88 строки
3.3 KiB
88 строки
3.3 KiB
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connections, models, router
from django.utils import translation
from olympia.translations.models import Translation
from olympia.translations.fields import TranslatedField
isnull = """IF(!ISNULL({t1}.localized_string), {t1}.{col}, {t2}.{col})
AS {name}_{col}"""
join = """LEFT OUTER JOIN translations {t}
ON ({t}.id={model}.{name} AND {t}.locale={locale})"""
no_locale_join = """LEFT OUTER JOIN translations {t}
ON {t}.id={model}.{name}"""
trans_fields = [f.name for f in Translation._meta.fields]
def build_query(model, connection):
qn = connection.ops.quote_name
selects, joins, params = [], [], []
# The model can define a fallback locale (which may be a Field).
if hasattr(model, 'get_fallback'):
fallback = model.get_fallback()
fallback = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
if not hasattr(model._meta, 'translated_fields'):
model._meta.translated_fields = [f for f in model._meta.fields
if isinstance(f, TranslatedField)]
# Add the selects and joins for each translated field on the model.
for field in model._meta.translated_fields:
if isinstance(fallback, models.Field):
fallback_str = '%s.%s' % (qn(model._meta.db_table),
fallback_str = '%s'
name = field.column
d = {'t1': 't1_' + name, 't2': 't2_' + name,
'model': qn(model._meta.db_table), 'name': name}
selects.extend(isnull.format(col=f, **d) for f in trans_fields)
joins.append(join.format(t=d['t1'], locale='%s', **d))
if field.require_locale:
joins.append(join.format(t=d['t2'], locale=fallback_str, **d))
if not isinstance(fallback, models.Field):
joins.append(no_locale_join.format(t=d['t2'], **d))
# ids will be added later on.
sql = """SELECT {model}.{pk}, {selects} FROM {model} {joins}
WHERE {model}.{pk} IN {{ids}}"""
s = sql.format(selects=','.join(selects), joins='\n'.join(joins),
model=qn(model._meta.db_table), pk=model._meta.pk.column)
return s, params
def get_trans(items):
if not items:
model = items[0].__class__
# FIXME: if we knew which db the queryset we are transforming used, we
# could make sure we are re-using the same one.
dbname = router.db_for_read(model)
connection = connections[dbname]
sql, params = build_query(model, connection)
item_dict = dict((item.pk, item) for item in items)
ids = ','.join(map(str, item_dict.keys()))
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql.format(ids='(%s)' % ids), tuple(params))
step = len(trans_fields)
for row in cursor.fetchall():
# We put the item's pk as the first selected field.
item = item_dict[row[0]]
for index, field in enumerate(model._meta.translated_fields):
start = 1 + step * index
t = Translation(*row[start:start + step])
if t.id is not None and t.localized_string is not None:
setattr(item, field.name, t)