547 строки
20 KiB
547 строки
20 KiB
import codecs
from contextlib import contextmanager
from cStringIO import StringIO
import json
import os
import shutil
import socket
import tempfile
import urllib2
from django.conf import settings
from django.core import mail
from django.core.files.storage import default_storage as storage
import mock
from nose.tools import eq_
from PIL import Image
import amo
import amo.tests
from addons.models import Preview
from amo.tests.test_helpers import get_image_path
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from amo.utils import ImageCheck
from files.models import FileUpload
import mkt
from mkt.developers import tasks
from mkt.site.fixtures import fixture
from mkt.submit.tests.test_views import BaseWebAppTest
from mkt.webapps.models import AddonExcludedRegion as AER, Webapp
def test_resize_icon_shrink():
""" Image should be shrunk so that the longest side is 32px. """
resize_size = 32
final_size = (32, 12)
_uploader(resize_size, final_size)
def test_resize_icon_enlarge():
""" Image stays the same, since the new size is bigger than both sides. """
resize_size = 1000
final_size = (339, 128)
_uploader(resize_size, final_size)
def test_resize_icon_same():
""" Image stays the same, since the new size is the same. """
resize_size = 339
final_size = (339, 128)
_uploader(resize_size, final_size)
def test_resize_icon_list():
""" Resize multiple images at once. """
resize_size = [32, 82, 100]
final_size = [(32, 12), (82, 30), (100, 37)]
_uploader(resize_size, final_size)
def _uploader(resize_size, final_size):
img = get_image_path('mozilla.png')
original_size = (339, 128)
src = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+w+b', suffix=".png",
# resize_icon removes the original
shutil.copyfile(img, src.name)
with storage.open(src.name) as fp:
src_image = Image.open(fp)
eq_(src_image.size, original_size)
if isinstance(final_size, list):
for rsize, fsize in zip(resize_size, final_size):
dest_name = os.path.join(settings.ADDON_ICONS_PATH, '1234')
tasks.resize_icon(src.name, dest_name, resize_size, locally=True)
with storage.open("%s-%s.png" % (dest_name, rsize)) as fp:
dest_image = Image.open(fp)
# Assert that the width is always identical.
eq_(dest_image.size[0], fsize[0])
# Assert that the height can be a wee bit fuzzy.
assert -1 <= dest_image.size[1] - fsize[1] <= 1, (
"Got width %d, expected %d" %
(fsize[1], dest_image.size[1]))
if os.path.exists(dest_image.filename):
assert not os.path.exists(dest_image.filename)
dest = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+w+b', suffix=".png")
tasks.resize_icon(src.name, dest.name, resize_size, locally=True)
with storage.open(dest.name) as fp:
dest_image = Image.open(fp)
# Assert that the width is always identical.
eq_(dest_image.size[0], final_size[0])
# Assert that the height can be a wee bit fuzzy.
assert -1 <= dest_image.size[1] - final_size[1] <= 1, (
"Got width %d, expected %d" % (final_size[1], dest_image.size[1]))
assert not os.path.exists(src.name)
class TestValidator(amo.tests.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.upload = FileUpload.objects.create()
assert not self.upload.valid
def get_upload(self):
return FileUpload.objects.get(pk=self.upload.pk)
def test_pass_validation(self, _mock):
_mock.return_value = '{"errors": 0}'
assert self.get_upload().valid
def test_fail_validation(self, _mock):
_mock.return_value = '{"errors": 2}'
assert not self.get_upload().valid
def test_validation_error(self, _mock):
_mock.side_effect = Exception
eq_(self.upload.task_error, None)
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
error = self.get_upload().task_error
assert error is not None
assert error.startswith('Traceback (most recent call last)'), error
def test_validate_manifest(self, _open, _mock):
_open.return_value = StringIO('')
_mock.return_value = '{"errors": 0}'
assert _mock.called
def test_validate_packaged_app(self, _zipfile, _mock):
_zipfile.return_value = True
_mock.return_value = '{"errors": 0}'
assert _mock.called
storage_open = storage.open
def _mock_hide_64px_icon(path, *args, **kwargs):
A function that mocks `storage.open` and throws an IOError if you try to
open a 128x128px icon.
if '128' in path:
raise IOError('No 128px icon for you!')
return storage_open(path, *args, **kwargs)
class TestResizePreview(amo.tests.TestCase):
fixtures = fixture('webapp_337141')
def test_preview(self):
addon = Webapp.objects.get(pk=337141)
preview = Preview.objects.create(addon=addon)
src = get_image_path('preview.jpg')
tasks.resize_preview(src, preview)
preview = preview.reload()
eq_(preview.image_size, [400, 533])
eq_(preview.thumbnail_size, [180, 240])
eq_(preview.is_landscape, False)
with storage.open(preview.thumbnail_path) as fp:
im = Image.open(fp)
eq_(list(im.size), [180, 240])
def test_preview_rotated(self):
addon = Webapp.objects.get(pk=337141)
preview = Preview.objects.create(addon=addon)
src = get_image_path('preview_landscape.jpg')
tasks.resize_preview(src, preview)
preview = preview.reload()
eq_(preview.image_size, [533, 400])
eq_(preview.thumbnail_size, [240, 180])
eq_(preview.is_landscape, True)
with storage.open(preview.thumbnail_path) as fp:
im = Image.open(fp)
eq_(list(im.size), [240, 180])
class TestFetchManifest(amo.tests.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.upload = FileUpload.objects.create()
self.content_type = 'application/x-web-app-manifest+json'
patcher = mock.patch('mkt.developers.tasks.urllib2.urlopen')
self.urlopen_mock = patcher.start()
def get_upload(self):
return FileUpload.objects.get(pk=self.upload.pk)
def file(self, name):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'addons', name)
def patch_urlopen(self):
response_mock = mock.Mock()
response_mock.getcode.return_value = 200
response_mock.read.return_value = '<default>'
response_mock.headers = {'Content-Type': self.content_type}
yield response_mock
self.urlopen_mock.return_value = response_mock
def test_success_add_file(self, validator_mock):
with self.patch_urlopen() as ur:
ur.read.return_value = 'woo'
ur.headers = {'Content-Type': self.content_type}
tasks.fetch_manifest('http://xx.com/manifest.json', self.upload.pk)
upload = FileUpload.objects.get(pk=self.upload.pk)
eq_(upload.name, 'http://xx.com/manifest.json')
eq_(upload.is_webapp, True)
eq_(storage.open(upload.path).read(), 'woo')
def test_success_call_validator(self, validator_mock):
with self.patch_urlopen() as ur:
ct = self.content_type + '; charset=utf-8'
ur.headers = {'Content-Type': ct}
tasks.fetch_manifest('http://xx.com/manifest.json', self.upload.pk)
assert validator_mock.called
def check_validation(self, msg=''):
upload = self.get_upload()
if msg:
validation = json.loads(upload.validation)
eq_([m['message'] for m in validation['messages']], [msg])
eq_(validation['errors'], 1)
eq_(validation['success'], False)
eq_(len(validation['messages']), 1)
validation_output = upload.validation
if not validation_output:
validation = json.loads(validation_output)
assert not validation['messages']
eq_(validation['errors'], 0)
eq_(validation['success'], True)
def test_connection_error(self):
reason = socket.gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided')
self.urlopen_mock.side_effect = urllib2.URLError(reason)
tasks.fetch_manifest('url', self.upload.pk)
'No manifest was found at that URL. Check the address and try '
def test_url_timeout(self):
reason = socket.timeout('too slow')
self.urlopen_mock.side_effect = urllib2.URLError(reason)
tasks.fetch_manifest('url', self.upload.pk)
'No manifest was found at that URL. Check the address and try '
def test_other_url_error(self):
reason = Exception('Some other failure.')
self.urlopen_mock.side_effect = urllib2.URLError(reason)
tasks.fetch_manifest('url', self.upload.pk)
'No manifest was found at that URL. Check the address and try '
@mock.patch('mkt.developers.tasks.validator', lambda uid, **kw: None)
def test_no_content_type(self):
with self.patch_urlopen() as ur:
ur.headers = {}
tasks.fetch_manifest('url', self.upload.pk)
'No manifest was found at that URL. Check the address and try '
@mock.patch('mkt.developers.tasks.validator', lambda uid, **kw: None)
def test_bad_content_type(self):
with self.patch_urlopen() as ur:
ur.headers = {'Content-Type': 'x'}
tasks.fetch_manifest('url', self.upload.pk)
'Manifests must be served with the HTTP header "Content-Type: '
'application/x-web-app-manifest+json". See %s for more '
'information.' % tasks.CT_URL)
@mock.patch('mkt.developers.tasks.validator', lambda uid, **kw: None)
def test_good_charset(self):
with self.patch_urlopen() as ur:
ur.headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-web-app-manifest+json;'
tasks.fetch_manifest('url', self.upload.pk)
@mock.patch('mkt.developers.tasks.validator', lambda uid, **kw: None)
def test_bad_charset(self):
with self.patch_urlopen() as ur:
ur.headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-web-app-manifest+json;'
tasks.fetch_manifest('url', self.upload.pk)
self.check_validation("The manifest's encoding does not match the "
'charset provided in the HTTP Content-Type.')
def test_response_too_large(self):
with self.patch_urlopen() as ur:
content = 'x' * (settings.MAX_WEBAPP_UPLOAD_SIZE + 1)
ur.read.return_value = content
tasks.fetch_manifest('url', self.upload.pk)
max_webapp_size = settings.MAX_WEBAPP_UPLOAD_SIZE
self.check_validation('Your manifest must be less than %s bytes.' %
def test_http_error(self):
self.urlopen_mock.side_effect = urllib2.HTTPError(
'url', 404, 'Not Found', [], None)
tasks.fetch_manifest('url', self.upload.pk)
'No manifest was found at that URL. Check the address and try '
def test_strip_utf8_bom(self):
with self.patch_urlopen() as ur:
with open(self.file('utf8bom.webapp')) as fp:
ur.read.return_value = fp.read()
tasks.fetch_manifest('url', self.upload.pk)
upload = self.get_upload()
with storage.open(upload.path, 'rb') as fp:
manifest = fp.read()
json.loads(manifest) # no parse error
assert not manifest.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8)
def test_non_utf8_encoding(self):
with self.patch_urlopen() as ur:
with open(self.file('utf8bom.webapp')) as fp:
# Set encoding to utf16 which will be invalid
ur.read.return_value = fp.read().decode('utf8').encode('utf16')
tasks.fetch_manifest('url', self.upload.pk)
'Your manifest file was not encoded as valid UTF-8.')
class TestFetchIcon(BaseWebAppTest):
def setUp(self):
super(TestFetchIcon, self).setUp()
self.content_type = 'image/png'
self.apps_path = os.path.join(settings.ROOT, 'apps', 'devhub', 'tests',
patcher = mock.patch('mkt.developers.tasks.urllib2.urlopen')
self.urlopen_mock = patcher.start()
self.urlopen_mock.return_value = StringIO('mozballin')
def webapp_from_path(self, path):
self.upload = self.get_upload(abspath=path)
self.url = reverse('submit.app')
assert self.client.login(username='regular@mozilla.com',
return self.post_addon()
def test_no_version(self):
app = Webapp()
eq_(tasks.fetch_icon(app), None)
def test_no_icons(self):
path = os.path.join(self.apps_path, 'noicon.webapp')
iconless_app = self.webapp_from_path(path)
assert not self.urlopen_mock.called
def test_bad_icons(self):
path = os.path.join(self.apps_path, 'badicon.webapp')
iconless_app = self.webapp_from_path(path)
assert not self.urlopen_mock.called
def check_icons(self, webapp):
manifest = webapp.get_manifest_json()
biggest = max([int(size) for size in manifest['icons']])
icon_dir = webapp.get_icon_dir()
for size in amo.ADDON_ICON_SIZES:
if not size <= biggest:
icon_path = os.path.join(icon_dir, '%s-%s.png'
% (str(webapp.id), size))
with open(icon_path, 'r') as img:
checker = ImageCheck(img)
assert checker.is_image()
eq_(checker.img.size, (size, size))
def test_data_uri(self):
app_path = os.path.join(self.apps_path, 'dataicon.webapp')
webapp = self.webapp_from_path(app_path)
eq_(webapp.icon_type, self.content_type)
def test_hosted_icon(self):
app_path = os.path.join(self.apps_path, 'mozball.webapp')
webapp = self.webapp_from_path(app_path)
img_path = os.path.join(self.apps_path, 'mozball-128.png')
with open(img_path, 'r') as content:
tasks.save_icon(webapp, content.read())
eq_(webapp.icon_type, self.content_type)
def test_cdn_icon(self, save, fetch):
response = mock.Mock()
response.read.return_value = ''
webapp = mock.Mock()
webapp.is_packaged = False
url = 'http://foo.com/bar'
webapp.get_manifest_json.return_value = {'icons': {'128': url}}
assert url in fetch.call_args[0][0]
def test_packaged_icon(self, save, zip):
response = mock.Mock()
response.read.return_value = ''
zf = mock.Mock()
zip.return_value = zf
webapp = mock.Mock()
webapp.is_packaged = True
url = '/path/to/icon.png'
webapp.get_manifest_json.return_value = {'icons': {'128': url}}
assert url[1:] in zf.extract_path.call_args[0][0]
class TestRegionEmail(amo.tests.WebappTestCase):
@mock.patch.object(settings, 'SITE_URL', 'http://omg.org/')
def test_email_for_one_new_region(self):
tasks.region_email([self.app.id], [mkt.regions.BR])
msg = mail.outbox[0]
eq_(msg.subject, '%s: Brazil region added to the Firefox Marketplace'
% self.app.name)
eq_(msg.to, ['steamcube@mozilla.com'])
dev_url = ('http://omg.org/developers/app/something-something/'
assert unicode(self.app.name) in msg.body
assert dev_url in msg.body
assert ' added a new ' in msg.body
assert ' for Brazil.' in msg.body
# TODO: Re-enable this when we bring back Unsubscribe (bug 802379).
#assert 'Unsubscribe' in msg.body
@mock.patch.object(settings, 'SITE_URL', 'http://omg.org/')
def test_email_for_two_new_regions(self):
[mkt.regions.UK, mkt.regions.BR])
msg = mail.outbox[0]
eq_(msg.subject, '%s: New regions added to the Firefox Marketplace'
% self.app.name)
eq_(msg.to, ['steamcube@mozilla.com'])
dev_url = ('http://omg.org/developers/app/something-something/'
assert unicode(self.app.name) in msg.body
assert dev_url in msg.body
assert ' added two new ' in msg.body
assert ': Brazil and United Kingdom.' in msg.body
# TODO: Re-enable this when we bring back Unsubscribe (bug 802379).
#assert 'Unsubscribe' in msg.body
@mock.patch.object(settings, 'SITE_URL', 'http://omg.org/')
def test_email_for_several_new_regions(self):
[mkt.regions.UK, mkt.regions.US, mkt.regions.BR])
msg = mail.outbox[0]
eq_(msg.subject, '%s: New regions added to the Firefox Marketplace'
% self.app.name)
assert ' added a few new ' in msg.body
assert ': Brazil, United Kingdom, and United States.' in msg.body
class TestRegionExclude(amo.tests.WebappTestCase):
def test_exclude_no_apps(self):
tasks.region_exclude([], [])
eq_(AER.objects.count(), 0)
tasks.region_exclude([], [mkt.regions.UK])
eq_(AER.objects.count(), 0)
def test_exclude_no_regions(self):
tasks.region_exclude([self.app.id], [])
eq_(AER.objects.count(), 0)
def test_exclude_one_new_region(self):
tasks.region_exclude([self.app.id], [mkt.regions.UK])
excluded = list(AER.objects.filter(addon=self.app)
.values_list('region', flat=True))
eq_(excluded, [mkt.regions.UK.id])
def test_exclude_several_new_regions(self):
tasks.region_exclude([self.app.id], [mkt.regions.US, mkt.regions.UK])
excluded = sorted(AER.objects.filter(addon=self.app)
.values_list('region', flat=True))
eq_(excluded, sorted([mkt.regions.US.id, mkt.regions.UK.id]))