
630 строки
24 KiB

from datetime import datetime
import os
import re
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from import default_storage as storage
from django.forms.formsets import formset_factory
import commonware.log
import happyforms
from quieter_formset.formset import BaseFormSet
from tower import ugettext as _, ugettext_lazy as _lazy, ungettext as ngettext
from access import acl
import amo
import captcha.fields
from amo.fields import ColorField
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from amo.utils import slug_validator, slugify, sorted_groupby, remove_icons
from addons.models import (Addon, AddonDeviceType, AddonCategory, AddonUser,
BlacklistedSlug, Category, Persona)
from addons.utils import reverse_name_lookup
from addons.widgets import IconWidgetRenderer, CategoriesSelectMultiple
from applications.models import Application
from devhub import tasks as devhub_tasks
from editors.models import RereviewQueue
from tags.models import Tag
from translations.fields import TransField, TransTextarea
from translations.forms import TranslationFormMixin
from translations.models import Translation
from translations.widgets import TranslationTextInput
from versions.models import Version
log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.addons')
def clean_name(name, instance=None):
if not instance:
log.debug('clean_name called without an instance: %s' % name)
if instance:
id = reverse_name_lookup(name, instance.is_webapp())
id = reverse_name_lookup(name)
# If we get an id and either there's no instance or the != id.
if id and (not instance or id !=
raise forms.ValidationError(_('This name is already in use. Please '
'choose another.'))
return name
def clean_tags(request, tags):
target = [slugify(t, spaces=True, lower=True) for t in tags.split(',')]
target = set(filter(None, target))
min_len = amo.MIN_TAG_LENGTH
max_len = Tag._meta.get_field('tag_text').max_length
max_tags = amo.MAX_TAGS
total = len(target)
blacklisted = (Tag.objects.values_list('tag_text', flat=True)
.filter(tag_text__in=target, blacklisted=True))
if blacklisted:
# L10n: {0} is a single tag or a comma-separated list of tags.
msg = ngettext('Invalid tag: {0}', 'Invalid tags: {0}',
len(blacklisted)).format(', '.join(blacklisted))
raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
restricted = (Tag.objects.values_list('tag_text', flat=True)
.filter(tag_text__in=target, restricted=True))
if not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Addons', 'Edit'):
if restricted:
# L10n: {0} is a single tag or a comma-separated list of tags.
msg = ngettext('"{0}" is a reserved tag and cannot be used.',
'"{0}" are reserved tags and cannot be used.',
len(restricted)).format('", "'.join(restricted))
raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
# Admin's restricted tags don't count towards the limit.
total = len(target - set(restricted))
if total > max_tags:
num = total - max_tags
msg = ngettext('You have {0} too many tags.',
'You have {0} too many tags.', num).format(num)
raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
if any(t for t in target if len(t) > max_len):
raise forms.ValidationError(_('All tags must be %s characters '
'or less after invalid characters are removed.' % max_len))
if any(t for t in target if len(t) < min_len):
msg = ngettext("All tags must be at least {0} character.",
"All tags must be at least {0} characters.",
raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
return target
class AddonFormBase(TranslationFormMixin, happyforms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.request = kw.pop('request')
super(AddonFormBase, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
class Meta:
models = Addon
fields = ('name', 'slug', 'summary', 'tags')
class AddonFormBasic(AddonFormBase):
name = TransField(max_length=50)
slug = forms.CharField(max_length=30)
summary = TransField(widget=TransTextarea(attrs={'rows': 4}),
tags = forms.CharField(required=False)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('name', 'slug', 'summary', 'tags')
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
# Force the form to use app_slug if this is a webapp. We want to keep
# this under "slug" so all the js continues to work.
if kw['instance'].is_webapp():
kw.setdefault('initial', {})['slug'] = kw['instance'].app_slug
super(AddonFormBasic, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
self.fields['tags'].initial = ', '.join(self.get_tags(self.instance))
# Do not simply append validators, as validators will persist between
# instances.
validate_name = lambda x: clean_name(x, self.instance)
name_validators = list(self.fields['name'].validators)
self.fields['name'].validators = name_validators
def get_tags(self, addon):
if acl.action_allowed(self.request, 'Addons', 'Edit'):
return [t.tag_text for t in addon.tags.all()]
return [t.tag_text for t in addon.tags.filter(restricted=False)]
def save(self, addon, commit=False):
tags_new = self.cleaned_data['tags']
tags_old = [slugify(t, spaces=True) for t in self.get_tags(addon)]
# Add new tags.
for t in set(tags_new) - set(tags_old):
# Remove old tags.
for t in set(tags_old) - set(tags_new):
# We ignore `commit`, since we need it to be `False` so we can save
# the ManyToMany fields on our own.
addonform = super(AddonFormBasic, self).save(commit=False)
return addonform
def _post_clean(self):
if self.instance.is_webapp():
# Switch slug to app_slug in cleaned_data and self._meta.fields so
# we can update the app_slug field for webapps.
self._meta.fields = list(self._meta.fields)
slug_idx = self._meta.fields.index('slug')
data = self.cleaned_data
if 'slug' in data:
data['app_slug'] = data.pop('slug')
self._meta.fields[slug_idx] = 'app_slug'
super(AddonFormBasic, self)._post_clean()
self._meta.fields[slug_idx] = 'slug'
super(AddonFormBasic, self)._post_clean()
def clean_tags(self):
return clean_tags(self.request, self.cleaned_data['tags'])
def clean_slug(self):
target = self.cleaned_data['slug']
slug_validator(target, lower=False)
slug_field = 'app_slug' if self.instance.is_webapp() else 'slug'
if target != getattr(self.instance, slug_field):
if Addon.objects.filter(**{slug_field: target}).exists():
raise forms.ValidationError(_('This slug is already in use.'))
if BlacklistedSlug.blocked(target):
raise forms.ValidationError(_('The slug cannot be: %s.'
% target))
return target
class AppFormBasic(AddonFormBasic):
"""Form to override name length for apps."""
name = TransField(max_length=128)
class ApplicationChoiceField(forms.ModelChoiceField):
def label_from_instance(self, obj):
class DeviceTypeForm(forms.Form):
device_types = forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField(
choices=[(k, for k, v in amo.DEVICE_TYPES.items()],
label=_lazy(u'Which device types does your app work with?'),
initial=amo.DEVICE_TYPES.keys(), widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.addon = kwargs.pop('addon')
super(DeviceTypeForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
device_types = AddonDeviceType.objects.filter(
addon=self.addon).values_list('device_type', flat=True)
if device_types:
self.initial['device_types'] = device_types
def save(self, addon):
new_types = self.cleaned_data['device_types']
old_types = [ for x in addon.device_types]
added_devices = set(new_types) - set(old_types)
removed_devices = set(old_types) - set(new_types)
for d in added_devices:
AddonDeviceType(addon=addon, device_type=d).save()
for d in removed_devices:
addon=addon, device_type=d).delete()
# Send app to re-review queue if public and new devices are added.
if added_devices and self.addon.status == amo.STATUS_PUBLIC:
msg = _(u'Device(s) changed: {0}').format(', '.join(
[_(u'Added {0}').format(unicode(amo.DEVICE_TYPES[d].name))
for d in added_devices] +
[_(u'Removed {0}').format(unicode(amo.DEVICE_TYPES[d].name))
for d in removed_devices]))
RereviewQueue.flag(self.addon, amo.LOG.REREVIEW_DEVICES_ADDED, msg)
class CategoryForm(forms.Form):
application = ApplicationChoiceField(Application.objects.all(),
categories = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
queryset=Category.objects.all(), widget=CategoriesSelectMultiple)
def save(self, addon):
application = self.cleaned_data['application']
categories_new = self.cleaned_data['categories']
categories_old = [cats for app, cats in addon.app_categories if
(app and application and == or
(not app and not application)]
if categories_old:
categories_old = categories_old[0]
# Add new categories.
for c in set(categories_new) - set(categories_old):
AddonCategory(addon=addon, category=c).save()
# Remove old categories.
for c in set(categories_old) - set(categories_new):
AddonCategory.objects.filter(addon=addon, category=c).delete()
def clean_categories(self):
categories = self.cleaned_data['categories']
total = categories.count()
max_cat = amo.MAX_CATEGORIES
if getattr(self, 'disabled', False) and total:
if categories[0].type == amo.ADDON_WEBAPP:
raise forms.ValidationError(_('Categories cannot be changed '
'while your app is featured for this application.'))
raise forms.ValidationError(_('Categories cannot be changed '
'while your add-on is featured for this application.'))
if total > max_cat:
# L10n: {0} is the number of categories.
raise forms.ValidationError(ngettext(
'You can have only {0} category.',
'You can have only {0} categories.',
has_misc = filter(lambda x: x.misc, categories)
if has_misc and total > 1:
raise forms.ValidationError(
_('The miscellaneous category cannot be combined with '
'additional categories.'))
return categories
class BaseCategoryFormSet(BaseFormSet):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.addon = kw.pop('addon')
self.request = kw.pop('request', None)
super(BaseCategoryFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
self.initial = []
if self.addon.type == amo.ADDON_WEBAPP:
apps = [None]
apps = sorted(self.addon.compatible_apps.keys(),
key=lambda x:
# Drop any apps that don't have appropriate categories.
qs = Category.objects.filter(type=self.addon.type)
if self.addon.type != amo.ADDON_WEBAPP:
qs = qs.filter(application__in=[ for a in apps])
app_cats = dict((k, list(v)) for k, v in
sorted_groupby(qs, 'application_id'))
for app in list(apps):
if app and not app_cats.get(
if not app_cats:
apps = []
for app in apps:
cats = dict(self.addon.app_categories).get(app, [])
self.initial.append({'categories': [ for c in cats]})
# Reconstruct the forms according to the initial data.
for app, form in zip(apps, self.forms):
key = if app else None
form.request = self.request
form.initial['application'] = key = app
cats = sorted(app_cats[key], key=lambda x:
form.fields['categories'].choices = [(, for c in cats]
# If this add-on is featured for this application, category
# changes are forbidden.
if not acl.action_allowed(self.request, 'Addons', 'Edit'):
form.disabled = (app and self.addon.is_featured(app))
def save(self):
for f in self.forms:
CategoryFormSet = formset_factory(form=CategoryForm,
formset=BaseCategoryFormSet, extra=0)
def icons():
Generates a list of tuples for the default icons for add-ons,
in the format (psuedo-mime-type, description).
icons = [('image/jpeg', 'jpeg'), ('image/png', 'png'), ('', 'default')]
dirs, files = storage.listdir(settings.ADDON_ICONS_DEFAULT_PATH)
for fname in files:
if '32' in fname and not 'default' in fname:
icon_name = fname.split('-')[0]
icons.append(('icon/%s' % icon_name, icon_name))
return icons
class AddonFormMedia(AddonFormBase):
icon_type = forms.CharField(widget=forms.RadioSelect(
renderer=IconWidgetRenderer, choices=[]), required=False)
icon_upload_hash = forms.CharField(required=False)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('icon_upload_hash', 'icon_type')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AddonFormMedia, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Add icons here so we only read the directory when
# AddonFormMedia is actually being used.
self.fields['icon_type'].widget.choices = icons()
def save(self, addon, commit=True):
if self.cleaned_data['icon_upload_hash']:
upload_hash = self.cleaned_data['icon_upload_hash']
upload_path = os.path.join(settings.TMP_PATH, 'icon', upload_hash)
dirname = addon.get_icon_dir()
destination = os.path.join(dirname, '%s' %
devhub_tasks.resize_icon.delay(upload_path, destination,
return super(AddonFormMedia, self).save(commit)
class AddonFormDetails(AddonFormBase):
default_locale = forms.TypedChoiceField(choices=Addon.LOCALES)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('description', 'default_locale', 'homepage')
def clean(self):
# Make sure we have the required translations in the new locale.
required = 'name', 'summary', 'description'
data = self.cleaned_data
if not self.errors and 'default_locale' in self.changed_data:
fields = dict((k, getattr(self.instance, k + '_id'))
for k in required)
locale = self.cleaned_data['default_locale']
ids = filter(None, fields.values())
qs = (Translation.objects.filter(locale=locale, id__in=ids,
.values_list('id', flat=True))
missing = [k for k, v in fields.items() if v not in qs]
# They might be setting description right now.
if 'description' in missing and locale in data['description']:
if missing:
raise forms.ValidationError(
_('Before changing your default locale you must have a '
'name, summary, and description in that locale. '
'You are missing %s.') % ', '.join(map(repr, missing)))
return data
def get_satisfaction(url):
If there's a GetSatisfaction URL entered, we'll extract the product
and company name..
gs_regex = "getsatisfaction\.com/(\w*)(?:/products/(\w*))?"
match =, url)
if match:
return match.groups()
return None, None
class AddonFormSupport(AddonFormBase):
support_url = TransField.adapt(forms.URLField)(required=False,
support_email = TransField.adapt(forms.EmailField)(required=False)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('support_email', 'support_url')
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(AddonFormSupport, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
if self.instance.is_premium():
self.fields['support_email'].required = True
def save(self, addon, commit=True):
instance = self.instance
url = instance.support_url.localized_string
instance.get_satisfaction_product) = get_satisfaction(url)
return super(AddonFormSupport, self).save(commit)
class AddonFormTechnical(AddonFormBase):
developer_comments = TransField(widget=TransTextarea, required=False)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('developer_comments', 'view_source', 'site_specific',
'external_software', 'auto_repackage', 'public_stats')
class AddonForm(happyforms.ModelForm):
name = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
homepage = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput, required=False)
eula = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
description = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
developer_comments = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
privacy_policy = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
the_future = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
the_reason = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
support_email = forms.CharField(widget=TranslationTextInput,)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('name', 'homepage', 'default_locale', 'support_email',
'support_url', 'description', 'summary',
'developer_comments', 'eula', 'privacy_policy', 'the_reason',
'the_future', 'view_source', 'prerelease', 'site_specific',
'get_satisfaction_company', 'get_satisfaction_product',)
exclude = ('status', )
def clean_name(self):
name = self.cleaned_data['name']
return clean_name(name)
def save(self):
desc ='description')
if desc and desc != unicode(self.instance.description):
amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_DESCRIPTIONS, self.instance)
if self.changed_data:
amo.log(amo.LOG.EDIT_PROPERTIES, self.instance)
super(AddonForm, self).save()
class AbuseForm(happyforms.Form):
recaptcha = captcha.fields.ReCaptchaField(label='')
text = forms.CharField(required=True,
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.request = kwargs.pop('request')
super(AbuseForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if (not self.request.user.is_anonymous() or
del self.fields['recaptcha']
class NewPersonaForm(AddonFormBase):
name = forms.CharField(max_length=50)
category = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Category.objects.all(),
summary = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 4}),
max_length=250, required=False)
tags = forms.CharField(required=False)
license = forms.TypedChoiceField(choices=amo.PERSONA_LICENSES_IDS,
coerce=int, empty_value=None, widget=forms.HiddenInput,
error_messages={'required': _lazy(u'A license must be selected.')})
header = forms.FileField(required=False)
header_hash = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
footer = forms.FileField(required=False)
footer_hash = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
accentcolor = ColorField(required=False)
textcolor = ColorField(required=False)
# This lets us POST the data URIs of the unsaved previews so we can still
# show them if there were form errors. It's really clever.
unsaved_data = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput)
class Meta:
model = Addon
fields = ('name', 'summary', 'tags')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(NewPersonaForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
cats = Category.objects.filter(,
type=amo.ADDON_PERSONA, weight__gte=0)
cats = sorted(cats, key=lambda x:
self.fields['category'].choices = [(, for c in cats]
self.fields['header'].widget.attrs['data-upload-url'] = reverse(
'devhub.personas.upload_persona', args=['persona_header'])
self.fields['footer'].widget.attrs['data-upload-url'] = reverse(
'devhub.personas.upload_persona', args=['persona_footer'])
def clean_name(self):
return clean_name(self.cleaned_data['name'])
def clean_tags(self):
return clean_tags(self.request, self.cleaned_data['tags'])
def save(self, commit=False):
from .tasks import create_persona_preview_image, save_persona_image
# We ignore `commit`, since we need it to be `False` so we can save
# the ManyToMany fields on our own.
addon = super(NewPersonaForm, self).save(commit=False)
addon.status = amo.STATUS_UNREVIEWED
addon.type = amo.ADDON_PERSONA
addon._current_version = Version.objects.create(addon=addon,
amo.log(amo.LOG.CREATE_ADDON, addon)
log.debug('New persona %r uploaded' % addon)
data = self.cleaned_data
header = data['header_hash']
footer = data['footer_hash']
header = os.path.join(settings.TMP_PATH, 'persona_header', header)
footer = os.path.join(settings.TMP_PATH, 'persona_footer', footer)
dst = os.path.join(settings.PERSONAS_PATH, str(
# Save header, footer, and preview images.
save_persona_image(src=header, dst=dst, img_basename='header.jpg')
save_persona_image(src=footer, dst=dst, img_basename='footer.jpg')
create_persona_preview_image(src=header, dst=dst,
# Save user info.
user = self.request.amo_user
AddonUser(addon=addon, user=user).save()
p = Persona()
p.persona_id = 0
p.addon = addon
p.header = 'header'
p.footer = 'footer'
if data['accentcolor']:
p.accentcolor = data['accentcolor'].lstrip('#')
if data['textcolor']:
p.textcolor = data['textcolor'].lstrip('#')
p.license_id = data['license']
p.submit = =
p.display_username = user.username
# Save tags.
for t in data['tags']:
# Save categories.
tb_c = Category.objects.get(,
AddonCategory(addon=addon, category=data['category']).save()
AddonCategory(addon=addon, category=tb_c).save()
return addon
class ContributionForm(happyforms.Form):
amount = forms.DecimalField(required=True)