388 строки
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388 строки
13 KiB
import os
import StringIO
from django.conf import settings
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from rest_framework.compat import etree, six
from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError
from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser, XMLParser
from amo.helpers import strip_controls
from mkt.constants import ratingsbodies
root = os.path.join(settings.ROOT, 'lib', 'iarc')
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(root, 'templates')))
env.finalize = lambda x: strip_controls(x)
def render_xml(template, context):
Renders an XML template given a dict of the context.
This also strips control characters before encoding.
# All XML passed requires a password. Let's add it to the context.
context['password'] = settings.IARC_PASSWORD
context['company'] = settings.IARC_COMPANY
context['platform'] = settings.IARC_PLATFORM
template = env.get_template(template)
return template.render(**context)
class IARC_Parser(object):
Base class for IARC XML and JSON parsers.
def _process_iarc_items(self, data):
Looks for IARC keys ('interactive_elements' or keys starting with
'rating_' or 'descriptors_') and trades them for a 'ratings' dictionary
or descriptor and interactive lists.
rows = [] # New data object we'll return.
for row in data:
d = {}
ratings = {}
descriptors = []
interactives = []
for k, v in row.items():
# Get ratings body constant.
ratings_body = RATINGS_BODY_MAPPING.get(
k.split('_')[-1].lower(), ratingsbodies.GENERIC)
if k == 'rating_system':
# This key is used in the Get_Rating_Changes API.
d[k] = RATINGS_BODY_MAPPING.get(v.lower(),
elif k == 'interactive_elements':
interactives = [INTERACTIVES_MAPPING[s] for s in
filter(None, [s.strip()
for s in v.split(',')])]
elif k.startswith('rating_'):
ratings[ratings_body] = RATINGS_MAPPING[ratings_body].get(
v, RATINGS_MAPPING[ratings_body]['default'])
elif k.startswith('descriptors_'):
native_descs = filter(None,
[s.strip() for s in v.split(',')])
filter(None, [DESC_MAPPING[ratings_body].get(desc)
for desc in native_descs]))
d[k] = v
if ratings:
d['ratings'] = ratings
if descriptors:
d['descriptors'] = descriptors
if interactives:
d['interactives'] = interactives
return rows
class IARC_XML_Parser(XMLParser, IARC_Parser):
Custom XML processor for IARC whack XML that defines all content in XML
attributes with no tag content and all tags are named the same. This builds
a dict using the "NAME" and "VALUE" attributes.
# TODO: Remove this `parse` method once this PR is merged and released:
# https://github.com/tomchristie/django-rest-framework/pull/1211
def parse(self, stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None):
Parses the incoming bytestream as XML and returns the resulting data.
assert etree, 'XMLParser requires defusedxml to be installed'
parser_context = parser_context or {}
encoding = parser_context.get('encoding', settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
parser = etree.DefusedXMLParser(encoding=encoding)
tree = etree.parse(stream, parser=parser, forbid_dtd=True)
except (etree.ParseError, ValueError) as exc:
raise ParseError('XML parse error - %s' % six.text_type(exc))
data = self._xml_convert(tree.getroot())
# Process ratings, descriptors, interactives.
data = self._process_iarc_items(data)
# If it's a list, it had one or more "ROW" tags.
if isinstance(data, list):
data = {'rows': data}
return data
def parse_string(self, string):
# WARNING: Ugly hack.
# IARC XML is utf-8 encoded yet the XML has a utf-16 header. Python
# correctly reports the encoding mismatch and raises an error. So we
# replace it here to make things work.
string = string.replace('encoding="utf-16"', 'encoding="utf-8"')
return self.parse(StringIO.StringIO(string))
def _xml_convert(self, element):
Convert the xml `element` into the corresponding Python object.
children = list(element)
if len(children) == 0:
return self._type_convert(element.get('VALUE', ''))
if children[0].tag == 'ROW':
data = []
for child in children:
data = {}
for child in children:
child.tag)] = self._xml_convert(child)
return data
class IARC_JSON_Parser(JSONParser, IARC_Parser):
JSON Parser to handle IARC's JSON format.
def parse(self, stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None):
data = super(IARC_JSON_Parser, self).parse(stream, media_type,
data = self._convert(data)
data = self._process_iarc_items(data)
return data
def _convert(self, data):
Converts JSON that looks like::
"NAME": "token",
"TYPE": "string",
"VALUE": "AB12CD3"
Into something more normal that looks like this::
"token": "AB12CD3"
d = {}
for f in data['ROW']['FIELD']:
d[f['NAME']] = f['VALUE']
# Return a list to match the parsed XML.
return [d]
# These mappings are required to convert the IARC response strings, like "ESRB"
# to the ratings body constants in mkt/constants/ratingsbodies. Likewise for
# the descriptors.
'classind': ratingsbodies.CLASSIND,
'esrb': ratingsbodies.ESRB,
'generic': ratingsbodies.GENERIC,
'pegi': ratingsbodies.PEGI,
'usk': ratingsbodies.USK,
'default': ratingsbodies.GENERIC,
ratingsbodies.CLASSIND: {
'Livre': ratingsbodies.CLASSIND_L,
'10+': ratingsbodies.CLASSIND_10,
'12+': ratingsbodies.CLASSIND_12,
'14+': ratingsbodies.CLASSIND_14,
'16+': ratingsbodies.CLASSIND_16,
'18+': ratingsbodies.CLASSIND_18,
'default': ratingsbodies.CLASSIND_L,
ratingsbodies.ESRB: {
'Everyone': ratingsbodies.ESRB_E,
'Everyone 10+': ratingsbodies.ESRB_10,
'Teen': ratingsbodies.ESRB_T,
'Mature 17+': ratingsbodies.ESRB_M,
'Adults Only': ratingsbodies.ESRB_A,
'default': ratingsbodies.ESRB_E,
ratingsbodies.GENERIC: {
'3+': ratingsbodies.GENERIC_3,
'7+': ratingsbodies.GENERIC_7,
'12+': ratingsbodies.GENERIC_12,
'16+': ratingsbodies.GENERIC_16,
'18+': ratingsbodies.GENERIC_18,
'default': ratingsbodies.GENERIC_3,
# TODO: Fix these to match?
ratingsbodies.PEGI: {
'3+': ratingsbodies.PEGI_3,
'10+': ratingsbodies.PEGI_7,
'13+': ratingsbodies.PEGI_12,
'17+': ratingsbodies.PEGI_16,
'18+': ratingsbodies.PEGI_18,
'default': ratingsbodies.PEGI_3,
ratingsbodies.USK: {
'0+': ratingsbodies.USK_0,
'6+': ratingsbodies.USK_6,
'12+': ratingsbodies.USK_12,
'16+': ratingsbodies.USK_16,
'18+': ratingsbodies.USK_18,
'default': ratingsbodies.USK_0,
# All values will be prepended with 'has_%s_' % RATINGS_BODY later.
ratingsbodies.CLASSIND: {
u'Viol\xEAncia': 'violence',
u'Viol\xEAncia Extrema': 'violence_extreme',
u'Cont\xE9udo Sexual': 'sex_content',
u'Nudez': 'nudity',
u'Sexo': 'sex_content',
u'Sexo Expl\xEDcito': 'sex_explicit',
u'Drogas': 'drugs',
u'Drogas L\xEDcitas': 'drugs_legal',
u'Drogas Il\xEDcitas': 'drugs_illegal',
u'Linguagem Impr\xF3pria': 'lang',
u'Atos Crim\xEDnosos': 'criminal_acts',
u'Conte\xFAdo Impactante': 'shocking',
u'N\xE3o h\xE1 inadequa\xE7\xF5es': 'no_descs',
ratingsbodies.ESRB: {
u'Alcohol Reference': 'alcohol',
u'Blood': 'blood',
u'Blood and Gore': 'blood_gore',
u'Crude Humor': 'crude_humor',
u'Drug Reference': 'drug_ref',
u'Fantasy Violence': 'fantasy_violence',
u'Intense Violence': 'intense_violence',
u'Language': 'lang',
u'Mild Blood': 'mild_blood',
u'Mild Fantasy Violence': 'mild_fantasy_violence',
u'Mild Language': 'mild_lang',
u'Mild Violence': 'mild_violence',
u'Nudity': 'nudity',
u'Partial Nudity': 'partial_nudity',
u'Real Gambling': 'real_gambling',
u'Sexual Content': 'sex_content',
u'Sexual Themes': 'sex_themes',
u'Simulated Gambling': 'sim_gambling',
u'Strong Language': 'strong_lang',
u'Strong Sexual Content': 'strong_sex_content',
u'Suggestive Themes': 'suggestive',
u'Tobacco Reference': 'tobacco_ref',
u'Use of Alcohol': 'alcohol_use',
u'Use of Drugs': 'drug_use',
u'Use of Tobacco': 'tobacco_use',
u'Violence': 'violence',
u'Violent References': 'violence_ref',
u'No Descriptors': 'no_descs',
u'Comic Mischief ': 'comic_mischief',
u'Alcohol and Tobacco Reference': 'alcohol_tobacco_ref',
u'Drug and Alcohol Reference': 'drug_alcohol_ref',
u'Use of Alcohol and Tobacco': 'alcohol_tobacco_use',
u'Use of Drug and Alcohol': 'drug_alcohol_use',
u'Drug and Tobacco Reference': 'drug_tobacco_ref',
u'Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Reference': 'drug_alcohol_tobacco_ref',
u'Use of Drug and Tobacco': 'drug_tobacco_use',
u'Use of Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco': 'drug_alcohol_tobacco_use',
u'Scary Themes': 'scary',
u'Hate Speech': 'hate_speech',
u'Crime': 'crime',
u'Criminal Instruction': 'crime_instruct',
ratingsbodies.GENERIC: {
u'Alcohol Reference': 'alcohol_ref',
u'Blood': 'blood',
u'Blood and Gore': 'blood_gore',
u'Crude Humor': 'crude_humor',
u'Drug Reference': 'drug_ref',
u'Fantasy Violence': 'fantasy_violence',
u'Intense Violence': 'intense_violence',
u'Language': 'lang',
u'Mild Blood': 'mild_blood',
u'Mild Fantasy Violence': 'mild_fantasy_violence',
u'Mild Language': 'mild_lang',
u'Mild Violence': 'mild_violence',
u'Nudity': 'nudity',
u'Partial Nudity': 'partial_nudity',
u'Real Gambling': 'real_gambling',
u'Sexual Content': 'sex_content',
u'Sexual Themes': 'sex_themes',
u'Simulated Gambling': 'sim_gambling',
u'Strong Language': 'strong_lang',
u'Strong Sexual Content': 'strong_sex_content',
u'Suggestive Themes': 'suggestive',
ratingsbodies.PEGI: {
u'Violence': 'violence',
u'Language': 'lang',
u'Fear': 'scary',
u'Sex': 'sex_content',
u'Drugs': 'drugs',
u'Discrimination': 'discrimination',
u'Gambling': 'gambling',
u'Online': 'online',
u'No Descriptors': 'no_descs',
ratingsbodies.USK: {
u'No Descriptors': 'no_descs',
u'\xC4ngstigende Inhalte': 'scary',
u'Erotik/Sexuelle Inhalte': 'sex_content',
u'Explizite Sprache': 'lang',
u'Diskriminierung': 'discrimination',
u'Drogen': 'drugs',
u'Gewalt': 'violence',
for body, mappings in DESC_MAPPING.items():
for native_desc, desc_slug in mappings.items():
DESC_MAPPING[body][native_desc] = 'has_{0}_{1}'.format(
body.iarc_name, desc_slug).lower()
# Change {body: {'key': 'val'}} to {'val': 'key'}.
dict([(unicode(v), unicode(k)) for k, v in body_mapping.iteritems()])
for body, body_mapping in DESC_MAPPING.iteritems())
'Users Interact': 'has_users_interact',
'Shares Info': 'has_shares_info',
'Shares Location': 'has_shares_location',
'Digital Purchases': 'has_digital_purchases',
'Social Networking': 'has_social_networking',
'Digital Content Portal': 'has_digital_content_portal',
(v, k) for k, v in INTERACTIVES_MAPPING.iteritems())