537 строки
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537 строки
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.files.storage import default_storage as storage
from django.db import models
import django.dispatch
import jinja2
import commonware.log
import caching.base
import waffle
import amo
import amo.models
import amo.utils
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from applications.models import Application, AppVersion
from files import utils
from files.models import File, Platform, cleanup_file
from tower import ugettext as _
from translations.fields import (TranslatedField, PurifiedField,
from users.models import UserProfile
from .compare import version_dict, version_int
log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.versions')
class Version(amo.models.ModelBase):
addon = models.ForeignKey('addons.Addon', related_name='versions')
license = models.ForeignKey('License', null=True)
releasenotes = PurifiedField()
approvalnotes = models.TextField(default='', null=True)
version = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='0.1')
version_int = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, editable=False)
nomination = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
reviewed = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
has_info_request = models.BooleanField(default=False)
has_editor_comment = models.BooleanField(default=False)
class Meta(amo.models.ModelBase.Meta):
db_table = 'versions'
ordering = ['-created', '-modified']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Version, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__.update(version_dict(self.version or ''))
def __unicode__(self):
return jinja2.escape(self.version)
def save(self, *args, **kw):
if not self.version_int and self.version:
v_int = version_int(self.version)
# Magic number warning, this is the maximum size
# of a big int in MySQL to prevent version_int overflow, for
# people who have rather crazy version numbers.
# http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/numeric-types.html
if v_int < 9223372036854775807:
self.version_int = v_int
log.error('No version_int written for version %s, %s' %
(self.pk, self.version))
return super(Version, self).save(*args, **kw)
def from_upload(cls, upload, addon, platforms, send_signal=True):
data = utils.parse_addon(upload, addon)
license = addon.versions.latest().license_id
except Version.DoesNotExist:
license = None
v = cls.objects.create(addon=addon, version=data['version'],
log.info('New version: %r (%s) from %r' % (v, v.id, upload))
# appversions
AV = ApplicationsVersions
for app in data.get('apps', []):
AV(version=v, min=app.min, max=app.max,
if addon.type == amo.ADDON_SEARCH:
# Search extensions are always for all platforms.
platforms = [Platform.objects.get(id=amo.PLATFORM_ALL.id)]
platforms = cls._make_safe_platform_files(platforms)
for platform in platforms:
File.from_upload(upload, v, platform, parse_data=data)
# After the upload has been copied to all
# platforms, remove the upload.
if send_signal:
return v
def _make_safe_platform_files(cls, platforms):
"""Make file platform translations until all download pages
support desktop ALL + mobile ALL. See bug 646268.
pl_set = set([p.id for p in platforms])
if pl_set == set([amo.PLATFORM_ALL_MOBILE.id, amo.PLATFORM_ALL.id]):
# Make it really ALL:
return [Platform.objects.get(id=amo.PLATFORM_ALL.id)]
has_mobile = any(p in amo.MOBILE_PLATFORMS for p in pl_set)
has_desktop = any(p in amo.DESKTOP_PLATFORMS for p in pl_set)
has_all = any(p in (amo.PLATFORM_ALL_MOBILE.id,
amo.PLATFORM_ALL.id) for p in pl_set)
is_mixed = has_mobile and has_desktop
if (is_mixed and has_all) or has_mobile:
# Mixing desktop and mobile w/ ALL is not safe;
# we have to split the files into exact platforms.
# Additionally, it is not safe to use all-mobile.
new_plats = []
for p in platforms:
if p.id == amo.PLATFORM_ALL_MOBILE.id:
elif p.id == amo.PLATFORM_ALL.id:
return new_plats
# Platforms are safe as is
return platforms
def path_prefix(self):
return os.path.join(settings.ADDONS_PATH, str(self.addon_id))
def mirror_path_prefix(self):
return os.path.join(settings.MIRROR_STAGE_PATH, str(self.addon_id))
def license_url(self, impala=False):
return reverse('addons.license', args=[self.addon.slug, self.version])
def flush_urls(self):
return self.addon.flush_urls()
def get_url_path(self):
return reverse('addons.versions', args=[self.addon.slug, self.version])
def delete(self):
amo.log(amo.LOG.DELETE_VERSION, self.addon, str(self.version))
super(Version, self).delete()
def current_queue(self):
"""Return the current queue, or None if not in a queue."""
from editors.models import (ViewPendingQueue, ViewFullReviewQueue,
if self.addon.status in [amo.STATUS_NOMINATED,
return ViewFullReviewQueue
elif self.addon.status == amo.STATUS_PUBLIC:
return ViewPendingQueue
elif self.addon.status in [amo.STATUS_LITE, amo.STATUS_UNREVIEWED]:
return ViewPreliminaryQueue
return None
def all_activity(self):
from devhub.models import VersionLog # yucky
al = (VersionLog.objects.filter(version=self.id).order_by('created')
return al
def compatible_apps(self):
"""Get a mapping of {APP: ApplicationVersion}."""
avs = self.apps.select_related(depth=1)
return self._compat_map(avs)
def compatible_apps_ordered(self):
apps = self.compatible_apps.items()
return sorted(apps, key=lambda v: v[0].short)
def compatible_platforms(self):
"""Returns a dict of compatible file platforms for this version.
The result is based on which app(s) the version targets.
apps = set([a.application.id for a in self.apps.all()])
targets_mobile = amo.MOBILE.id in apps
targets_other = any((a != amo.MOBILE.id) for a in apps)
all_plats = {}
if targets_other:
if targets_mobile:
return all_plats
def is_compatible(self):
"""Returns tuple of compatibility and reasons why if not.
Server side conditions for determining compatibility are:
* The add-on is an extension (not a theme, app, etc.)
* Has not opted in to strict compatibility.
* Does not use binary_components in chrome.manifest.
Note: The lowest maxVersion compat check needs to be checked
Note: This does not take into account the client conditions.
compat = True
reasons = []
if self.addon.type != amo.ADDON_EXTENSION:
compat = False
# TODO: We may want this. For now we think it may be confusing.
# reasons.append(_('Add-on is not an extension.'))
if self.files.filter(binary_components=True).exists():
compat = False
reasons.append(_('Add-on uses binary components.'))
if self.files.filter(strict_compatibility=True).exists():
compat = False
reasons.append(_('Add-on has opted into strict compatibility '
return (compat, reasons)
def is_compatible_app(self, app):
"""Returns True if the provided app passes compatibility conditions."""
appversion = self.compatible_apps.get(app)
if appversion and app.id in amo.D2C_MAX_VERSIONS:
return (version_int(appversion.max.version) >=
version_int(amo.D2C_MAX_VERSIONS.get(app.id, '*')))
return False
def compat_override_app_versions(self):
"""Returns the incompatible app versions range(s).
If not ranges, returns empty list. Otherwise, this will return all
the app version ranges that this particular version is incompatible
from addons.models import CompatOverride
cos = CompatOverride.objects.filter(addon=self.addon)
if not cos:
return []
app_versions = []
for co in cos:
for range in co.collapsed_ranges():
if (version_int(range.min) <= version_int(self.version)
<= version_int(range.max)):
app_versions.extend([(a.min, a.max) for a in range.apps])
return app_versions
def all_files(self):
"""Shortcut for list(self.files.all()). Heavily cached."""
return list(self.files.all())
def supported_platforms(self):
"""Get a list of supported platform names."""
return list(set(amo.PLATFORMS[f.platform_id] for f in self.all_files))
def status(self):
status = dict([(f.status, amo.STATUS_CHOICES[f.status])
for f in self.all_files])
return status.values()
def statuses(self):
"""Unadulterated statuses, good for an API."""
return [(f.id, f.status) for f in self.all_files]
def is_allowed_upload(self):
"""Check that a file can be uploaded based on the files
per platform for that type of addon."""
num_files = len(self.all_files)
if self.addon.type == amo.ADDON_SEARCH:
return num_files == 0
elif num_files == 0:
return True
elif amo.PLATFORM_ALL in self.supported_platforms:
return False
elif amo.PLATFORM_ALL_MOBILE in self.supported_platforms:
return False
compatible = (v for k, v in self.compatible_platforms().items()
if k not in (amo.PLATFORM_ALL.id,
return bool(set(compatible) - set(self.supported_platforms))
def has_files(self):
return bool(self.all_files)
def is_unreviewed(self):
return filter(lambda f: f.status in amo.UNREVIEWED_STATUSES,
def is_all_unreviewed(self):
return not bool([f for f in self.all_files if f.status not in
def is_beta(self):
return filter(lambda f: f.status == amo.STATUS_BETA, self.all_files)
def is_lite(self):
return filter(lambda f: f.status in amo.LITE_STATUSES, self.all_files)
def is_jetpack(self):
return all(f.jetpack_version for f in self.all_files)
def _compat_map(cls, avs):
apps = {}
for av in avs:
app_id = av.application_id
if app_id in amo.APP_IDS:
apps[amo.APP_IDS[app_id]] = av
return apps
def transformer(cls, versions):
"""Attach all the compatible apps and files to the versions."""
ids = set(v.id for v in versions)
if not versions:
avs = (ApplicationsVersions.objects.filter(version__in=ids)
files = (File.objects.filter(version__in=ids)
def rollup(xs):
groups = amo.utils.sorted_groupby(xs, 'version_id')
return dict((k, list(vs)) for k, vs in groups)
av_dict, file_dict = rollup(avs), rollup(files)
for version in versions:
v_id = version.id
version.compatible_apps = cls._compat_map(av_dict.get(v_id, []))
version.all_files = file_dict.get(v_id, [])
def transformer_activity(cls, versions):
"""Attach all the activity to the versions."""
from devhub.models import VersionLog # yucky
ids = set(v.id for v in versions)
if not versions:
al = (VersionLog.objects.filter(version__in=ids).order_by('created')
def rollup(xs):
groups = amo.utils.sorted_groupby(xs, 'version_id')
return dict((k, list(vs)) for k, vs in groups)
al_dict = rollup(al)
for version in versions:
v_id = version.id
version.all_activity = al_dict.get(v_id, [])
def disable_old_files(self):
if not self.files.filter(status=amo.STATUS_BETA).exists():
qs = File.objects.filter(version__addon=self.addon_id,
# Use File.update so signals are triggered.
for f in qs:
def update_status(sender, instance, **kw):
if not kw.get('raw'):
except models.ObjectDoesNotExist:
def inherit_nomination(sender, instance, **kw):
"""For new versions pending review, ensure nomination date
is inherited from last nominated version.
if kw.get('raw'):
if (instance.nomination is None
and instance.addon.status in (amo.STATUS_NOMINATED,
and not instance.is_beta):
last_ver = (Version.objects.filter(addon=instance.addon)
if last_ver.exists():
def update_incompatible_versions(sender, instance, **kw):
"""When a new version is added or deleted, send to task to update if it
matches any compat overrides.
if not instance.addon.type == amo.ADDON_EXTENSION:
from addons import tasks
def cleanup_version(sender, instance, **kw):
"""On delete of the version object call the file delete and signals."""
if kw.get('raw'):
for file_ in instance.files.all():
cleanup_file(file_.__class__, file_)
def clear_compatversion_cache_on_save(sender, instance, created, **kw):
"""Clears compatversion cache if new Version created."""
if not kw.get('raw') and created:
def clear_compatversion_cache_on_delete(sender, instance, **kw):
"""Clears compatversion cache when Version deleted."""
if not kw.get('raw'):
version_uploaded = django.dispatch.Signal()
models.signals.post_save.connect(update_status, sender=Version,
models.signals.post_save.connect(inherit_nomination, sender=Version,
models.signals.post_delete.connect(update_status, sender=Version,
models.signals.post_save.connect(update_incompatible_versions, sender=Version,
models.signals.pre_delete.connect(cleanup_version, sender=Version,
class LicenseManager(amo.models.ManagerBase):
def builtins(self):
return self.filter(builtin__gt=0).order_by('builtin')
class License(amo.models.ModelBase):
name = TranslatedField(db_column='name')
url = models.URLField(null=True, verify_exists=False)
builtin = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=OTHER)
text = LinkifiedField()
on_form = models.BooleanField(default=False,
help_text='Is this a license choice in the devhub?')
some_rights = models.BooleanField(default=False,
help_text='Show "Some Rights Reserved" instead of the license name?')
icons = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True,
help_text='Space-separated list of icon identifiers.')
objects = LicenseManager()
class Meta:
db_table = 'licenses'
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.name)
class VersionComment(amo.models.ModelBase):
"""Editor comments for version discussion threads."""
version = models.ForeignKey(Version)
user = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile)
reply_to = models.ForeignKey(Version, related_name="reply_to",
db_column='reply_to', null=True)
subject = models.CharField(max_length=1000)
comment = models.TextField()
class Meta(amo.models.ModelBase.Meta):
db_table = 'versioncomments'
class ApplicationsVersions(caching.base.CachingMixin, models.Model):
application = models.ForeignKey(Application)
version = models.ForeignKey(Version, related_name='apps')
min = models.ForeignKey(AppVersion, db_column='min',
max = models.ForeignKey(AppVersion, db_column='max',
objects = caching.base.CachingManager()
class Meta:
db_table = u'applications_versions'
unique_together = (("application", "version"),)
def __unicode__(self):
if (waffle.switch_is_active('d2c-buttons') and
self.version.is_compatible[0] and
return _(u'{app} {min} and later').format(app=self.application,
return u'%s %s - %s' % (self.application, self.min, self.max)