522 строки
18 KiB
522 строки
18 KiB
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
import functools
import json
import time
from django import http
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db.models import Q
from django.shortcuts import redirect, get_object_or_404
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
import jingo
from tower import ugettext as _
import amo
from access import acl
from addons.decorators import addon_view
from addons.models import Version
from amo.decorators import login_required, json_view, post_required
from amo.utils import paginate
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from devhub.models import ActivityLog
from editors import forms
from editors.models import (EditorSubscription, ViewPendingQueue,
ViewFullReviewQueue, ViewPreliminaryQueue,
EventLog, CannedResponse, PerformanceGraph)
from editors.helpers import (ViewPendingQueueTable, ViewFullReviewQueueTable,
from files.models import Approval, File
from reviews.forms import ReviewFlagFormSet
from reviews.models import Review, ReviewFlag
from users.models import UserProfile
from zadmin.models import get_config, set_config
def editor_required(func):
"""Requires the user to be logged in as an editor or admin."""
def wrapper(request, *args, **kw):
if acl.action_allowed(request, 'Editors', '%'):
return func(request, *args, **kw)
return http.HttpResponseForbidden()
return wrapper
def context(**kw):
ctx = dict(motd=get_config('editors_review_motd'),
return ctx
def eventlog(request):
form = forms.EventLogForm(request.GET)
eventlog = ActivityLog.objects.editor_events()
if form.is_valid():
if form.cleaned_data['start']:
eventlog = eventlog.filter(created__gte=form.cleaned_data['start'])
if form.cleaned_data['end']:
eventlog = eventlog.filter(created__lt=form.cleaned_data['end'])
if form.cleaned_data['filter']:
eventlog = eventlog.filter(action=form.cleaned_data['filter'].id)
pager = amo.utils.paginate(request, eventlog, 50)
data = context(form=form, pager=pager)
return jingo.render(request, 'editors/eventlog.html', data)
def eventlog_detail(request, id):
log = get_object_or_404(ActivityLog.objects.editor_events(), pk=id)
data = context(log=log)
return jingo.render(request, 'editors/eventlog_detail.html', data)
def home(request):
durations = (('new', _('New Add-ons (Under 5 days)')),
('med', _('Passable (5 to 10 days)')),
('old', _('Overdue (Over 10 days)')))
progress, percentage = _editor_progress()
data = context(reviews_total=ActivityLog.objects.total_reviews()[:5],
progress=progress, percentage=percentage,
return jingo.render(request, 'editors/home.html', data)
def _editor_progress():
"""Return the progress (number of add-ons still unreviewed for a given
period of time) and the percentage (out of all add-ons of that type)."""
types = ['nominated', 'prelim', 'pending']
progress = {'new': _queue_counts(types, days_max=4),
'med': _queue_counts(types, days_min=5, days_max=10),
'old': _queue_counts(types, days_min=11),
'week': _queue_counts(types, days_max=7)}
# Return the percent of (p)rogress out of (t)otal.
pct = lambda p, t: (p / float(t)) * 100 if p > 0 else 0
percentage = {}
for t in types:
total = progress['new'][t] + progress['med'][t] + progress['old'][t]
percentage[t] = {}
for duration in ('new', 'med', 'old'):
percentage[t][duration] = pct(progress[duration][t], total)
return (progress, percentage)
def performance(request, user_id=False):
user = request.amo_user
editors = _recent_editors()
is_admin = acl.action_allowed(request, 'Admin', '%')
if is_admin and user_id:
user_new = UserProfile.objects.filter(pk=user_id)
if user_new.exists():
user = user_new.all()[0]
monthly_data = _performance_by_month(user.id)
performance_total = _performance_total(monthly_data)
data = context(monthly_data=json.dumps(monthly_data),
editors=editors, current_user=user, is_admin=is_admin,
is_user=(request.amo_user.id == user.id))
return jingo.render(request, 'editors/performance.html', data)
def _recent_editors(days=90):
since_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=days)
editors = (UserProfile.objects
return editors
def _performance_total(data):
# TODO(gkoberger): Fix this so it's the past X, rather than this X to date.
# (ex: March 15-April 15, not April 1 - April 15)
total_yr = dict(usercount=0, teamamt=0, teamcount=0, teamavg=0)
total_month = dict(usercount=0, teamamt=0, teamcount=0, teamavg=0)
current_year = datetime.now().year
for k, val in data.items():
if k.startswith(str(current_year)):
total_yr['usercount'] = total_yr['usercount'] + val['usercount']
total_yr['teamamt'] = total_yr['teamamt'] + val['teamamt']
total_yr['teamcount'] = total_yr['teamcount'] + val['teamcount']
current_label_month = datetime.now().isoformat()[:7]
if current_label_month in data:
total_month = data[current_label_month]
return dict(month=total_month, year=total_yr)
def _performance_by_month(user_id, months=12, end_month=None, end_year=None):
monthly_data = SortedDict()
now = datetime.now()
if not end_month:
end_month = now.month
if not end_year:
end_year = now.year
end_time = time.mktime((end_year, end_month + 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1))
start_time = time.mktime((end_year, end_month + 1 - months,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1))
sql = (PerformanceGraph.objects
.filter_raw('log_activity.created >=',
.filter_raw('log_activity.created <',
for row in sql.all():
label = row.approval_created.isoformat()[:7]
if not label in monthly_data:
xaxis = row.approval_created.strftime('%b %Y')
monthly_data[label] = dict(teamcount=0, usercount=0,
teamamt=0, label=xaxis)
monthly_data[label]['teamamt'] = monthly_data[label]['teamamt'] + 1
monthly_data_count = monthly_data[label]['teamcount']
monthly_data[label]['teamcount'] = monthly_data_count + row.total
if row.user_id == user_id:
user_count = monthly_data[label]['usercount']
monthly_data[label]['usercount'] = user_count + row.total
# Calculate averages
for i, vals in monthly_data.items():
average = round(vals['teamcount'] / float(vals['teamamt']), 1)
monthly_data[i]['teamavg'] = str(average) # floats aren't valid json
return monthly_data;
def motd(request):
form = None
if acl.action_allowed(request, 'Admin', 'EditorsMOTD'):
form = forms.MOTDForm()
data = context(form=form)
return jingo.render(request, 'editors/motd.html', data)
def save_motd(request):
if not acl.action_allowed(request, 'Admin', 'EditorsMOTD'):
return http.HttpResponseForbidden()
form = forms.MOTDForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
set_config('editors_review_motd', form.cleaned_data['motd'])
return redirect(reverse('editors.motd'))
data = context(form=form)
return jingo.render(request, 'editors/motd.html', data)
def _queue(request, TableObj, tab):
qs = TableObj.Meta.model.objects.all()
if request.GET:
search_form = forms.QueueSearchForm(request.GET)
if search_form.is_valid():
qs = search_form.filter_qs(qs)
search_form = forms.QueueSearchForm()
review_num = request.GET.get('num', None)
if review_num:
review_num = int(review_num)
except ValueError:
# Force a limit query for efficiency:
start = review_num - 1
row = qs[start : start + 1][0]
return redirect('%s?num=%s' % (
except IndexError:
order_by = request.GET.get('sort', '-waiting_time_min')
legacy_sorts = {
'name': 'addon_name',
'age': 'waiting_time_min',
'type': 'addon_type_id',
order_by = legacy_sorts.get(order_by, order_by)
table = TableObj(qs, order_by=order_by)
default = 100
per_page = request.GET.get('per_page', default)
per_page = int(per_page)
except ValueError:
per_page = default
if per_page <= 0 or per_page > 200:
per_page = default
page = paginate(request, table.rows, per_page=per_page)
return jingo.render(request, 'editors/queue.html',
context(table=table, page=page, tab=tab,
def _queue_counts(type=None, **kw):
def construct_query(query_type, days_min=None, days_max=None):
def apply_query(query, *args):
query = query.having(*args)
return query
query = query_type.objects
if days_min:
query = apply_query(query, 'waiting_time_days >=', days_min)
if days_max:
query = apply_query(query, 'waiting_time_days <=', days_max)
return query.count
counts = {'pending': construct_query(ViewPendingQueue, **kw),
'nominated': construct_query(ViewFullReviewQueue, **kw),
'prelim': construct_query(ViewPreliminaryQueue, **kw),
'moderated': Review.objects.filter(reviewflag__isnull=False,
rv = {}
if isinstance(type, basestring):
return counts[type]()
for k, v in counts.items():
if not isinstance(type, list) or k in type:
rv[k] = v()
return rv
def queue(request):
return redirect(reverse('editors.queue_pending'))
def queue_nominated(request):
return _queue(request, ViewFullReviewQueueTable, 'nominated')
def queue_pending(request):
return _queue(request, ViewPendingQueueTable, 'pending')
def queue_prelim(request):
return _queue(request, ViewPreliminaryQueueTable, 'prelim')
def queue_moderated(request):
rf = (Review.objects.filter(editorreview=1, reviewflag__isnull=False,
page = paginate(request, rf, per_page=20)
flags = dict(ReviewFlag.FLAGS)
reviews_formset = ReviewFlagFormSet(request.POST or None,
if reviews_formset.is_valid():
return redirect(reverse('editors.queue_moderated'))
return jingo.render(request, 'editors/queue.html',
tab='moderated', page=page, flags=flags,
def application_versions_json(request):
app_id = request.POST['application_id']
f = forms.QueueSearchForm()
return {'choices': f.version_choices_for_app_id(app_id)}
def review(request, addon):
version = addon.latest_version
if (not settings.DEBUG and
amo.messages.warning(request, _('Self-reviews are not allowed.'))
return redirect(reverse('editors.queue'))
form = forms.get_review_form(request.POST or None, request=request,
addon=addon, version=version)
queue_type = (form.helper.review_type if form.helper.review_type
!= 'preliminary' else 'prelim')
redirect_url = reverse('editors.queue_%s' % queue_type)
num = request.GET.get('num')
paging = {}
if num:
num = int(num)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise http.Http404
total = _queue_counts(queue_type)
paging = {'current': num, 'total': total,
'prev': num > 1, 'next': num < total,
'prev_url': '%s?num=%s' % (redirect_url, num - 1),
'next_url': '%s?num=%s' % (redirect_url, num + 1)}
if request.method == 'POST' and form.is_valid():
if form.cleaned_data.get('notify'):
amo.messages.success(request, _('Review successfully processed.'))
return redirect(redirect_url)
canned = CannedResponse.objects.all()
is_admin = acl.action_allowed(request, 'Admin', 'EditAnyAddon')
actions = form.helper.actions.items()
statuses = [amo.STATUS_PUBLIC, amo.STATUS_LITE,
show_diff = (addon.versions.exclude(id=version.id)
except Version.DoesNotExist:
show_diff = None
# The actions we should show a minimal form from.
actions_minimal = [k for (k, a) in actions if not a.get('minimal')]
# We only allow the user to check/uncheck files for "pending"
allow_unchecking_files = form.helper.review_type == "pending"
versions = (Version.objects.filter(addon=addon).order_by('-created')
pager = amo.utils.paginate(request, versions, 5)
num_pages = pager.paginator.num_pages
count = pager.paginator.count
ctx = context(version=version, addon=addon,
pager=pager, num_pages=num_pages, count=count,
flags=Review.objects.filter(addon=addon, flag=True),
form=form, paging=paging, canned=canned, is_admin=is_admin,
status_types=amo.STATUS_CHOICES, show_diff=show_diff,
actions=actions, actions_minimal=actions_minimal)
return jingo.render(request, 'editors/review.html', ctx)
def review_viewing(request):
if 'addon_id' not in request.POST:
return {}
addon_id = request.POST['addon_id']
user_id = request.amo_user.id
current_name = ''
is_user = 0
key = '%s:review_viewing:%s' % (settings.CACHE_PREFIX, addon_id)
# Check who is viewing.
currently_viewing = cache.get(key)
# If nobody is viewing or current user is, set current user as viewing
if not currently_viewing or currently_viewing == user_id:
# We want to save it for twice as long as the ping interval,
# just to account for latency and the like.
cache.set(key, user_id, interval * 2)
currently_viewing = user_id
current_name = request.amo_user.name
is_user = 1
current_name = UserProfile.objects.get(pk=currently_viewing).name
return {'current': currently_viewing, 'current_name': current_name,
'is_user': is_user, 'interval_seconds': interval}
def reviewlog(request):
data = request.GET.copy()
if not data.get('start') and not data.get('end'):
today = date.today()
data['start'] = date(today.year, today.month, 1)
form = forms.ReviewLogForm(data)
approvals = ActivityLog.objects.review_queue()
if form.is_valid():
data = form.cleaned_data
if data['start']:
approvals = approvals.filter(created__gte=data['start'])
if data['end']:
approvals = approvals.filter(created__lt=data['end'])
if data['search']:
term = data['search']
approvals = approvals.filter(
Q(commentlog__comments__contains=term) |
Q(addonlog__addon__name__localized_string__contains=term) |
Q(user__display_name__contains=term) |
pager = amo.utils.paginate(request, approvals, 50)
ad = {
amo.LOG.APPROVE_VERSION.id: _('was approved'),
amo.LOG.PRELIMINARY_VERSION.id: _('given preliminary review'),
amo.LOG.REJECT_VERSION.id: _('rejected'),
amo.LOG.ESCALATE_VERSION.id: _('escalated',
amo.LOG.REQUEST_INFORMATION.id: _('needs more information'),
amo.LOG.REQUEST_SUPER_REVIEW.id: _('needs super review'),
data = context(form=form, pager=pager, ACTION_DICT=ad)
return jingo.render(request, 'editors/reviewlog.html', data)