81 строка
2.2 KiB
81 строка
2.2 KiB
from django import http
from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
from tower import ugettext as _
from amo.helpers import absolutify, page_name
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from access import acl
from addons.models import Addon
from browse.feeds import AddonFeedMixin
from . import views
class CollectionFeedMixin(Feed):
"""Common pieces for collections in a feed."""
def item_link(self, c):
return absolutify(c.get_url_path())
def item_title(self, c):
return unicode(c.name or '')
def item_description(self, c):
return unicode(c.description or '')
def item_author_name(self, c):
return c.author_username
def item_pubdate(self, c):
sort = self.request.GET.get('sort')
return c.created if sort == 'created' else c.modified
class CollectionFeed(CollectionFeedMixin, Feed):
request = None
def get_object(self, request):
self.request = request
def title(self, c):
app = page_name(self.request.APP)
# L10n: {0} is 'Add-ons for <app>'.
return _(u'Collections :: %s') % app
def link(self):
return absolutify(reverse('collections.list'))
def description(self):
return _('Collections are groups of related add-ons that anyone can '
'create and share.')
def items(self):
return views.get_filter(self.request).qs[:20]
class CollectionDetailFeed(AddonFeedMixin, Feed):
def get_object(self, request, username, slug):
self.request = request
c = views.get_collection(request, username, slug)
if not (c.listed or acl.check_collection_ownership(request, c)):
# 403 can't be raised as an exception.
raise http.Http404()
return c
def title(self, c):
app = page_name(self.request.APP)
# L10n: {0} is a collection name, {1} is 'Add-ons for <app>'.
return _(u'{0} :: Collections :: {1}').format(c.name, app)
def link(self, c):
return absolutify(c.feed_url())
def description(self, c):
return c.description
def items(self, c):
addons = Addon.objects.valid() & c.addons.all()
return addons.order_by('-collectionaddon__created')[:20]