347 строки
11 KiB
347 строки
11 KiB
import jinja2
from jingo import register, env
from tower import ugettext as _
from . import buttons
from amo.utils import chunked
import amo
def statusflags(context, addon):
"""unreviewed/recommended status flags for use as CSS classes"""
app = context['APP']
lang = context['LANG']
if addon.is_unreviewed():
return 'unreviewed'
elif addon.is_featured(app, lang):
return 'featuredaddon'
elif addon.is_selfhosted():
return 'selfhosted'
return ''
def flag(context, addon):
"""unreviewed/recommended flag heading."""
status = statusflags(context, addon)
msg = {'unreviewed': _('Not Reviewed'), 'featuredaddon': _('Featured'),
'selfhosted': _('Self Hosted')}
if status:
return jinja2.Markup(u'<h5 class="flag">%s</h5>' % msg[status])
return ''
def performance_note(context, amount, listing=False):
return new_context(**locals())
def impala_performance_note(context, amount, listing=False):
return new_context(**locals())
def upsell_note(context, addon, module_context='impala'):
return new_context(**locals())
def dependencies_note(context, addon, module_context='impala'):
return new_context(**locals())
def contribution(context, addon, text=None, src='', show_install=False,
show_help=True, large=False, contribution_src=None):
Show a contribution box.
text: The begging text at the top of the box.
src: The page where the contribution link is coming from.
show_install: Whether or not to show the install button.
show_help: Show "What's this?" link?
contribution_src: The source for the contribution src,
will use src if not provided.
if not contribution_src:
contribution_src = src
has_suggested = bool(addon.suggested_amount)
return new_context(**locals())
def impala_contribution(context, addon, text=None, src='', show_install=False,
show_help=True, large=False, contribution_src=None):
Show a contribution box.
text: The begging text at the top of the box.
src: The page where the contribution link is coming from.
show_install: Whether or not to show the install button.
show_help: Show "What's this?" link?
contribution_src: The source for the contribution src,
will use src if not provided.
if not contribution_src:
contribution_src = src
has_suggested = bool(addon.suggested_amount)
return new_context(**locals())
def review_list_box(context, addon, reviews):
"""Details page: Show a box with three add-on reviews."""
c = dict(context.items())
c.update(addon=addon, reviews=reviews)
return c
def impala_review_list_box(context, addon, reviews):
"""Details page: Show a box with three add-on reviews."""
c = dict(context.items())
c.update(addon=addon, reviews=reviews)
return c
def review_add_box(context, addon):
"""Details page: Show a box for the user to post a review."""
c = dict(context.items())
c['addon'] = addon
return c
def impala_review_add_box(context, addon):
"""Details page: Show a box for the user to post a review."""
c = dict(context.items())
c['addon'] = addon
return c
def tags_box(context, addon, tags=None):
Details page: Show a box with existing tags along with a form to add new
c = dict(context.items())
c.update({'addon': addon,
'tags': tags})
return c
def addon_listing_items(context, addons, show_date=False,
show_downloads=False, src=None, notes={}):
return new_context(**locals())
def impala_addon_listing_items(context, addons, field=None, src=None,
dl_src=None, notes={}):
if not src:
src = context.get('src')
if not dl_src:
dl_src = context.get('dl_src', src)
return new_context(**locals())
def addon_listing_items_compact(context, addons, show_date=False, src=None):
return new_context(**locals())
def addon_listing_items_mobile(context, addons, sort=None, src=None,
return new_context(**locals())
def addon_listing_header(context, url_base, sort_opts, selected):
return new_context(**locals())
def impala_addon_listing_header(context, url_base, sort_opts={}, selected=None,
extra_sort_opts={}, search_filter=None):
if search_filter:
selected = search_filter.field
sort_opts = search_filter.opts
if hasattr(search_filter, 'extras'):
extra_sort_opts = search_filter.extras
# When an "extra" sort option becomes selected, it will appear alongside
# the normal sort options.
old_extras = extra_sort_opts
sort_opts, extra_sort_opts = list(sort_opts), []
for k, v in old_extras:
if k == selected:
sort_opts.append((k, v, True))
extra_sort_opts.append((k, v))
return new_context(**locals())
def sidebar_listing(context, addon):
return new_context(**locals())
def addon_hovercard(context, addon, lazyload=False, src=None, dl_src=None):
if not src:
src = context.get('src')
if not dl_src:
dl_src = context.get('dl_src', src)
vital_summary = context.get('vital_summary') or 'rating'
vital_more_default = 'downloads' if addon.is_webapp() else 'adu'
vital_more = context.get('vital_more')
if 'vital_more' not in context:
vital_more = vital_more_default
return new_context(**locals())
def addon_grid(context, addons, src=None, dl_src=None, pagesize=6, cols=2,
vital_summary='rating', vital_more='adu'):
if not src:
src = context.get('src')
# dl_src is an optional src parameter just for the download links
if not dl_src:
dl_src = context.get('dl_src', src)
pages = chunked(addons, pagesize)
columns = 'cols-%d' % cols
return new_context(**locals())
def featured_grid(context, addons, src=None, dl_src=None, pagesize=3, cols=3):
if not src:
src = context.get('src')
# dl_src is an optional src paramater just for the download links
if not dl_src:
dl_src = src
pages = chunked(addons, pagesize)
columns = '' if cols != 3 else 'three-col'
return new_context(**locals())
def addon_toplist(context, addons, vital='users', src=None):
return new_context(**locals())
def new_context(context, **kw):
c = dict(context.items())
return c
def persona_preview(context, persona, size='large', linked=True, extra=None,
details=False, title=False, caption=False, url=None):
preview_map = {'large': persona.preview_url,
'small': persona.thumb_url}
addon = persona.addon
c = dict(context.items())
c.update({'persona': persona, 'addon': addon, 'linked': linked,
'size': size, 'preview': preview_map[size], 'extra': extra,
'details': details, 'title': title, 'caption': caption,
'url_': url})
return c
def mobile_persona_preview(context, persona):
addon = persona.addon
c = dict(context.items())
c.update({'persona': persona, 'addon': addon})
return c
def mobile_persona_confirm(context, persona, size='large'):
addon = persona.addon
c = dict(context.items())
c.update({'persona': persona, 'addon': addon, 'size': size})
return c
def persona_grid(context, addons):
return new_context(**locals())
def impala_persona_grid(context, personas, src=None, pagesize=6, cols=3):
pages = chunked(personas, pagesize)
columns = 'cols-%d' % cols
return new_context(**locals())
def theme_grid(context, themes, src=None, dl_src=None):
src = context.get('src', src)
if not dl_src:
dl_src = context.get('dl_src', src)
return new_context(**locals())
def addon_report_abuse(context, hide, addon):
return new_context(**locals())