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from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.fields import related
from django.utils import translation as translation_utils
from django.utils.translation.trans_real import to_language
from .models import Translation, PurifiedTranslation, LinkifiedTranslation
from .widgets import TransInput, TransTextarea
class TranslatedField(models.ForeignKey):
A foreign key to the translations table.
If require_locale=False, the fallback join will not use a locale. Instead,
we will look for 1) a translation in the current locale and 2) fallback
with any translation matching the foreign key.
to = Translation
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# to_field: The field on the related object that the relation is to.
# Django wants to default to translations.autoid, but we need id.
options = dict(null=True, to_field='id', unique=True, blank=True)
self.short = kwargs.pop('short', True)
self.require_locale = kwargs.pop('require_locale', True)
super(TranslatedField, self).__init__(, **kwargs)
def db_column(self):
# Django wants to call the db_column ('%s_id' %, but our
# translations foreign keys aren't set up that way.
return self._db_column if hasattr(self, '_db_column') else
def db_column(self, value):
# Django sets db_column=None to initialize it. I don't think anyone
# would set the db_column otherwise.
if value is not None:
self._db_column = value
def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
"""Add this Translation to ``cls._meta.translated_fields``."""
super(TranslatedField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name)
# Add self to the list of translated fields.
if hasattr(cls._meta, 'translated_fields'):
cls._meta.translated_fields = [self]
# Set up a unique related name. The + means it's hidden.
self.rel.related_name = '%s_%s_set+' % (cls.__name__, name)
# Replace the normal descriptor with our custom descriptor.
setattr(cls,, TranslationDescriptor(self))
def formfield(self, **kw):
widget = TransInput if self.short else TransTextarea
defaults = {'form_class': TransField, 'widget': widget}
return super(TranslatedField, self).formfield(**defaults)
def validate(self, value, model_instance):
# Skip ForeignKey.validate since that expects only one Translation when
# doing .get(id=id)
return models.Field.validate(self, value, model_instance)
class PurifiedField(TranslatedField):
to = PurifiedTranslation
class LinkifiedField(TranslatedField):
to = LinkifiedTranslation
def switch(obj, new_model):
"""Switch between Translation and Purified/Linkified Translations."""
fields = [(, getattr(obj, for f in new_model._meta.fields]
return new_model(**dict(fields))
def save_on_signal(obj, trans):
"""Connect signals so the translation gets saved during"""
signal = models.signals.pre_save
def cb(sender, instance, **kw):
if instance is obj:
is_new = trans.autoid is None, force_update=not is_new)
signal.connect(cb, sender=obj.__class__, weak=False)
class TranslationDescriptor(related.ReverseSingleRelatedObjectDescriptor):
Descriptor that handles creating and updating Translations given strings.
def __init__(self, field):
super(TranslationDescriptor, self).__init__(field)
self.model =
def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None):
if instance is None:
return self
# If Django doesn't find find the value in the cache (which would only
# happen if the field was set or accessed already), it does a db query
# to follow the foreign key. We expect translations to be set by
# queryset transforms, so doing a query is the wrong thing here.
return getattr(instance, self.field.get_cache_name())
except AttributeError:
return None
def __set__(self, instance, value):
lang = translation_utils.get_language()
if isinstance(value, basestring):
value = self.translation_from_string(instance, lang, value)
elif hasattr(value, 'items'):
value = self.translation_from_dict(instance, lang, value)
# Don't let this be set to None, because Django will then blank out the
# foreign key for this object. That's incorrect for translations.
if value is not None:
# We always get these back from the database as Translations, but
# we may want them to be a more specific Purified/Linkified child
# class.
if not isinstance(value, self.model):
value = switch(value, self.model)
super(TranslationDescriptor, self).__set__(instance, value)
elif getattr(instance, self.field.attname, None) is None:
super(TranslationDescriptor, self).__set__(instance, None)
def translation_from_string(self, instance, lang, string):
"""Create, save, and return a Translation from a string."""
trans = getattr(instance,
trans_id = getattr(instance, self.field.attname)
if trans is None and trans_id is not None:
# This locale doesn't have a translation set, but there are
# translations in another locale, so we have an id already.
translation =, lang, id=trans_id)
elif to_language(trans.locale) == lang.lower():
# Replace the translation in the current language.
trans.localized_string = string
translation = trans
# We already have a translation in a different language.
translation =, lang,
except AttributeError:
# Create a brand new translation.
translation =, lang)
save_on_signal(instance, translation)
return translation
def translation_from_dict(self, instance, lang, dict_):
Create Translations from a {'locale': 'string'} mapping.
If one of the locales matches lang, that Translation will be returned.
rv = None
for locale, string in dict_.items():
loc = locale.lower()
if (loc not in settings.LANGUAGES and
loc not in settings.HIDDEN_LANGUAGES):
# The Translation is created and saved in here.
trans = self.translation_from_string(instance, locale, string)
# Set the Translation on the object because translation_from_string
# doesn't expect Translations to be created but not attached.
self.__set__(instance, trans)
# If we're setting the current locale, set it to the object so
# callers see the expected effect.
if to_language(locale) == lang:
rv = trans
return rv
class _TransField(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.default_locale = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
for k in ('queryset', 'to_field_name'):
if k in kwargs:
del kwargs[k]
self.widget = kwargs.pop('widget', TransInput)
super(_TransField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def clean(self, value):
errors = LocaleList()
value = dict((k, v.strip() if v else v) for (k, v) in value.items())
# Raise an exception if the default locale is required and not present
if self.default_locale.lower() not in value:
value[self.default_locale.lower()] = None
# Now, loop through them and validate them separately.
for locale, val in value.items():
# Only the default locale can be required; all non-default
# fields are automatically optional.
if self.default_locale.lower() == locale:
super(_TransField, self).validate(val)
super(_TransField, self).run_validators(val)
except forms.ValidationError, e:
errors.extend(e.messages, locale)
if errors:
raise LocaleValidationError(errors)
return value
class LocaleValidationError(forms.ValidationError):
def __init__(self, messages, code=None, params=None):
self.messages = messages
class TransField(_TransField, forms.CharField):
A CharField subclass that can deal with multiple locales.
Most validators are run over the data for each locale. The required
validator is only run on the default_locale, which is hooked up to the
instance with TranslationFormMixin.
def adapt(cls, opts={}):
"""Get a new TransField that subclasses cls instead of CharField."""
return type('Trans%s' % cls.__name__, (_TransField, cls), opts)
# Subclass list so that isinstance(list) in Django works.
class LocaleList(dict):
List-like objects that maps list elements to a locale.
>>> LocaleList([1, 2], 'en')
[1, 2]
['en', 'en']
This is useful for validation error lists where we want to associate an
error with a locale.
def __init__(self, seq=None, locale=None):
self.seq, self.locales = [], []
if seq:
assert seq and locale
self.extend(seq, locale)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(
def extend(self, seq, locale):
self.locales.extend([locale] * len(seq))
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.seq)
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self.seq
def zip(self):
return zip(self.locales, self.seq)