335 строки
11 KiB
335 строки
11 KiB
import collections
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.forms.util import ErrorDict
from tower import ugettext as _, ugettext_lazy as _lazy
import waffle
import amo
from amo import helpers
from applications.models import AppVersion
from search.utils import floor_version
sort_by = (
('', _lazy(u'Keyword Match')),
('updated', _lazy(u'Updated', 'advanced_search_form_updated')),
('newest', _lazy(u'Created', 'advanced_search_form_newest')),
('weeklydownloads', _lazy(u'Downloads')),
('users', _lazy(u'Users')),
('averagerating', _lazy(u'Rating', 'advanced_search_form_rating')),
collection_sort_by = (
('weekly', _lazy(u'Most popular this week')),
('monthly', _lazy(u'Most popular this month')),
('all', _lazy(u'Most popular all time')),
('rating', _lazy(u'Highest Rated')),
('created', _lazy(u'Newest')),
es_collection_sort_by = collection_sort_by + (
('updated', _lazy(u'Recently Updated')),
('name', _lazy(u'Name')),
per_page = (20, 50, )
tuplize = lambda x: divmod(int(x * 10), 10)
# These releases were so minor that we don't want to search for them.
skip_versions = collections.defaultdict(list)
skip_versions[amo.FIREFOX] = [tuplize(v) for v in amo.FIREFOX.exclude_versions]
min_version = collections.defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))
amo.FIREFOX: tuplize(amo.FIREFOX.min_display_version),
amo.THUNDERBIRD: tuplize(amo.THUNDERBIRD.min_display_version),
amo.SEAMONKEY: tuplize(amo.SEAMONKEY.min_display_version),
def get_app_versions(app):
appversions = AppVersion.objects.filter(application=app.id)
min_ver, skip = min_version[app], skip_versions[app]
versions = [(a.major, a.minor1) for a in appversions]
strings = ['%s.%s' % v for v in sorted(set(versions), reverse=True)
if v >= min_ver and v not in skip]
return [('any', _('Any'))] + zip(strings, strings)
# Fake categories to slip some add-on types into the search groups.
_Cat = collections.namedtuple('Cat', 'id name weight type')
def get_search_groups(app):
sub = []
types_ = [t for t in (amo.ADDON_DICT, amo.ADDON_SEARCH, amo.ADDON_THEME)
if t in app.types]
for type_ in types_:
sub.append(_Cat(0, amo.ADDON_TYPES[type_], 0, type_))
sub = [('%s,%s' % (a.type, a.id), a.name) for a in
sorted(sub, key=lambda x: (x.weight, x.name))]
top_level = [('all', _('all add-ons')),
('collections', _('all collections')), ]
if amo.ADDON_PERSONA in app.types:
top_level += (('personas', _('all personas')),)
return top_level[:1] + sub + top_level[1:], top_level
('all', _lazy('search for add-ons')),
('collections', _lazy('search for collections')),
('personas', _lazy('search for personas')),
('apps', _lazy('search for apps')))
class SimpleSearchForm(forms.Form):
"""Powers the search box on every page."""
q = forms.CharField(required=False)
cat = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput)
appver = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput)
platform = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput)
choices = dict(SEARCH_CHOICES)
def clean_cat(self):
return self.data.get('cat', 'all')
def placeholder(self, txt=None):
if settings.APP_PREVIEW:
return self.choices['apps']
return self.choices.get(txt or self.clean_cat(), self.choices['all'])
def SearchForm(request):
current_app = request.APP or amo.FIREFOX
search_groups, top_level = get_search_groups(current_app)
class _SearchForm(SimpleSearchForm):
cat = forms.ChoiceField(choices=search_groups, required=False)
# This gets replaced by a <select> with js.
lver = forms.ChoiceField(
# L10n: {0} is the name of an app. Ex: Firefox
label=_(u'{0} Version').format(unicode(current_app.pretty)),
choices=get_app_versions(current_app), required=False)
appver = forms.CharField(required=False)
atype = forms.TypedChoiceField(label=_('Type'),
choices=[(t, amo.ADDON_TYPE[t]) for t in amo.ADDON_SEARCH_TYPES],
required=False, coerce=int, empty_value=amo.ADDON_ANY)
pid = forms.TypedChoiceField(label=_('Platform'),
choices=[(p[0], p[1].name) for p in amo.PLATFORMS.iteritems()
if p[1] != amo.PLATFORM_ANY], required=False,
coerce=int, empty_value=amo.PLATFORM_ANY.id)
platform = forms.ChoiceField(required=False,
choices=[[p.shortname, p.id] for p in amo.PLATFORMS.values()])
sort = forms.ChoiceField(label=_('Sort By'), choices=sort_by,
pp = forms.TypedChoiceField(label=_('Per Page'),
choices=zip(per_page, per_page), required=False, coerce=int,
advanced = forms.BooleanField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
tag = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
page = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
# Attach these to the form for usage in the template.
top_level_cat = dict(top_level)
def clean_platform(self):
p = self.cleaned_data.get('platform')
choices = dict(self.fields['platform'].choices)
return choices.get(p)
# TODO(jbalogh): when we start using this form for zamboni search, it
# should check that the appid and lver match up using app_versions.
def clean(self):
d = self.cleaned_data
raw = self.data
# Set some defaults
if not d.get('appid'):
d['appid'] = request.APP.id
# Since not all categories are listed in this form, we use the raw
# data.
if 'cat' in raw:
if ',' in raw['cat']:
d['atype'], d['cat'] = map(int, raw['cat'].split(','))
except ValueError:
d['cat'] = None
elif raw['cat'] == 'all':
d['cat'] = None
if 'page' not in d or not d['page'] or d['page'] < 1:
d['page'] = 1
return d
def full_clean(self):
Cleans all of self.data and populates self._errors and
Does not remove cleaned_data if there are errors.
self._errors = ErrorDict()
if not self.is_bound: # Stop further processing.
self.cleaned_data = {}
# If the form is permitted to be empty, and none of the form data
# has changed from the initial data, short circuit any validation.
if self.empty_permitted and not self.has_changed():
d = request.GET.copy()
return _SearchForm(d)
class SecondarySearchForm(forms.Form):
q = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
cat = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
pp = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
sort = forms.ChoiceField(label=_lazy(u'Sort By'),
initial='weekly', required=False)
page = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(SecondarySearchForm, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
if waffle.switch_is_active('replace-sphinx'):
# This adds the "Name" sort option for ES results.
self.fields['sort'].choices = es_collection_sort_by
def clean_pp(self):
d = self.cleaned_data['pp']
return int(d)
return per_page[0]
def clean(self):
d = self.cleaned_data
if not d.get('pp'):
d['pp'] = per_page[0]
return d
def full_clean(self):
Cleans all of self.data and populates self._errors and
Does not remove cleaned_data if there are errors.
self._errors = ErrorDict()
if not self.is_bound: # Stop further processing.
self.cleaned_data = {}
# If the form is permitted to be empty, and none of the form data
# has changed from the initial data, short circuit any validation.
if self.empty_permitted and not self.has_changed():
(None, _lazy(u'Relevance')),
('users', _lazy(u'Most Users')),
('rating', _lazy(u'Top Rated')),
('created', _lazy(u'Newest')),
# --
('name', _lazy(u'Name')),
('downloads', _lazy(u'Weekly Downloads')),
#('price', helpers.loc(u'Price')),
('updated', _lazy(u'Recently Updated')),
('hotness', _lazy(u'Up & Coming')),
(None, _lazy(u'Relevance')),
('downloads', _lazy(u'Weekly Downloads')),
('rating', _lazy(u'Top Rated')),
('price', helpers.loc(u'Price')),
# --
('name', _lazy(u'Name')),
('created', _lazy(u'Newest')),
class ESSearchForm(forms.Form):
q = forms.CharField(required=False)
tag = forms.CharField(required=False)
platform = forms.CharField(required=False)
appver = forms.CharField(required=False)
atype = forms.TypedChoiceField(required=False, coerce=int,
cat = forms.CharField(required=False)
price = forms.CharField(required=False)
sort = forms.CharField(required=False)
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.addon_type = kw.pop('type', None)
super(ESSearchForm, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
self.sort_choices = SORT_CHOICES
self.webapp = self.addon_type == amo.ADDON_WEBAPP
if self.webapp:
self.fields['atype'].choices = [
self.data['atype'] = amo.ADDON_WEBAPP
self.sort_choices = APP_SORT_CHOICES
def clean_appver(self):
return floor_version(self.cleaned_data.get('appver'))
def clean_sort(self):
sort = self.cleaned_data.get('sort')
return sort if sort in dict(self.sort_choices) else None
def clean_cat(self):
cat = self.cleaned_data.get('cat')
if ',' in cat:
self.cleaned_data['atype'], cat = map(int, cat.split(','))
except ValueError:
return None
return int(cat)
except ValueError:
return None
def full_clean(self):
Cleans self.data and populates self._errors and self.cleaned_data.
Does not remove cleaned_data if there are errors.
self._errors = ErrorDict()
if not self.is_bound: # Stop further processing.
self.cleaned_data = {}
# If the form is permitted to be empty, and none of the form data
# has changed from the initial data, short circuit any validation.
if self.empty_permitted and not self.has_changed():