216 строки
6.7 KiB
216 строки
6.7 KiB
from collections import defaultdict
import urllib
import chardet
import jinja2
from jingo import register
from jingo.helpers import datetime
from tower import ugettext as _, ungettext as ngettext
import amo
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from amo.helpers import breadcrumbs, impala_breadcrumbs, page_title
from access import acl
from addons.helpers import new_context
def dev_addon_listing_items(context, addons, src=None, notes={}):
return new_context(**locals())
def dev_page_title(context, title=None, addon=None):
"""Wrapper for devhub page titles."""
if addon:
title = u'%s :: %s' % (title, addon.name)
devhub = _('Developer Hub')
title = '%s :: %s' % (title, devhub) if title else devhub
return page_title(context, title, force_webapps=context.get('webapp'))
def docs_page_title(context, title=None):
"""Wrapper for docs page titles."""
devhub = _('Add-on Documentation :: Developer Hub')
title = '%s :: %s' % (title, devhub) if title else devhub
return page_title(context, title)
def dev_breadcrumbs(context, addon=None, items=None, add_default=False,
Wrapper function for ``breadcrumbs``. Prepends 'Developer Hub'
list of [(url, label)] to be inserted after Add-on.
Adds the Add-on name to the end of the trail. If items are
specified then the Add-on will be linked.
Prepends trail back to home when True. Default is False.
Whether to use the impala_breadcrumbs helper. Default is False.
if context.get('webapp'):
crumbs = []
title = _('My Apps')
link = reverse('devhub.apps')
crumbs = [(reverse('devhub.index'), _('Developer Hub'))]
title = _('My Add-ons')
link = reverse('devhub.addons')
if not addon and not items:
# We are at the end of the crumb trail.
crumbs.append((None, title))
crumbs.append((link, title))
if addon:
if items:
url = addon.get_dev_url()
# The Addon is the end of the trail.
url = None
crumbs.append((url, addon.name))
if items:
if len(crumbs) == 1:
crumbs = []
if impala:
return impala_breadcrumbs(context, crumbs, add_default)
return breadcrumbs(context, crumbs, add_default)
def docs_breadcrumbs(context, items=None):
Wrapper function for `breadcrumbs` for devhub docs.
crumbs = [(reverse('devhub.index'), _('Developer Hub')),
(None, _('Developer Docs'))]
if items:
return breadcrumbs(context, crumbs, True)
def add_file_modal(context, title, action, upload_url, action_label):
return new_context(modal_type='file', context=context, title=title,
action=action, upload_url=upload_url,
def add_version_modal(context, title, action, upload_url, action_label):
return new_context(modal_type='version', context=context, title=title,
action=action, upload_url=upload_url,
def status_choices(addon):
"""Return a dict like STATUS_CHOICES customized for the addon status."""
# Show "awaiting full review" for unreviewed files on that track.
choices = dict(amo.STATUS_CHOICES)
choices[amo.STATUS_UNREVIEWED] = choices[amo.STATUS_NOMINATED]
return choices
def file_status_message(file, addon, file_history=False):
choices = status_choices(addon)
return {'fileid': file.id, 'platform': file.amo_platform.name,
'created': datetime(file.created),
'status': choices[file.status],
'file_history': file_history,
'actions': amo.LOG_REVIEW_EMAIL_USER,
'status_date': datetime(file.datestatuschanged)}
def dev_files_status(files, addon):
"""Group files by their status (and files per status)."""
status_count = defaultdict(int)
choices = status_choices(addon)
for file in files:
status_count[file.status] += 1
return [(count, unicode(choices[status])) for
(status, count) in status_count.items()]
def status_class(addon):
classes = {
amo.STATUS_NULL: 'incomplete',
amo.STATUS_UNREVIEWED: 'unreviewed',
amo.STATUS_NOMINATED: 'nominated',
amo.STATUS_PUBLIC: 'fully-approved',
amo.STATUS_DISABLED: 'admin-disabled',
amo.STATUS_LITE: 'lite',
amo.STATUS_PURGATORY: 'purgatory',
if addon.disabled_by_user and addon.status != amo.STATUS_DISABLED:
cls = 'disabled'
cls = classes.get(addon.status, 'none')
return 'status-' + cls
def log_action_class(action_id):
if action_id in amo.LOG_BY_ID:
cls = amo.LOG_BY_ID[action_id].action_class
if cls is not None:
return 'action-' + cls
def summarize_validation(validation):
"""Readable summary of add-on validation results."""
# L10n: first parameter is the number of errors
errors = ngettext('{0} error', '{0} errors',
# L10n: first parameter is the number of warnings
warnings = ngettext('{0} warning', '{0} warnings',
return "%s, %s" % (errors, warnings)
def display_url(url):
"""Display a URL like the browser URL bar would.
Note: returns a Unicode object, not a valid URL.
if isinstance(url, unicode):
# Byte sequences will be url encoded so convert
# to bytes here just to stop auto decoding.
url = url.encode('utf8')
bytes = urllib.unquote(url)
c = chardet.detect(bytes)
return bytes.decode(c['encoding'], 'replace')