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99 строки
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Welcome to zamboni's documentation!
Tip of the Day
runserver_plus and rundevserver
Part of ``django_extensions`` is a new ``manage.py`` command:
This hooks in the ``Werkzeug debugger`` when there is a traceback. This
debugger is interactive so it makes coding fun.
Similar to ``runserver_plus`` is ``rundevserver`` which does all this, and
outputs all database queries run.
If you're just getting started, the :ref:`install <installation>` docs are the best.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Older Tips
gettext in Javascript
We have gettext in javascript! Just mark your strings with ``gettext()`` or
``ngettext()``. There isn't an ``_`` alias right now, since underscore.js has
that. If we end up with a lot of js translations, we can fix that. Check it
cd locale
./extract-po.py -d javascript
pybabel init -l en_US -d . -i javascript.pot -D javascript
perl -pi -e 's/fuzzy//' en_US/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po
pybabel compile -d . -D javascript
open http://0:8000/en-US/jsi18n/
Git Bisect
Did you break something recently? Are you wondering which commit started the
problem? ::
git bisect start
git bisect bad
git bisect good <master> # Put the known-good commit here.
git bisect run fab test
git bisect reset
Git will churn for a while, running tests, and will eventually tell you where
you suck. See the git-bisect man page for more details.
Running Tests
* Run your tests like this::
python manage.py test --noinput --logging-clear-handlers
* ``--noinput`` tells Django not to ask about creating or destroying test
* ``--loggging-clear-handlers`` tells nose that you don't want to see any
logging output. Without this, our debug logging will spew all over your
console during test runs. This can be useful for debugging, but it's not that
great most of the time. See the docs for more stuff you can do with
:mod:`nose and logging <nose.plugins.logcapture>`.
Building Docs
* If you're working on the docs, use ``make loop`` to keep your built pages
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`