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88 строки
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import jinja2
import jingo
from tower import ugettext as _
from access import acl
from reviews.models import ReviewFlag
from . import forms
def stars(num, large=False):
# check for 0.0 incase None was cast to a float. Should
# be safe since lowest rating you can give is 1.0
if num is None or num == 0.0:
return _('Not yet rated')
num = min(5, int(round(num)))
t = jingo.env.get_template('reviews/impala/reviews_rating.html')
# These are getting renamed for contextual sense in the template.
return jinja2.Markup(t.render(rating=num, detailpage=large))
def reviews_link(addon, collection_uuid=None, link_to_list=False):
t = jingo.env.get_template('reviews/reviews_link.html')
return jinja2.Markup(t.render(addon=addon, link_to_list=link_to_list,
def impala_reviews_link(addon, collection_uuid=None):
t = jingo.env.get_template('reviews/impala/reviews_link.html')
return jinja2.Markup(t.render(addon=addon,
def mobile_reviews_link(context, addon):
c = dict(context.items())
return c
def report_review_popup(context):
c = dict(context.items())
c.update(ReviewFlag=ReviewFlag, flag_form=forms.ReviewFlagForm())
return c
def edit_review_form(context):
c = dict(context.items())
return c
def user_can_delete_review(request, review):
"""Return whether or not the request.user can delete reviews.
People who can delete reviews:
* The original review author.
* Editors, but only if they aren't listed as an author of the add-on.
* Users in a group with "Users:Edit" privileges.
* Users in a group with "Addons:Edit" privileges.
TODO: Make this more granular when we have multiple reviewer types, e.g.
persona reviewers shouldn't be able to delete add-on reviews.
is_editor = acl.check_reviewer(request)
is_author = acl.check_addon_ownership(request, review.addon, viewer=True,
dev=True, support=True)
return (
review.user_id == request.user.id or
(is_editor and not is_author) or
acl.action_allowed(request, 'Users', 'Edit') or
acl.action_allowed(request, 'Addons', 'Edit'))
def check_review_delete(context, review):
return user_can_delete_review(context['request'], review)