366 строки
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366 строки
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import calendar
import json
import re
import time
import urllib2
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from django.conf import settings
from celeryutils import task
import cronjobs
import commonware.log
import phpserialize
import redisutils
import amo
from amo.utils import chunked
from addons.models import Addon, AddonCategory
from addons.utils import AdminActivityLogMigrationTracker, MigrationTracker
from applications.models import Application, AppVersion
from bandwagon.models import Collection
from cake.models import Session
from devhub.models import ActivityLog, LegacyAddonLog
from editors.models import EventLog
from files.models import TestResultCache
from reviews.models import Review
from sharing import SERVICES_LIST
from stats.models import AddonShareCount, Contribution
from users.models import UserProfile
log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.cron')
def _trim_categories(results, app_id, **kw):
`results` is a list of dicts. E.g.:
[{'addon_id': 138L, 'num_cats': 4}, ...]
log.info('[%s@%s] Trimming category-fat add-ons' %
(len(results), _trim_categories.rate_limit))
delete_me = []
pks = [r['addon_id'] for r in results]
for addon in Addon.objects.filter(pk__in=pks):
qs = addon.addoncategory_set.filter(category__application=app_id)[2:]
delete_me.extend(qs.values_list('id', flat=True))
log.info('Deleting %d add-on categories.' % len(delete_me))
def gc(test_result=True):
"""Site-wide garbage collections."""
days_ago = lambda days: datetime.today() - timedelta(days=days)
one_hour_ago = datetime.today() - timedelta(hours=1)
log.debug('Collecting data to delete')
logs = (ActivityLog.objects.filter(created__lt=days_ago(90))
.exclude(action__in=amo.LOG_KEEP).values_list('id', flat=True))
# Paypal only keeps retrying to verify transactions for up to 3 days. If we
# still have an unverified transaction after 6 days, we might as well get
# rid of it.
contributions_to_delete = (Contribution.objects
.filter(transaction_id__isnull=True, created__lt=days_ago(6))
.values_list('id', flat=True))
collections_to_delete = (Collection.objects.filter(
created__lt=days_ago(2), type=amo.COLLECTION_ANONYMOUS)
.values_list('id', flat=True))
# Remove Incomplete add-ons older than 4 days.
addons_to_delete = (Addon.objects.filter(
highest_status=amo.STATUS_NULL, status=amo.STATUS_NULL,
.values_list('id', flat=True))
for chunk in chunked(logs, 100):
for chunk in chunked(contributions_to_delete, 100):
for chunk in chunked(collections_to_delete, 100):
for chunk in chunked(addons_to_delete, 100):
log.debug('Cleaning up sharing services.')
service__in=[s.shortname for s in SERVICES_LIST]).delete()
log.debug('Cleaning up cake sessions.')
# cake.Session uses Unix Timestamps
two_days_ago = calendar.timegm(days_ago(2).utctimetuple())
log.debug('Cleaning up test results cache.')
log.debug('Cleaning up test results extraction cache.')
if settings.NETAPP_STORAGE and settings.NETAPP_STORAGE != '/':
cmd = ('find', settings.NETAPP_STORAGE, '-maxdepth', '1', '-name',
'validate-*', '-mtime', '+7', '-type', 'd',
'-exec', 'rm', '-rf', "{}", ';')
output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
for line in output.split("\n"):
log.warning('NETAPP_STORAGE not defined.')
log.debug('Cleaning up uncompressed icons.')
cmd = ('find', settings.COLLECTIONS_ICON_PATH,
'-name', '*__unconverted', '-mtime', '+1', '-type', 'f',
'-exec', 'rm', '{}', ';')
output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
for line in output.split("\n"):
if settings.USERPICS_PATH:
log.debug('Cleaning up uncompressed userpics.')
cmd = ('find', settings.USERPICS_PATH,
'-name', '*__unconverted', '-mtime', '+1', '-type', 'f',
'-exec', 'rm', '{}', ';')
output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
for line in output.split("\n"):
def _delete_logs(items, **kw):
log.info('[%s@%s] Deleting logs' % (len(items), _delete_logs.rate_limit))
def _delete_stale_contributions(items, **kw):
log.info('[%s@%s] Deleting stale collections' %
(len(items), _delete_stale_contributions.rate_limit))
transaction_id__isnull=True, pk__in=items).delete()
def _delete_anonymous_collections(items, **kw):
log.info('[%s@%s] Deleting anonymous collections' %
(len(items), _delete_anonymous_collections.rate_limit))
def _delete_incomplete_addons(items, **kw):
log.info('[%s@%s] Deleting incomplete add-ons' %
(len(items), _delete_incomplete_addons.rate_limit))
for addon in Addon.objects.filter(
highest_status=0, status=0, pk__in=items):
addon.delete('Deleted for incompleteness')
except Exception as e:
log.error("Couldn't delete add-on %s: %s" % (addon.id, e))
def migrate_admin_logs():
# Get the highest id we've looked at.
a = AdminActivityLogMigrationTracker()
id = a.get() or 0
# filter here for addappversion
items = LegacyAddonLog.objects.filter(
type=amo.LOG.ADD_APPVERSION.id, pk__gt=id).values_list(
'id', flat=True)
for chunk in chunked(items, 100):
def _migrate_admin_logs(items, **kw):
print 'Processing: %d..%d' % (items[0], items[-1])
for item in LegacyAddonLog.objects.filter(pk__in=items):
kw = dict(user=item.user, created=item.created)
amo.log(amo.LOG.ADD_APPVERSION, (Application, item.object1_id),
(AppVersion, item.object2_id), **kw)
# TODO(davedash): remove after /editors is on zamboni
def migrate_editor_eventlog():
a = MigrationTracker('eventlog')
id = a.get() or 0
items = EventLog.objects.filter(type='editor', pk__gt=id).values_list(
'id', flat=True)
for chunk in chunked(items, 100):
def _migrate_editor_eventlog(items, **kw):
log.info('[%s@%s] Migrating eventlog items' %
(len(items), _migrate_editor_eventlog.rate_limit))
for item in EventLog.objects.filter(pk__in=items):
kw = dict(user=item.user, created=item.created)
if item.action == 'review_delete':
details = None
details = phpserialize.loads(item.notes)
except ValueError:
amo.log(amo.LOG.DELETE_REVIEW, item.changed_id, details=details,
elif item.action == 'review_approve':
r = Review.objects.get(pk=item.changed_id)
amo.log(amo.LOG.ADD_REVIEW, r, r.addon, **kw)
except Review.DoesNotExist:
log.warning("Couldn't find review for %d" % item.changed_id)
def dissolve_outgoing_urls():
"""Over time, some outgoing.m.o URLs have been encoded several times in the
db. This removes the layers of encoding and sets URLs to their real value.
The app will take care of sending things through outgoing.m.o. See bug
needle = 'outgoing.mozilla.org'
users = (UserProfile.objects.filter(homepage__contains=needle)
.values_list('id', 'homepage'))
if not users:
print "Didn't find any add-ons with messed up homepages."
print 'Found %s users to fix. Sending them to celeryd.' % len(users)
for chunk in chunked(users, 100):
def _dissolve_outgoing_urls(items, **kw):
log.info('[%s@%s] Dissolving outgoing urls' %
(len(items), _dissolve_outgoing_urls.rate_limit))
regex = re.compile('^http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/[0-9a-f]+/(.*?)$')
def peel_the_onion(url):
match = regex.match(url)
if not match:
return None
new = urllib2.unquote(match.group(1))
are_we_there_yet = peel_the_onion(new) # That's right. You love it.
if not are_we_there_yet:
return new
return are_we_there_yet
for user in items:
url = peel_the_onion(user[1])
# 20 or so of these are just to outgoing.m.o, so just whack them
if url == 'http://outgoing.mozilla.org':
url = None
# TODO(davedash): Remove after 5.12.7 is pushed.
def activity_log_scrubber():
Scans activity log for REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION and ADD_TO_COLLECTION, looks
for collections in arguments and checks whether collection is listed.
items = (ActivityLog.objects.filter(
.values('id', '_arguments'))
ids = []
count = 0
# ~127K
for item in items:
count += 1
for k in json.loads(item['_arguments']):
if 'bandwagon.collection' not in k:
if not all(Collection.objects.filter(pk=k.values()[0])
.values_list('listed', flat=True)):
log.debug('%d items seen.' % count)
if len(ids) > 100:
ids = []
# get everyone else
def _activity_log_scrubber(items, **kw):
log.info('[%s@%s] Deleting activity log items' %
(len(items), _activity_log_scrubber.rate_limit))
class QueueCheck(object):
key = 'cron:queuecheck:%s:%s'
def __init__(self):
self.redis = redisutils.connections['master']
def queues(self):
# Figure out all the queues we're using. celery is the default, with a
# warning threshold of 10 minutes.
queues = {'celery': 60 * 60}
others = set(r['queue'] for r in settings.CELERY_ROUTES.values())
# 30 second threshold for the fast queues.
queues.update((q, 30) for q in others)
return queues
def set(self, action, queue):
self.redis.set(self.key % (action, queue), time.time())
def get(self, action, queue):
return self.redis.get(self.key % (action, queue))
def check_queues():
checker = QueueCheck()
for queue in checker.queues():
checker.set('ping', queue)
ping.apply_async(queue=queue, routing_key=queue, exchange=queue)
def ping(**kw):
queue = kw['delivery_info']['routing_key']
log.info('[1@None] Checking the %s queue' % queue)
QueueCheck().set('pong', queue)