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53 строки
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# mysite_uwsgi.ini file
base = /code
chdir = %(base)
module = olympia.wsgi:application
# process-related settings
master = true
# maximum number of worker processes
processes = 4
vaccum = true
socket = :8001
uid = olympia
gid = olympia
memory-report = true
enable-threads = true
# Run watchmedo (via watchdog) to implement unrestricted
# autoreload capability.
fs-reload = %(base)/docker/artifacts/
# `CIRCLECI` is empty by default and only set to `true` by CircleCI.
# See addons-server issue #12064
# First copy the environment value
if-env = CIRCLECI
running-circleci = %(_)
endif =
# But default to it being set to `none`
if-not-env = CIRCLECI
running-circleci = none
endif =
# If the value is actually set to `true` (which it is in CircleCI)
# then don't run the autoreload
if-not-opt = running-circleci=true
safe-pidfile = %(base)/docker/artifacts/addons-server-uwsgi-master.pid
attach-daemon = setsid watchmedo shell-command --patterns="*.py" --recursive --command='/usr/bin/touch %(safe-pidfile)' %(base)
endif =
max-requests = 5000
# Load apps in workers and not only in master
lazy-apps = true
# Open log file after we dropped privileges so that the file is being owned
# by olympia:olympia and has proper permissions to be readable outside
# of docker
logto2 = %(base)/logs/uwsgi-master.log
# Set default settings as originally done by manage.py