
612 строки
23 KiB

from datetime import datetime
import os
import re
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.forms.formsets import formset_factory
import commonware.log
import happyforms
from quieter_formset.formset import BaseFormSet
from tower import ugettext as _, ugettext_lazy as _lazy, ungettext as ngettext
from access import acl
import amo
import captcha.fields
from amo.fields import ColorField
from amo.helpers import loc
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from amo.utils import slug_validator, slugify, sorted_groupby, remove_icons
from addons.models import (Addon, AddonCategory, AddonDeviceType, AddonUser,
BlacklistedSlug, Category, DeviceType, Persona,
from addons.widgets import IconWidgetRenderer, CategoriesSelectMultiple
from applications.models import Application
from devhub import tasks as devhub_tasks
from tags.models import Tag
from translations.fields import TransField, TransTextarea
from translations.forms import TranslationFormMixin
from translations.models import Translation
from translations.widgets import TranslationTextInput
from versions.models import Version
log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.addons')
def clean_name(name, instance=None):
if not instance:
log.debug('clean_name called without an instance: %s' % name)
if instance:
id = ReverseNameLookup(instance.is_webapp()).get(name)
id = ReverseNameLookup().get(name)
# If we get an id and either there's no instance or the != id.
if id and (not instance or id !=
raise forms.ValidationError(_('This name is already in use. Please '
'choose another.'))
return name
def clean_tags(request, tags):
target = [slugify(t, spaces=True, lower=True) for t in tags.split(',')]
target = set(filter(None, target))
min_len = amo.MIN_TAG_LENGTH
max_len = Tag._meta.get_field('tag_text').max_length
max_tags = amo.MAX_TAGS
total = len(target)
blacklisted = (Tag.objects.values_list('tag_text', flat=True)
.filter(tag_text__in=target, blacklisted=True))
if blacklisted:
# L10n: {0} is a single tag or a comma-separated list of tags.
msg = ngettext('Invalid tag: {0}', 'Invalid tags: {0}',
len(blacklisted)).format(', '.join(blacklisted))
raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
restricted = (Tag.objects.values_list('tag_text', flat=True)
.filter(tag_text__in=target, restricted=True))
if not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Addons', 'Edit'):
if restricted:
# L10n: {0} is a single tag or a comma-separated list of tags.
msg = ngettext('"{0}" is a reserved tag and cannot be used.',
'"{0}" are reserved tags and cannot be used.',
len(restricted)).format('", "'.join(restricted))
raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
# Admin's restricted tags don't count towards the limit.
total = len(target - set(restricted))
if total > max_tags:
num = total - max_tags
msg = ngettext('You have {0} too many tags.',
'You have {0} too many tags.', num).format(num)
raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
if any(t for t in target if len(t) > max_len):
raise forms.ValidationError(_('All tags must be %s characters '
'or less after invalid characters are removed.' % max_len))
if any(t for t in target if len(t) < min_len):
msg = ngettext("All tags must be at least {0} character.",
"All tags must be at least {0} characters.",
raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
return target
class AddonFormBase(TranslationFormMixin, happyforms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.request = kw.pop('request')
super(AddonFormBase, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
class Meta:
models = Addon
fields = ('name', 'slug', 'summary', 'tags')
class AddonFormBasic(AddonFormBase):
name = TransField(max_length=50)
slug = forms.CharField(max_length=30)
summary = TransField(widget=TransTextarea(attrs={'rows': 4}),
tags = forms.CharField(required=False)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('name', 'slug', 'summary', 'tags')
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
# Force the form to use app_slug if this is a webapp. We want to keep
# this under "slug" so all the js continues to work.
if kw['instance'].is_webapp():
kw.setdefault('initial', {})['slug'] = kw['instance'].app_slug
super(AddonFormBasic, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
self.fields['tags'].initial = ', '.join(self.get_tags(self.instance))
# Do not simply append validators, as validators will persist between
# instances.
validate_name = lambda x: clean_name(x, self.instance)
name_validators = list(self.fields['name'].validators)
self.fields['name'].validators = name_validators
def get_tags(self, addon):
if acl.action_allowed(self.request, 'Addons', 'Edit'):
return [t.tag_text for t in addon.tags.all()]
return [t.tag_text for t in addon.tags.filter(restricted=False)]
def save(self, addon, commit=False):
tags_new = self.cleaned_data['tags']
tags_old = [slugify(t, spaces=True) for t in self.get_tags(addon)]
# Add new tags.
for t in set(tags_new) - set(tags_old):
# Remove old tags.
for t in set(tags_old) - set(tags_new):
# We ignore `commit`, since we need it to be `False` so we can save
# the ManyToMany fields on our own.
addonform = super(AddonFormBasic, self).save(commit=False)
return addonform
def _post_clean(self):
if self.instance.is_webapp():
# Switch slug to app_slug in cleaned_data and self._meta.fields so
# we can update the app_slug field for webapps.
self._meta.fields = list(self._meta.fields)
slug_idx = self._meta.fields.index('slug')
data = self.cleaned_data
if 'slug' in data:
data['app_slug'] = data.pop('slug')
self._meta.fields[slug_idx] = 'app_slug'
super(AddonFormBasic, self)._post_clean()
self._meta.fields[slug_idx] = 'slug'
super(AddonFormBasic, self)._post_clean()
def clean_tags(self):
return clean_tags(self.request, self.cleaned_data['tags'])
def clean_slug(self):
target = self.cleaned_data['slug']
slug_validator(target, lower=False)
slug_field = 'app_slug' if self.instance.is_webapp() else 'slug'
if target != getattr(self.instance, slug_field):
if Addon.objects.filter(**{slug_field: target}).exists():
raise forms.ValidationError(_('This slug is already in use.'))
if BlacklistedSlug.blocked(target):
raise forms.ValidationError(_('The slug cannot be: %s.'
% target))
return target
class AppFormBasic(AddonFormBasic):
"""Form to override name length for apps."""
name = TransField(max_length=128)
class ApplicationChoiceField(forms.ModelChoiceField):
def label_from_instance(self, obj):
class DeviceTypeForm(forms.Form):
device_types = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
label=loc('Which device types does your app work with?'),
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.addon = kwargs.pop('addon')
super(DeviceTypeForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
device_types = AddonDeviceType.objects.filter(
addon=self.addon).values_list('device_type__id', flat=True)
if device_types:
self.initial['device_types'] = device_types
def save(self, addon):
new_types = self.cleaned_data['device_types']
old_types = addon.device_types
# Add new AddonDeviceTypes.
for d in set(new_types) - set(old_types):
AddonDeviceType(addon=addon, device_type=d).save()
# Remove old AddonDeviceTypes.
for d in set(old_types) - set(new_types):
AddonDeviceType.objects.filter(addon=addon, device_type=d).delete()
class CategoryForm(forms.Form):
application = ApplicationChoiceField(Application.objects.all(),
categories = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
queryset=Category.objects.all(), widget=CategoriesSelectMultiple)
def save(self, addon):
application = self.cleaned_data['application']
categories_new = self.cleaned_data['categories']
categories_old = [cats for app, cats in addon.app_categories if
(app and application and == or
(not app and not application)]
if categories_old:
categories_old = categories_old[0]
# Add new categories.
for c in set(categories_new) - set(categories_old):
AddonCategory(addon=addon, category=c).save()
# Remove old categories.
for c in set(categories_old) - set(categories_new):
AddonCategory.objects.filter(addon=addon, category=c).delete()
def clean_categories(self):
categories = self.cleaned_data['categories']
total = categories.count()
max_cat = amo.MAX_CATEGORIES
if getattr(self, 'disabled', False) and total:
if categories[0].type == amo.ADDON_WEBAPP:
raise forms.ValidationError(loc('Categories cannot be changed '
'while your app is featured for this application.'))
raise forms.ValidationError(_('Categories cannot be changed '
'while your add-on is featured for this application.'))
if total > max_cat:
# L10n: {0} is the number of categories.
raise forms.ValidationError(ngettext(
'You can have only {0} category.',
'You can have only {0} categories.',
has_misc = filter(lambda x: x.misc, categories)
if has_misc and total > 1:
raise forms.ValidationError(
_('The miscellaneous category cannot be combined with '
'additional categories.'))
return categories
class BaseCategoryFormSet(BaseFormSet):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.addon = kw.pop('addon')
self.request = kw.pop('request', None)
super(BaseCategoryFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
self.initial = []
if self.addon.type == amo.ADDON_WEBAPP:
apps = [None]
apps = sorted(self.addon.compatible_apps.keys(),
key=lambda x:
# Drop any apps that don't have appropriate categories.
qs = Category.objects.filter(type=self.addon.type)
if self.addon.type != amo.ADDON_WEBAPP:
qs = qs.filter(application__in=[ for a in apps])
app_cats = dict((k, list(v)) for k, v in
sorted_groupby(qs, 'application_id'))
for app in list(apps):
if app and not app_cats.get(
if not app_cats:
apps = []
for app in apps:
cats = dict(self.addon.app_categories).get(app, [])
self.initial.append({'categories': [ for c in cats]})
# Reconstruct the forms according to the initial data.
for app, form in zip(apps, self.forms):
key = if app else None
form.request = self.request
form.initial['application'] = key = app
cats = sorted(app_cats[key], key=lambda x:
form.fields['categories'].choices = [(, for c in cats]
# If this add-on is featured for this application, category
# changes are forbidden.
if not acl.action_allowed(self.request, 'Addons', 'Edit'):
form.disabled = (app and self.addon.is_featured(app))
def save(self):
for f in self.forms:
CategoryFormSet = formset_factory(form=CategoryForm,
formset=BaseCategoryFormSet, extra=0)
def icons():
Generates a list of tuples for the default icons for add-ons,
in the format (psuedo-mime-type, description).
icons = [('image/jpeg', 'jpeg'), ('image/png', 'png'), ('', 'default')]
dir_list = os.listdir(settings.ADDON_ICONS_DEFAULT_PATH)
for fname in dir_list:
if '32' in fname and not 'default' in fname:
icon_name = fname.split('-')[0]
icons.append(('icon/%s' % icon_name, icon_name))
return icons
class AddonFormMedia(AddonFormBase):
icon_type = forms.CharField(widget=forms.RadioSelect(
renderer=IconWidgetRenderer, choices=[]), required=False)
icon_upload_hash = forms.CharField(required=False)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('icon_upload_hash', 'icon_type')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AddonFormMedia, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Add icons here so we only read the directory when
# AddonFormMedia is actually being used.
self.fields['icon_type'].widget.choices = icons()
def save(self, addon, commit=True):
if self.cleaned_data['icon_upload_hash']:
upload_hash = self.cleaned_data['icon_upload_hash']
upload_path = os.path.join(settings.TMP_PATH, 'icon', upload_hash)
dirname = addon.get_icon_dir()
destination = os.path.join(dirname, '%s' %
devhub_tasks.resize_icon.delay(upload_path, destination,
return super(AddonFormMedia, self).save(commit)
class AddonFormDetails(AddonFormBase):
default_locale = forms.TypedChoiceField(choices=Addon.LOCALES)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('description', 'default_locale', 'homepage')
def clean(self):
# Make sure we have the required translations in the new locale.
required = 'name', 'summary', 'description'
data = self.cleaned_data
if not self.errors and 'default_locale' in self.changed_data:
fields = dict((k, getattr(self.instance, k + '_id'))
for k in required)
locale = self.cleaned_data['default_locale']
ids = filter(None, fields.values())
qs = (Translation.objects.filter(locale=locale, id__in=ids,
.values_list('id', flat=True))
missing = [k for k, v in fields.items() if v not in qs]
# They might be setting description right now.
if 'description' in missing and locale in data['description']:
if missing:
raise forms.ValidationError(
_('Before changing your default locale you must have a '
'name, summary, and description in that locale. '
'You are missing %s.') % ', '.join(map(repr, missing)))
return data
def get_satisfaction(url):
If there's a GetSatisfaction URL entered, we'll extract the product
and company name..
gs_regex = "getsatisfaction\.com/(\w*)(?:/products/(\w*))?"
match =, url)
if match:
return match.groups()
return None, None
class AddonFormSupport(AddonFormBase):
support_url = TransField.adapt(forms.URLField)(required=False,
support_email = TransField.adapt(forms.EmailField)(required=False)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('support_email', 'support_url')
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(AddonFormSupport, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
if self.instance.is_premium():
self.fields['support_email'].required = True
def save(self, addon, commit=True):
instance = self.instance
url = instance.support_url.localized_string
instance.get_satisfaction_product) = get_satisfaction(url)
return super(AddonFormSupport, self).save(commit)
class AddonFormTechnical(AddonFormBase):
developer_comments = TransField(widget=TransTextarea, required=False)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('developer_comments', 'view_source', 'site_specific',
'external_software', 'auto_repackage', 'public_stats')
class AddonForm(happyforms.ModelForm):
name = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
homepage = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput, required=False)
eula = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
description = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
developer_comments = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
privacy_policy = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
the_future = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
the_reason = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
support_email = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('name', 'homepage', 'default_locale', 'support_email',
'support_url', 'description', 'summary',
'developer_comments', 'eula', 'privacy_policy', 'the_reason',
'the_future', 'view_source', 'prerelease', 'site_specific',
'get_satisfaction_company', 'get_satisfaction_product',)
exclude = ('status', )
def clean_name(self):
name = self.cleaned_data['name']
return clean_name(name)
def save(self):
desc ='description')
if desc and desc != unicode(self.instance.description):
amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_DESCRIPTIONS, self.instance)
if self.changed_data:
amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, self.instance)
super(AddonForm, self).save()
class AbuseForm(happyforms.Form):
recaptcha = captcha.fields.ReCaptchaField(label='')
text = forms.CharField(required=True,
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.request = kwargs.pop('request')
super(AbuseForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if (not self.request.user.is_anonymous() or
del self.fields['recaptcha']
class NewPersonaForm(AddonFormBase):
name = forms.CharField(max_length=50)
category = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Category.objects.all(),
summary = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 4}),
max_length=250, required=False)
tags = forms.CharField(required=False)
license = forms.TypedChoiceField(choices=amo.PERSONA_LICENSES_IDS,
coerce=int, empty_value=None, widget=forms.HiddenInput,
error_messages={'required': _lazy(u'A license must be selected.')})
header = forms.FileField(required=False)
header_hash = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
footer = forms.FileField(required=False)
footer_hash = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
accentcolor = ColorField(required=False)
textcolor = ColorField(required=False)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('name', 'summary', 'tags')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(NewPersonaForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
cats = Category.objects.filter(,
type=amo.ADDON_PERSONA, weight__gte=0)
cats = sorted(cats, key=lambda x:
self.fields['category'].choices = [(, for c in cats]
self.fields['header'].widget.attrs['data-upload-url'] = reverse(
'devhub.personas.upload_persona', args=['persona_header'])
self.fields['footer'].widget.attrs['data-upload-url'] = reverse(
'devhub.personas.upload_persona', args=['persona_footer'])
def clean_name(self):
return clean_name(self.cleaned_data['name'])
def clean_tags(self):
return clean_tags(self.request, self.cleaned_data['tags'])
def save(self, commit=False):
from .tasks import create_persona_preview_image, save_persona_image
# We ignore `commit`, since we need it to be `False` so we can save
# the ManyToMany fields on our own.
addon = super(NewPersonaForm, self).save(commit=False)
addon.status = amo.STATUS_UNREVIEWED
addon.type = amo.ADDON_PERSONA
addon._current_version = Version.objects.create(addon=addon,
amo.log(amo.LOG.CREATE_ADDON, addon)
log.debug('New persona %r uploaded' % addon)
data = self.cleaned_data
header = data['header_hash']
footer = data['footer_hash']
header = os.path.join(settings.TMP_PATH, 'persona_header', header)
footer = os.path.join(settings.TMP_PATH, 'persona_footer', footer)
dst = os.path.join(settings.PERSONAS_PATH, str(
# Save header, footer, and preview images.
save_persona_image(src=header, dst=dst, img_basename='header.jpg')
save_persona_image(src=footer, dst=dst, img_basename='footer.jpg')
create_persona_preview_image(src=header, dst=dst,
# Save user info.
user = self.request.amo_user
AddonUser(addon=addon, user=user).save()
p = Persona()
p.persona_id = 0
p.addon = addon
p.header = 'header'
p.footer = 'footer'
if data['accentcolor']:
p.accentcolor = data['accentcolor'].lstrip('#')
if data['textcolor']:
p.textcolor = data['textcolor'].lstrip('#')
p.license_id = data['license']
p.submit = =
p.display_username = user.username
# Save tags.
for t in data['tags']:
# Save categories.
tb_c = Category.objects.get(,
AddonCategory(addon=addon, category=data['category']).save()
AddonCategory(addon=addon, category=tb_c).save()
return addon