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from datetime import date, timedelta
from django import test
from django.contrib.auth.models import User as DjangoUser
from django.utils import translation, encoding
import jingo
from mock import Mock
from import eq_
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
from addons.models import Addon
import amo
import sharing
from sharing.helpers import sharing_box
from sharing.models import DIGG, FACEBOOK
from stats.models import AddonShareCount
class SharingHelpersTestCase(test.TestCase):
fixtures = ['base/addon_3615']
def test_sharing_box(self):
addon = Addon.objects.get(id=3615)
request = Mock()
request.user = DjangoUser()
request.APP = amo.FIREFOX
ctx = {'request': request,
'APP': request.APP,
'LANG': translation.get_language()}
# disable cake csrf token
cake_csrf_token = lambda: ''
cake_csrf_token.__name__ = 'cake_csrf_token'
doc = pq(sharing_box(ctx))
self.assertEquals(doc('li').length, len(sharing.SERVICES_LIST))
# Make sure services are in the right order.
for i in range(len(sharing.SERVICES_LIST)):
assert doc('li a').eq(i).attr('target') in ('_blank', '_self'), (
'Sharing link target must either be blank or self.')
class SharingModelsTestCase(test.TestCase):
fixtures = ['base/addon_3615', 'sharing/share_counts']
def test_share_count(self):
addon = Addon.objects.get(id=3615)
eq_(addon.share_counts()[DIGG.shortname], 29)
# total count with no shares
eq_(addon.share_counts()[FACEBOOK.shortname], 0,
'Total count with no shares must be 0')
def test_services_unicode():
u = u'\u05d0\u05d5\u05e1\u05e3'
d = dict(title=u, url=u, description=u)
for service in sharing.SERVICES_LIST:
if service.url:
# This does not work since Python tries to use ascii to decode the string.
# d = dict((k, encoding.smart_str(v)) for k, v in d.items())
# for service in sharing.SERVICES_LIST:
# if service.url:
# service.url.format(**d)
def test_share_view():
u = u'\u05d0\u05d5\u05e1\u05e3'
s = encoding.smart_str(u)
request, obj = Mock(), Mock()
request.GET = {'service': 'twitter'}
obj.get_url_path.return_value = u
sharing.views.share(request, obj, u, u)
obj.get_url_path.return_value = s
sharing.views.share(request, obj, s, s)