107 строки
3.3 KiB
107 строки
3.3 KiB
from nose.tools import eq_
import jingo
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
from addons.models import Addon
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from reviews.models import ReviewFlag
from reviews.forms import ReviewForm
def setup():
def render(s, context={}):
t = jingo.env.from_string(s)
return t.render(**context)
def test_stars():
s = render('{{ num|stars }}', {'num': None})
eq_(s, 'Not yet rated')
doc = pq(render('{{ num|stars }}', {'num': 1}))
msg = 'Rated 1 out of 5 stars'
eq_(doc.attr('class'), 'stars stars-1')
eq_(doc.attr('title'), msg)
eq_(doc.text(), msg)
def test_stars_details_page():
doc = pq(render('{{ num|stars(large=True) }}', {'num': 2}))
eq_(doc('.stars').attr('class'), 'stars large stars-2')
eq_(doc('meta[itemprop="worstRating"]').attr('content'), '1')
eq_(doc('span[itemprop="ratingValue"]').text(), '2')
eq_(doc('span[itemprop="bestRating"]').text(), '5')
def test_stars_max():
doc = pq(render('{{ num|stars }}', {'num': 5.3}))
eq_(doc.attr('class'), 'stars stars-5')
def test_reviews_link():
a = Addon(average_rating=4, total_reviews=37, id=1, type=1, slug='xx')
s = render('{{ reviews_link(myaddon) }}', {'myaddon': a})
eq_(pq(s)('strong').text(), '37 reviews')
# without collection uuid
eq_(pq(s)('a').attr('href'), '/addon/xx/#reviews')
# with collection uuid
myuuid = 'f19a8822-1ee3-4145-9440-0a3640201fe6'
s = render('{{ reviews_link(myaddon, myuuid) }}', {'myaddon': a,
'myuuid': myuuid})
'/addon/xx/?collection_uuid=%s#reviews' % myuuid)
z = Addon(average_rating=0, total_reviews=0, id=1, type=1, slug='xx')
s = render('{{ reviews_link(myaddon) }}', {'myaddon': z})
eq_(pq(s)('strong').text(), 'Not yet rated')
# with link
u = reverse('addons.reviews.list', args=['xx'])
s = render('{{ reviews_link(myaddon, link_to_list=True) }}',
{'myaddon': a})
eq_(pq(s)('a').attr('href'), u)
def test_mobile_reviews_link():
s = lambda a: pq(render('{{ mobile_reviews_link(myaddon) }}',
{'myaddon': a}))
a = Addon(total_reviews=0, id=1, type=1, slug='xx')
doc = s(a)
eq_(doc('a').attr('href'), reverse('addons.reviews.add', args=['xx']))
u = reverse('addons.reviews.list', args=['xx'])
a = Addon(average_rating=4, total_reviews=37, id=1, type=1, slug='xx')
doc = s(a)
eq_(doc('a').attr('href'), u)
eq_(doc('a').text(), 'Rated 4 out of 5 stars See All 37 Reviews')
a = Addon(average_rating=4, total_reviews=1, id=1, type=1, slug='xx')
doc = s(a)
eq_(doc('a').attr('href'), u)
eq_(doc('a').text(), 'See All Reviews')
def test_report_review_popup():
doc = pq(render('{{ report_review_popup() }}'))
eq_(doc('.popup.review-reason').length, 1)
for flag, text in ReviewFlag.FLAGS:
eq_(doc('li a[href$=%s]' % flag).text(), text)
eq_(doc('form input[name=note]').length, 1)
def test_edit_review_form():
doc = pq(render('{{ edit_review_form() }}'))
eq_(doc('#review-edit-form').length, 1)
eq_(doc('p.req').length, 1)
for name in ReviewForm().fields.keys():
eq_(doc('[name=%s]' % name).length, 1)