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124 строки
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import itertools
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.sql import compiler
from django.utils import translation as translation_utils
import addons.query
def order_by_translation(qs, fieldname):
Order the QuerySet by the translated field, honoring the current and
fallback locales. Returns a new QuerySet.
The model being sorted needs a get_fallback() classmethod that describes
the fallback locale. get_fallback() can return a string or a Field.
if fieldname.startswith('-'):
desc = True
fieldname = fieldname[1:]
desc = False
qs = qs.all()
model = qs.model
field = model._meta.get_field(fieldname)
# (lhs, rhs, lhs_col, rhs_col) => lhs.lhs_col = rhs.rhs_col
connection = (model._meta.db_table, field.rel.to._meta.db_table,
field.column, field.rel.field_name)
# Doing the manual joins is flying under Django's radar, so we need to make
# sure the initial alias (the main table) is set up.
if not qs.query.tables:
# Force two LEFT JOINs against the translation table. We'll hook up the
# language fallbacks later.
qs.query = qs.query.clone(TranslationQuery)
t1 = qs.query.join(connection, always_create=True, promote=True)
t2 = qs.query.join(connection, always_create=True, promote=True)
qs.query.translation_aliases = {field: (t1, t2)}
f1, f2 = '%s.`localized_string`' % t1, '%s.`localized_string`' % t2
name = 'translated_%s' % field.column
ifnull = 'IFNULL(%s, %s)' % (f1, f2)
prefix = '-' if desc else ''
return qs.extra(select={name: ifnull},
where=['(%s IS NOT NULL OR %s IS NOT NULL)' % (f1, f2)],
order_by=[prefix + name])
class TranslationQuery(addons.query.IndexQuery):
Overrides sql.Query to hit our special compiler that knows how to JOIN
def clone(self, klass=None, **kwargs):
# Maintain translation_aliases across clones.
c = super(TranslationQuery, self).clone(klass, **kwargs)
c.translation_aliases = self.translation_aliases
return c
def get_compiler(self, using=None, connection=None):
# Call super to figure out using and connection.
c = super(TranslationQuery, self).get_compiler(using, connection)
return SQLCompiler(self, c.connection, c.using)
class SQLCompiler(addons.query.IndexCompiler):
"""Overrides get_from_clause to LEFT JOIN translations with a locale."""
def get_from_clause(self):
# Temporarily remove translation tables from query.tables so Django
# doesn't create joins against them.
old_tables = list(self.query.tables)
for table in itertools.chain(*self.query.translation_aliases.values()):
joins, params = super(SQLCompiler, self).get_from_clause()
# fallback could be a string locale or a model field.
if hasattr(self.query.model, 'get_fallback'):
fallback = self.query.model.get_fallback()
fallback = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
if not isinstance(fallback, models.Field):
# Add our locale-aware joins. We're not respecting the table ordering
# Django had in query.tables, but that seems to be ok.
for field, aliases in self.query.translation_aliases.items():
t1, t2 = aliases
joins.append(self.join_with_locale(t2, fallback))
self.query.tables = old_tables
return joins, params
def join_with_locale(self, alias, fallback=None):
# This is all lifted from the real sql.compiler.get_from_clause(),
# except for the extra AND clause. Fun project: fix Django to use Q
# objects here instead of a bunch of strings.
qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
mapping = self.query.alias_map[alias]
name, alias, join_type, lhs, lhs_col, col, nullable = mapping
alias_str = (alias != name and ' %s' % alias or '')
if isinstance(fallback, models.Field):
fallback_str = '%s.%s' % (qn(self.query.model._meta.db_table),
fallback_str = '%s'
return ('%s %s%s ON (%s.%s = %s.%s AND %s.%s = %s)' %
(join_type, qn(name), alias_str,
qn(lhs), qn2(lhs_col), qn(alias), qn2(col),
qn(alias), qn('locale'), fallback_str))