498 строки
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498 строки
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from datetime import datetime
import hashlib
import os
import random
import re
import string
import time
from django import forms, dispatch
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User as DjangoUser
from django.core import validators
from django.db import models
from django.template import Context, loader
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, smart_unicode
from django.utils.functional import lazy
import caching.base as caching
import commonware.log
from tower import ugettext as _
import amo
import amo.models
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from translations.fields import PurifiedField
log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.users')
def get_hexdigest(algorithm, salt, raw_password):
return hashlib.new(algorithm, smart_str(salt + raw_password)).hexdigest()
def rand_string(length):
return ''.join(random.choice(string.letters) for i in xrange(length))
def create_password(algorithm, raw_password):
salt = get_hexdigest(algorithm, rand_string(12), rand_string(12))[:64]
hsh = get_hexdigest(algorithm, salt, raw_password)
return '$'.join([algorithm, salt, hsh])
class UserForeignKey(models.ForeignKey):
A replacement for models.ForeignKey('users.UserProfile').
This field uses UserEmailField to make form fields key off the user's email
instead of the primary key id. We also hook up autocomplete automatically.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(UserForeignKey, self).__init__(UserProfile, *args, **kw)
def value_from_object(self, obj):
return getattr(obj, self.name).email
def formfield(self, **kw):
defaults = {'form_class': UserEmailField}
return models.Field.formfield(self, **defaults)
class UserEmailField(forms.EmailField):
def clean(self, value):
if value in validators.EMPTY_VALUES:
raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['required'])
return UserProfile.objects.get(email=value)
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
raise forms.ValidationError(_('No user with that email.'))
def widget_attrs(self, widget):
lazy_reverse = lazy(reverse, str)
return {'class': 'email-autocomplete',
'data-src': lazy_reverse('users.ajax')}
class UserProfile(amo.models.OnChangeMixin, amo.models.ModelBase):
# nickname, firstname, & lastname are deprecated.
nickname = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='', null=True,
firstname = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='', blank=True)
lastname = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='', blank=True)
username = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='', unique=True)
display_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='', null=True,
password = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='')
email = models.EmailField(unique=True, null=True)
averagerating = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
bio = PurifiedField(short=False)
confirmationcode = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='',
deleted = models.BooleanField(default=False)
display_collections = models.BooleanField(default=False)
display_collections_fav = models.BooleanField(default=False)
emailhidden = models.BooleanField(default=True)
homepage = models.URLField(max_length=255, blank=True, default='',
location = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, default='')
notes = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
notifycompat = models.BooleanField(default=True)
notifyevents = models.BooleanField(default=True)
occupation = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='', blank=True)
# This is essentially a "has_picture" flag right now
picture_type = models.CharField(max_length=75, default='', blank=True)
resetcode = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='', blank=True)
resetcode_expires = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, null=True,
sandboxshown = models.BooleanField(default=False)
last_login_ip = models.CharField(default='', max_length=45, editable=False)
last_login_attempt = models.DateTimeField(null=True, editable=False)
last_login_attempt_ip = models.CharField(default='', max_length=45,
failed_login_attempts = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0,
user = models.ForeignKey(DjangoUser, null=True, editable=False, blank=True)
class Meta:
db_table = 'users'
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(UserProfile, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
if self.username:
self.username = smart_unicode(self.username)
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s: %s' % (self.id, self.display_name or self.username)
def get_url_path(self):
return reverse('users.profile', args=[self.id])
def flush_urls(self):
urls = ['*/user/%d/' % self.id,
return urls
def addons_listed(self):
"""Public add-ons this user is listed as author of."""
return self.addons.reviewed().filter(addonuser__user=self,
def picture_dir(self):
split_id = re.match(r'((\d*?)(\d{0,3}?))\d{1,3}$', str(self.id))
return os.path.join(settings.USERPICS_PATH, split_id.group(2) or '0',
split_id.group(1) or '0')
def picture_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.picture_dir, str(self.id) + '.png')
def picture_url(self):
if not self.picture_type:
return settings.MEDIA_URL + '/img/zamboni/anon_user.png'
split_id = re.match(r'((\d*?)(\d{0,3}?))\d{1,3}$', str(self.id))
return settings.USERPICS_URL % (
split_id.group(2) or 0, split_id.group(1) or 0, self.id,
def is_developer(self):
return self.addonuser_set.exists()
def needs_tougher_password(user):
from access.acl import action_allowed_user
return (action_allowed_user(user, 'Editors', '%')
or action_allowed_user(user, 'Admin', '%'))
def name(self):
return smart_unicode(self.display_name or self.username)
welcome_name = name
def last_login(self):
"""Make UserProfile look more like auth.User."""
# Django expects this to be non-null, so fake a login attempt.
if not self.last_login_attempt:
return self.last_login_attempt
def reviews(self):
"""All reviews that are not dev replies."""
return self._reviews_all.filter(reply_to=None)
def anonymize(self):
log.info(u"User (%s: <%s>) is being anonymized." % (self, self.email))
self.email = None
self.password = "sha512$Anonymous$Password"
self.firstname = ""
self.lastname = ""
self.nickname = None
self.username = "Anonymous-%s" % self.id # Can't be null
self.display_name = None
self.homepage = ""
self.deleted = True
self.picture_type = ""
def generate_confirmationcode(self):
if not self.confirmationcode:
self.confirmationcode = ''.join(random.sample(string.letters +
string.digits, 60))
return self.confirmationcode
def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None):
# we have to fix stupid things that we defined poorly in remora
if not self.resetcode_expires:
self.resetcode_expires = datetime.now()
# TODO POSTREMORA (maintain remora's view of user names.)
if not self.firstname or self.lastname or self.nickname:
self.nickname = self.name
delete_user = None
if self.deleted and self.user:
delete_user = self.user
self.user = None
# Delete user after saving this profile.
super(UserProfile, self).save(force_insert, force_update, using)
if self.deleted and delete_user:
def check_password(self, raw_password):
if '$' not in self.password:
valid = (get_hexdigest('md5', '', raw_password) == self.password)
if valid:
# Upgrade an old password.
return valid
algo, salt, hsh = self.password.split('$')
return hsh == get_hexdigest(algo, salt, raw_password)
def set_password(self, raw_password, algorithm='sha512'):
self.password = create_password(algorithm, raw_password)
def email_confirmation_code(self):
from amo.utils import send_mail
log.debug("Sending account confirmation code for user (%s)", self)
url = "%s%s" % (settings.SITE_URL,
args=[self.id, self.confirmationcode]))
domain = settings.DOMAIN
t = loader.get_template('users/email/confirm.ltxt')
c = {'domain': domain, 'url': url, }
send_mail(_("Please confirm your email address"),
t.render(Context(c)), None, [self.email],
def log_login_attempt(self, request, successful):
"""Log a user's login attempt"""
self.last_login_attempt = datetime.now()
self.last_login_attempt_ip = commonware.log.get_remote_addr()
if successful:
log.debug(u"User (%s) logged in successfully" % self)
self.failed_login_attempts = 0
self.last_login_ip = commonware.log.get_remote_addr()
log.debug(u"User (%s) failed to log in" % self)
if self.failed_login_attempts < 16777216:
self.failed_login_attempts += 1
def create_django_user(self):
"""Make a django.contrib.auth.User for this UserProfile."""
# Reusing the id will make our life easier, because we can use the
# OneToOneField as pk for Profile linked back to the auth.user
# in the future.
self.user = DjangoUser(id=self.pk)
self.user.first_name = ''
self.user.last_name = ''
self.user.username = self.email # f
self.user.email = self.email
self.user.password = self.password
self.user.date_joined = self.created
if self.groups.filter(rules='*:*').count():
self.user.is_superuser = self.user.is_staff = True
return self.user
def mobile_collection(self):
return self.special_collection(amo.COLLECTION_MOBILE,
defaults={'slug': 'mobile', 'listed': False,
'name': _('My Mobile Add-ons')})
def favorites_collection(self):
return self.special_collection(amo.COLLECTION_FAVORITES,
defaults={'slug': 'favorites', 'listed': False,
'name': _('My Favorite Add-ons')})
def special_collection(self, type_, defaults):
from bandwagon.models import Collection
c, new = Collection.objects.get_or_create(
author=self, type=type_, defaults=defaults)
if new:
# Do an extra query to make sure this gets transformed.
c = Collection.objects.using('default').get(id=c.id)
return c
def purchase_ids(self):
return (self.addonpurchase_set.values_list('addon_id', flat=True)
@dispatch.receiver(models.signals.post_save, sender=UserProfile,
def user_post_save(sender, instance, **kw):
if not kw.get('raw'):
from . import tasks
@dispatch.receiver(models.signals.post_delete, sender=UserProfile,
def user_post_delete(sender, instance, **kw):
if not kw.get('raw'):
from . import tasks
class UserNotification(amo.models.ModelBase):
user = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, related_name='notifications')
notification_id = models.IntegerField()
enabled = models.BooleanField(default=False)
class Meta:
db_table = 'users_notifications'
def update_or_create(update={}, **kwargs):
rows = UserNotification.objects.filter(**kwargs).update(**update)
if not rows:
class RequestUserManager(amo.models.ManagerBase):
def get_query_set(self):
qs = super(RequestUserManager, self).get_query_set()
return qs.transform(RequestUser.transformer)
class RequestUser(UserProfile):
A RequestUser has extra attributes we don't care about for normal users.
objects = RequestUserManager()
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(RequestUser, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
self.mobile_addons = []
self.favorite_addons = []
self.watching = []
class Meta:
proxy = True
def transformer(users):
# We don't want to cache these things on every UserProfile; they're
# only used by a user attached to a request.
if not users:
from bandwagon.models import CollectionAddon, CollectionWatcher
user = users[0]
qs = CollectionAddon.objects.filter(
collection__author=user, collection__type__in=SPECIAL)
addons = dict((type_, []) for type_ in SPECIAL)
for addon, ctype in qs.values_list('addon', 'collection__type'):
user.mobile_addons = addons[amo.COLLECTION_MOBILE]
user.favorite_addons = addons[amo.COLLECTION_FAVORITES]
user.watching = list((CollectionWatcher.objects.filter(user=user)
.values_list('collection', flat=True)))
# Touch this @cached_property so the answer is cached with the object.
def _cache_keys(self):
# Add UserProfile.cache_key so RequestUser gets invalidated when the
# UserProfile is changed.
keys = super(RequestUser, self)._cache_keys()
return keys + (UserProfile(id=self.id).cache_key,)
class BlacklistedUsername(amo.models.ModelBase):
"""Blacklisted user usernames."""
username = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, default='')
class Meta:
db_table = 'users_blacklistedusername'
def __unicode__(self):
return self.username
def blocked(cls, username):
"""Check to see if a username is in the (cached) blacklist."""
qs = cls.objects.all()
f = lambda: [u.lower() for u in qs.values_list('username', flat=True)]
blacklist = caching.cached_with(qs, f, 'blocked')
return username.lower() in blacklist
class BlacklistedEmailDomain(amo.models.ModelBase):
"""Blacklisted user e-mail domains."""
domain = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, default='',
def __unicode__(self):
return self.domain
def blocked(cls, domain):
qs = cls.objects.all()
f = lambda: list(qs.values_list('domain', flat=True))
blacklist = caching.cached_with(qs, f, 'blocked')
# because there isn't a good way to know if the domain is
# "example.com" or "example.co.jp", we'll re-construct it...
# so if it's "bad.example.co.jp", the following check the
# values in ['bad.example.co.jp', 'example.co.jp', 'co.jp']
x = domain.lower().split('.')
for d in ['.'.join(x[y:]) for y in range(len(x) - 1)]:
if d in blacklist:
return True
class PersonaAuthor(unicode):
"""Stub user until the persona authors get imported."""
def id(self):
"""I don't want to change code depending on PersonaAuthor.id, so I'm
just hardcoding 0. The only code using this is flush_urls."""
return 0
def name(self):
return self
display_name = name
class BlacklistedPassword(amo.models.ModelBase):
"""Blacklisted passwords"""
password = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, blank=False)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.password
def blocked(cls, password):
return cls.objects.filter(password=password)
class UserHistory(amo.models.ModelBase):
email = models.EmailField()
user = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, related_name='history')
class Meta:
db_table = 'users_history'
ordering = ('-created',)
def watch_email(old_attr={}, new_attr={}, instance=None,
sender=None, **kw):
new_email, old_email = new_attr.get('email'), old_attr.get('email')
if old_email and new_email != old_email:
log.debug('Creating user history for user: %s' % instance.pk)
UserHistory.objects.create(email=old_email, user_id=instance.pk)