73 строки
1.8 KiB
73 строки
1.8 KiB
<public:attach event="onpropertychange" onevent="doFix()" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// IE5.5+ PNG Alpha Fix v1.0RC4
// (c) 2004-2005 Angus Turnbull http://www.twinhelix.com
// This is licensed under the CC-GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.
// For details, see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/
// This must be a path to a blank image. That's all the configuration you need.
if (typeof blankImg == 'undefined') {
var blankImg = '/img/blank.gif';
var f = 'DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader';
function filt(s, m) {
if (filters[f]) {
filters[f].enabled = s ? true : false;
if (s) with (filters[f]) {
src = s;
sizingMethod = m;
} else if (s) {
style.filter = 'progid:'+f+'(src="'+s+'",sizingMethod="'+m+'")';
function doFix() {
// Assume IE7 is OK.
if (!/MSIE (5\.5|6\.)/.test(navigator.userAgent) || (event && !/(background|src)/.test(event.propertyName))) {
var bgImg = currentStyle.backgroundImage || style.backgroundImage;
if (tagName == 'IMG' || tagName == 'INPUT') {
if ((/\.png$/i).test(src)) {
if (currentStyle.width == 'auto' && currentStyle.height == 'auto') {
style.width = offsetWidth + 'px';
filt(src, 'scale');
src = blankImg;
} else if (src.indexOf(blankImg) < 0) {
} else if (bgImg && bgImg != 'none') {
if (bgImg.match(/^url[("']+(.*\.png)[)"']+$/i)) {
var s = RegExp.$1;
if (currentStyle.width == 'auto' && currentStyle.height == 'auto') {
style.width = offsetWidth + 'px';
style.backgroundImage = 'none';
filt(s, 'crop');
// IE link fix.
for (var n = 0; n < childNodes.length; n++) {
if (childNodes[n].style) {
childNodes[n].style.position = 'relative';
} else {
</public:component> |