331 строка
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331 строка
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from datetime import timedelta
from django import forms
from django.forms import widgets
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils.translation import get_language
from django.core.validators import ValidationError
import happyforms
import jinja2
from tower import ugettext as _, ugettext_lazy as _lazy
import amo
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from applications.models import AppVersion
from editors.models import CannedResponse
from editors.helpers import (ReviewHelper, ReviewAddon, ReviewFiles,
from files.models import File
ACTION_FILTERS = (('', ''), ('approved', _lazy(u'Approved reviews')),
('deleted', _lazy(u'Deleted reviews')))
class EventLogForm(happyforms.Form):
start = forms.DateField(required=False,
label=_lazy(u'View entries between'))
end = forms.DateField(required=False,
filter = forms.ChoiceField(required=False, choices=ACTION_FILTERS,
label=_lazy(u'Filter by type/action'))
def clean(self):
data = self.cleaned_data
# We want this to be inclusive of the end date.
if 'end' in data and data['end']:
data['end'] += timedelta(days=1)
if 'filter' in data and data['filter']:
data['filter'] = ACTION_DICT[data['filter']]
return data
class ReviewLogForm(happyforms.Form):
start = forms.DateField(required=False,
label=_lazy(u'View entries between'))
end = forms.DateField(required=False, label=_lazy(u'and'))
search = forms.CharField(required=False, label=_lazy(u'containing'))
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(ReviewLogForm, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
# L10n: start, as in "start date"
self.fields['start'].widget.attrs = {'placeholder': _('start'),
'size': 10}
# L10n: end, as in "end date"
self.fields['end'].widget.attrs = {'size': 10, 'placeholder': _('end')}
# L10n: Description of what can be searched for
search_ph = _('add-on, editor or comment')
self.fields['search'].widget.attrs = {'placeholder': search_ph,
'size': 30}
def clean(self):
data = self.cleaned_data
# We want this to be inclusive of the end date.
if 'end' in data and data['end']:
data['end'] += timedelta(days=1)
return data
class QueueSearchForm(happyforms.Form):
text_query = forms.CharField(
label=_lazy(u'Search by add-on name / author email'))
searching = forms.BooleanField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False,
admin_review = forms.ChoiceField(required=False,
choices=[('', ''),
('1', _lazy(u'yes')),
('0', _lazy(u'no'))],
label=_lazy(u'Admin Flag'))
application_id = forms.ChoiceField(
choices=([('', '')] +
[(a.id, a.pretty) for a in amo.APPS_ALL.values()]))
max_version = forms.ChoiceField(
label=_lazy(u'Max. Version'),
choices=[('', _lazy(u'Select an application first'))])
waiting_time_days = forms.ChoiceField(
label=_lazy(u'Days Since Submission'),
choices=([('', '')] +
[(i, i) for i in range(1, 10)] + [('10+', '10+')]))
addon_type_ids = forms.MultipleChoiceField(
label=_lazy(u'Add-on Types'),
choices=((id, tp) for id, tp in amo.ADDON_TYPES.items()))
platform_ids = forms.MultipleChoiceField(
choices=[(p.id, p.name)
for p in amo.PLATFORMS.values()
if p not in (amo.PLATFORM_ANY, amo.PLATFORM_ALL)])
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(QueueSearchForm, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
w = self.fields['application_id'].widget
# Get the URL after the urlconf has loaded.
w.attrs['data-url'] = reverse('editors.application_versions_json')
def version_choices_for_app_id(self, app_id):
versions = AppVersion.objects.filter(application__id=app_id)
return [('', '')] + [(v.version, v.version) for v in versions]
def clean_addon_type_ids(self):
if self.cleaned_data['addon_type_ids']:
# Remove "Any Addon Extension" from the list so that no filter
# is applied in that case.
ids = set(self.cleaned_data['addon_type_ids'])
self.cleaned_data['addon_type_ids'] = ids - set(str(amo.ADDON_ANY))
return self.cleaned_data['addon_type_ids']
def clean_application_id(self):
if self.cleaned_data['application_id']:
choices = self.version_choices_for_app_id(
self.fields['max_version'].choices = choices
return self.cleaned_data['application_id']
def clean_max_version(self):
if self.cleaned_data['max_version']:
if not self.cleaned_data['application_id']:
raise forms.ValidationError("No application selected")
return self.cleaned_data['max_version']
def filter_qs(self, qs):
data = self.cleaned_data
if data['admin_review']:
qs = qs.filter(admin_review=data['admin_review'])
if data['addon_type_ids']:
qs = qs.filter_raw('addon_type_id IN', data['addon_type_ids'])
if data['application_id']:
qs = qs.filter_raw('apps_match.application_id =',
# We join twice so it includes all apps, and not just the ones
# filtered by the search criteria.
app_join = ('LEFT JOIN applications_versions apps_match ON '
'(versions.id = apps_match.version_id)')
if data['max_version']:
joins = ["""JOIN applications_versions vs
ON (versions.id = vs.version_id)""",
"""JOIN appversions max_version
ON (max_version.id = vs.max)"""]
qs = qs.filter_raw('max_version.version =',
if data['platform_ids']:
qs = qs.filter_raw('files.platform_id IN', data['platform_ids'])
# Adjust _file_platform_ids so that it includes ALL platforms
# not the ones filtered by the search criteria:
"""LEFT JOIN files all_files
ON (all_files.version_id = versions.id)"""])
group = 'GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT all_files.platform_id)'
qs.base_query['select']['_file_platform_ids'] = group
if data['text_query']:
lang = get_language()
joins = [
'LEFT JOIN addons_users au on (au.addon_id = addons.id)',
'LEFT JOIN users u on (u.id = au.user_id)',
"""LEFT JOIN translations AS supportemail_default ON
(supportemail_default.id = addons.supportemail AND
"""LEFT JOIN translations AS supportemail_local ON
(supportemail_local.id = addons.supportemail AND
% qs._param(lang),
"""LEFT JOIN translations AS ad_name_local ON
(ad_name_local.id = addons.name AND
% qs._param(lang)]
fuzzy_q = u'%' + data['text_query'] + u'%'
qs = qs.filter_raw(
Q('addon_name LIKE', fuzzy_q) |
# Search translated add-on names / support emails in
# the editor's locale:
Q('ad_name_local.localized_string LIKE', fuzzy_q) |
Q('supportemail_default.localized_string LIKE', fuzzy_q) |
Q('supportemail_local.localized_string LIKE', fuzzy_q) |
Q('au.role IN', [amo.AUTHOR_ROLE_OWNER,
'u.email LIKE', fuzzy_q))
if data['waiting_time_days']:
if data['waiting_time_days'] == '10+':
# Special case
args = ('waiting_time_days >=',
args = ('waiting_time_days <=', data['waiting_time_days'])
qs = qs.having(*args)
return qs
class AddonFilesMultipleChoiceField(forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField):
def label_from_instance(self, addon_file):
addon = addon_file.version.addon
# L10n: 0 = platform, 1 = filename, 2 = status message
return jinja2.Markup(_(u"<strong>%s</strong> · %s · %s")
% (addon_file.platform, addon_file.filename,
file_review_status(addon, addon_file)))
class NonValidatingChoiceField(forms.ChoiceField):
"""A ChoiceField that doesn't validate."""
def validate(self, value):
class ReviewAddonForm(happyforms.Form):
addon_files = AddonFilesMultipleChoiceField(required=False,
queryset=File.objects.none(), label=_lazy(u'Files:'),
comments = forms.CharField(required=True, widget=forms.Textarea(),
canned_response = NonValidatingChoiceField(required=False)
action = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, widget=forms.RadioSelect())
operating_systems = forms.CharField(required=False,
label=_lazy(u'Operating systems:'))
applications = forms.CharField(required=False,
notify = forms.BooleanField(required=False,
label=_lazy(u'Notify me the next time this '
'add-on is updated. (Subsequent '
'updates will not generate an '
adminflag = forms.BooleanField(required=False,
label=_lazy(u'Clear Admin Review Flag'))
def is_valid(self):
result = super(ReviewAddonForm, self).is_valid()
if result:
return result
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.helper = kw.pop('helper')
self.type = kw.pop('type', amo.CANNED_RESPONSE_ADDON)
super(ReviewAddonForm, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
self.fields['addon_files'].queryset = self.helper.all_files
self.addon_files_disabled = (self.helper.all_files
# We can't review disabled, and public are already reviewed.
.filter(status__in=[amo.STATUS_DISABLED, amo.STATUS_PUBLIC])
.values_list('pk', flat=True))
# We're starting with an empty one, which will be hidden via CSS.
canned_choices = [['', [('', _('Choose a canned response...'))]]]
responses = CannedResponse.objects.filter(type=self.type)
# Loop through the actions (prelim, public, etc).
for k, action in self.helper.actions.iteritems():
action_choices = [[c.response, c.name] for c in responses
if c.sort_group and k in c.sort_group.split(',')]
# Add the group of responses to the canned_choices array.
if action_choices:
canned_choices.append([action['label'], action_choices])
# Now, add everything not in a group.
for r in responses:
if not r.sort_group:
canned_choices.append([r.response, r.name])
self.fields['canned_response'].choices = canned_choices
self.fields['action'].choices = [(k, v['label']) for k, v
in self.helper.actions.items()]
class ReviewAppForm(ReviewAddonForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(ReviewAppForm, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
# We don't want to disable any app files:
self.addon_files_disabled = tuple([])
class ReviewFileForm(ReviewAddonForm):
def clean_addon_files(self):
files = self.data.getlist('addon_files')
if self.data.get('action', '') == 'prelim':
if not files:
raise ValidationError(_('You must select some files.'))
for pk in files:
file = self.helper.all_files.get(pk=pk)
if (file.status != amo.STATUS_UNREVIEWED and not
(self.helper.addon.status == amo.STATUS_LITE and
file.status == amo.STATUS_UNREVIEWED)):
raise ValidationError(_('File %s is not pending review.')
% file.filename)
return self.fields['addon_files'].queryset.filter(pk__in=files)
def get_review_form(data, request=None, addon=None, version=None):
helper = ReviewHelper(request=request, addon=addon, version=version)
FormClass = ReviewAddonForm
if addon and addon.type == amo.ADDON_WEBAPP:
FormClass = ReviewAppForm
form = {ReviewAddon: FormClass,
ReviewFiles: ReviewFileForm}[helper.handler.__class__]
return form(data, helper=helper)
class MOTDForm(happyforms.Form):
motd = forms.CharField(required=True, widget=widgets.Textarea())