173 строки
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173 строки
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from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url, include
from django.contrib import admin
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.views.i18n import javascript_catalog
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
import blocklist.views
import versions.urls
handler404 = 'amo.views.handler404'
handler500 = 'amo.views.handler500'
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# Discovery pane is first for undetectable efficiency wins.
('^discovery/', include('discovery.urls')),
# There are many more params but we only care about these three. The end is
# not anchored on purpose!
blocklist.views.blocklist, name='blocklist'),
('^blocked/', include('blocklist.urls')),
# Add-ons.
('', include('addons.urls')),
# Browse pages.
('', include('browse.urls')),
# Tags.
('', include('tags.urls')),
# Collections.
('', include('bandwagon.urls')),
# Files
('^files/', include('files.urls')),
# Downloads.
('^downloads/', include(versions.urls.download_patterns)),
# Users
('', include('users.urls')),
# Developer Hub.
('developers/', include('devhub.urls')),
# Developer Hub.
('editors/', include('editors.urls')),
# AMO admin (not django admin).
('^admin/', include('zadmin.urls')),
# Performance wall of shame.
('^performance/', include('perf.urls')),
# Localizable pages.
('', include('pages.urls')),
# App versions.
('pages/appversions/', include('applications.urls')),
# Services
('', include('amo.urls')),
# Search
('^search/', include('search.urls')),
# Global stats dashboard.
url('^statistics/', lambda r: redirect('/'), name='statistics.dashboard'),
# Javascript translations.
url('^jsi18n.js$', cache_page(60 * 60 * 24 * 365)(javascript_catalog),
{'domain': 'javascript', 'packages': ['zamboni']}, name='jsi18n'),
('^api/', include('api.urls')),
('^compatibility/', include('compat.urls')),
# Review spam.
url('^reviews/spam/$', 'reviews.views.spam', name='reviews.spam'),
# Redirect patterns.
lambda r: redirect('browse.extensions', 'bookmarks', permanent=True)),
lambda r, id: redirect('reviews.list', id, permanent=True)),
lambda r, id: redirect('reviews.add', id, permanent=True)),
lambda r, id: redirect('users.profile', id, permanent=True)),
lambda r: redirect('pages.about', permanent=True)),
lambda r: redirect('pages.faq', permanent=True)),
# Redirect persona/xxx
url('^persona/(?P<persona_id>\d+)', 'addons.views.persona_redirect',
# Redirect top-tags to tags/top
lambda r: redirect('tags.top_cloud', permanent=True)),
('^personas/film and tv/?$',
lambda r: redirect('browse.personas', 'film-and-tv', permanent=True)),
lambda r, id: redirect('addons.versions', id, permanent=True)),
lambda r, id: redirect('addons.versions.rss', id, permanent=True)),
lambda r, id: redirect('reviews.list.rss', id, permanent=True)),
lambda r: redirect('browse.search-tools', permanent=True)),
lambda r, id: redirect('addons.contribute', id, permanent=True)),
lambda r: redirect('browse.featured', permanent=True)),
lambda r: redirect('browse.featured.rss', permanent=True)),
urlpatterns += patterns('piston.authentication',
url(r'^oauth/request_token/$', 'oauth_request_token',
url(r'^oauth/authorize/$', 'oauth_user_auth', name='oauth.authorize'),
url(r'^oauth/access_token/$', 'oauth_access_token',
if 'django_qunit' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
def zamboni_qunit(request, path):
from time import time
import django_qunit.views
import jingo
ctx = django_qunit.views.get_suite_context(request, path)
response = jingo.render(request, 'qunit.html', ctx)
# This allows another site to embed the QUnit suite
# in an iframe (for CI).
response['x-frame-options'] = ''
return response
urlpatterns += patterns('',
url(r'^qunit/(?P<path>.*)', zamboni_qunit),
url(r'^_qunit/', include('django_qunit.urls')),
if settings.DEBUG:
# Remove leading and trailing slashes so the regex matches.
media_url = settings.MEDIA_URL.lstrip('/').rstrip('/')
urlpatterns += patterns('',
(r'^%s/(?P<path>.*)$' % media_url, 'django.views.static.serve',
{'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),