from and create a refund contribution tied
to the original transaction.
raise NotImplementedError