688 строки
23 KiB
688 строки
23 KiB
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import random
import re
import socket
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
import commonware.log
import sphinxapi as sphinx
import amo
from amo.models import manual_order
from addons.models import Addon, Category
from bandwagon.models import Collection
from translations.query import order_by_translation
from tags.models import Tag
from versions.models import AppVersion
from .utils import convert_version, crc32
m_dot_n_re = re.compile(r'^\d+\.\d+$')
# We overload the APP field in sphinx for Search tools and personas
BIG_INTEGER = 10000000 # Used for SetFilterRange
MAX_TAGS = 10 # Number of tags we return by default.
SPHINX_HARD_LIMIT = 1000 # A hard limit that sphinx imposes.
THE_FUTURE = 9999999999
MAX_VERSION = 10 ** 13 - 1 # Large version
log = commonware.log.getLogger('z.sphinx')
def extract_filters(term, kwargs):
Pulls all the filtering options out of kwargs and the term and returns a
cleaned term without said options and a dictionary of filter names and
filter values.
# Note: even though inactive is called disabled_by_user in
# the model, this index is based on the db column.
filters = {'inactive': 0}
excludes = {}
# Status filtering
filters['addon_status'] = SEARCHABLE_STATUSES
if 'status' in kwargs:
filters['addon_status'] = [s for s in kwargs['status']
# We should always have an 'app' except for the admin.
if 'app' in kwargs:
filters['app'] = [kwargs['app']]
# We add personas and search engines if the current app supports them.
if (amo.APP_IDS.get(kwargs['app']) in
if (amo.APP_IDS.get(kwargs['app']) in
# Locale filtering
if 'locale' in kwargs:
filters['locale_ord'] = crc32(kwargs['locale'])
# In order to sort by name we need restrict to just my language.
if kwargs.get('sort') == 'name':
filters['locale_ord'] = get_locale_ord()
# everything must have a file.
if (('admin' not in kwargs) and
('type' not in kwargs or kwargs['type'] != amo.ADDON_PERSONA)):
excludes['num_files'] = 0
(term, platform) = extract_from_query(term, 'platform', '\w+', kwargs)
# platform filtering
if platform:
if not isinstance(platform, int):
platform = amo.PLATFORM_DICT.get(platform)
if platform:
platform = platform.id
# If they are seeking out PLATFORM_ALL they mean no platform filtering
if platform and platform != amo.PLATFORM_ALL.id:
filters['platform'] = (platform, amo.PLATFORM_ALL.id,)
# Type/category filters
(term, addon_type) = extract_from_query(term, 'type', '\w+', kwargs)
if addon_type:
if not isinstance(addon_type, int):
types = dict((name.lower().split()[0], id) for id, name
in amo.ADDON_TYPE.items())
addon_type = types.get(addon_type.lower())
filters['type'] = addon_type
elif settings.SEARCH_EXCLUDE_PERSONAS and not kwargs.get('show_personas'):
# by default, we exclude Personas
excludes['type'] = amo.ADDON_PERSONA
# Guid filtering..
(term, guids) = extract_from_query(term, 'guid', '[\s{}@_\.,\-0-9a-zA-Z]+',
if guids:
guids_crc = []
for guid in [s.strip() for s in guids.split(',')]:
if not guid:
filters['guid_ord'] = guids_crc
# Category filtering.
(term, category) = extract_from_query(term, 'category', '\w+', kwargs)
if category and 'app' in kwargs:
if not isinstance(category, int):
category = get_category_id(category, kwargs['app'])
filters['category'] = category
(term, tag) = extract_from_query(term, 'tag', '\w+', kwargs)
if tag:
tag = Tag.objects.filter(tag_text=tag)[:1]
if tag:
filters['tag'] = tag[0].id
filters['tag'] = -1
return (term, filters, excludes)
def get_locale_ord():
return crc32(settings.LANGUAGE_URL_MAP.get(translation.get_language())
or translation.get_language())
class ResultSet(object):
ResultSet wraps around a query set and provides meta data used for
def __init__(self, queryset, total, offset):
self.queryset = queryset
self.total = total
self.offset = offset
def __len__(self):
return self.total
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.queryset)
def __getitem__(self, k):
`queryset` doesn't contain all `total` items, just the items for the
current page, so we need to adjust `k`.
if isinstance(k, slice) and k.start >= self.offset:
k = slice(k.start - self.offset, k.stop - self.offset)
elif isinstance(k, int):
k -= self.offset
return self.queryset.__getitem__(k)
def get_category_id(category, application):
Given a string, get the category id associated with it.
category = Category.objects.filter(
if len(category):
return category[0].id
def sanitize_query(term):
term = term.strip('^$ ').replace('^$', '')
return term
def extract_from_query(term, filter, regexp, options={},
This pulls out a keyword filter from a search term and returns the value
for the filter and a new term with the filter removed.
E.g. "yslow version:3" will result in (yslow, 3). Failing this, we'll look
in the search options dictionary to see if there is a value.
re_string = r'\b%s:\s*(%s)' % (filter, regexp)
if end_of_word_boundary:
re_string += r'\b'
match = re.search(re_string, term)
if match:
term = term.replace(match.group(0), '')
value = match.group(1)
value = options.get(filter, None)
return (term, value)
class SearchError(Exception):
class Client(object):
"""A search client that queries sphinx for addons."""
def __init__(self):
self.sphinx = sphinx.SphinxClient()
if os.environ.get('DJANGO_ENVIRONMENT') == 'test':
self.sphinx.SetServer(settings.SPHINX_HOST, settings.SPHINX_PORT)
self.weight_field = ('@weight + IF(addon_status=%d, 3500, 0) + '
'IF(locale_ord=%d, 29, 0) + '
'sqrt(weeklydownloads) * 0.4 '
'AS myweight ' %
(amo.STATUS_PUBLIC, get_locale_ord()))
# Store meta data about our queries:
self.meta = {}
self.queries = {}
self.query_index = 0
self.meta_filters = {}
# TODO(davedash): make this less arbitrary
# Unique ID used for logging
self.id = int(random.random() * 10 ** 5)
def get_result_set(self, term, result, offset, limit):
# Return results as a list of add-ons.
addon_ids = [m['attrs']['addon_id'] for m in result['matches']]
log.debug([(m['attrs']['addon_id'], m['attrs'].get('myweight')) for m
in result['matches']])
addons = manual_order(Addon.objects.all(), addon_ids)
return ResultSet(addons, min(self.total_found, SPHINX_HARD_LIMIT),
def log_query(self, term=None):
"""Logs whatever relevant data we can from sphinx."""
filter_msg = []
for f in self.sphinx._filters:
msg = '+' if not f['exclude'] else '-'
msg += '%s: ' % f['attr']
if 'values' in f:
msg += '%s' % (f['values'],)
if 'max' in f and 'min' in f:
msg += '%d..%d' % (f['min'], f['max'],)
debug = lambda x: log.debug('%d %s' % (self.id, x))
debug(u'Term: %s' % smart_unicode(term))
debug('Filters: ' + ' '.join(filter_msg))
debug('Sort: %s' % self.sphinx._sortby)
debug('Limit: %d' % self.sphinx._limit)
debug('Offset: %d' % self.sphinx._offset)
def restrict_version(self, version):
Restrict a search to a specific version.
We can make the search a little fuzzy so that 3.7 includes
This is done by using a high_int and a low_int. For alpha/pre-release
searches we assume the search needs to be specific.
sc = self.sphinx
high_int = convert_version(version)
low_int = high_int
if m_dot_n_re.match(version):
low_int = convert_version(version + "apre")
# SetFilterRange requires a max and min even if you just want a
# lower-bound. To work-around this limitation we set max_ver's
# upperbound to be ridiculously large.
if high_int:
sc.SetFilterRange('max_ver', low_int, low_int + MAX_VERSION)
sc.SetFilterRange('min_ver', 0, high_int)
def add_meta_query(self, field, term):
"""Adds a 'meta' query to the client, this is an aggregate of some
field that we can use to populate filters.
This also adds meta filters that do not match the current query.
E.g. if we can add back category filters to see what tags exist in
that data set.
# We only need to select a single field for aggregate queries.
self.sphinx.SetGroupBy(field, sphinx.SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR)
self.sphinx.AddQuery(term, 'addons')
# We store a pointer to this filter.
self.queries[field] = self.query_index
self.query_index += 1
def remove_filter(self, idx):
"""Remove the `num` last filters from the sphinx query."""
return self.sphinx._filters.pop(idx)
def add_filter(self, field, values, exclude=False):
Filters the current sphinx query. `meta` means we can save pull this
filter out for meta queries.
if values is None:
if not isinstance(values, (tuple, list)):
values = (values,)
self.sphinx.SetFilter(field, values, exclude)
return len(self.sphinx._filters) - 1
def query(self, term, limit=10, offset=0, **kwargs):
Queries sphinx for a term, and parses specific options.
The following kwargs will do things:
limit: limits the number of results.
admin: if present we are in "admin" mode which lets you find addons
without files.
type: specifies an addon_type by id
sort: specifies a specific sort mode. acceptable values are 'newest',
'updated, 'name', 'averagerating' or 'weeklydownloads'. If no
sort mode is specified we use relevance.
'app': specifies which application_id to limit searches by
'version': specifies which version of an app (as specified) that
addons need to be compatble
'locale': restricts addons to the specified locale
sc = self.sphinx
if 'match' in kwargs:
log.error('Invalid match mode: %s' % kwargs['match'])
# Setup some default parameters for the search.
fields = ("addon_id, app, category, %s" % self.weight_field)
sc.SetFieldWeights({'name': FIELD_WEIGHT_NAME})
# Extract and apply various filters.
(term, includes, excludes) = extract_filters(term, kwargs)
for filter, value in includes.iteritems():
self.add_filter(filter, value)
for filter, value in excludes.iteritems():
self.add_filter(filter, value, exclude=True)
# Sanitize the term before we start adding queries.
term = sanitize_query(term)
# Meta queries serve aggregate data we might want. Such as filters
# that the end-user may want to apply to their query.
if 'meta' in kwargs:
sc.SetLimits(0, 10000)
if 'versions' in kwargs['meta']:
self.add_meta_query('max_ver', term)
self.add_meta_query('min_ver', term)
if 'categories' in kwargs['meta']:
self.add_meta_query('category', term)
if 'tags' in kwargs['meta']:
idx = self.add_filter('locale_ord', get_locale_ord())
sc.SetFilterRange('tag', 0, BIG_INTEGER)
self.add_meta_query('tag', term)
# remove the locale_ord
# remove the range filter, which is now where idx is
if 'platforms' in kwargs['meta']:
self.add_meta_query('platform', term)
# Version filtering.
(term, version) = extract_from_query(term, 'version', '[0-9.]+',
if version:
sort_field = 'myweight DESC'
sort_choices = {
'newest': 'created DESC',
'updated': 'modified DESC',
'name': 'name_ord ASC',
'rating': 'averagerating DESC',
'averagerating': 'averagerating DESC',
'popularity': 'weeklydownloads DESC',
'weeklydownloads': 'weeklydownloads DESC',
'users': 'average_daily_users DESC',
if 'sort' in kwargs and kwargs['sort']:
sort_field = sort_choices.get(kwargs.get('sort'))
if not sort_field:
log.error("Invalid sort option: %s" % kwargs.get('sort'))
raise SearchError("Invalid sort option given: %s" %
sc.SetSortMode(sphinx.SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, sort_field)
sc.SetGroupBy('addon_id', sphinx.SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, sort_field)
sc.SetLimits(min(offset, SPHINX_HARD_LIMIT - 1), limit)
sc.AddQuery(term, 'addons')
self.queries['primary'] = self.query_index
self.query_index += 1
results = sc.RunQueries()
except socket.timeout:
log.error("Query has timed out.")
raise SearchError("Query has timed out.")
except Exception, e:
log.error("Sphinx threw an unknown exception: %s" % e)
raise SearchError("Sphinx threw an unknown exception.")
if sc.GetLastError():
raise SearchError(sc.GetLastError())
# Handle any meta data we have.
if 'meta' in kwargs:
if 'versions' in kwargs['meta']:
self.meta['versions'] = self._versions_meta(results, **kwargs)
if 'categories' in kwargs['meta']:
self.meta['categories'] = self._categories_meta(results,
if 'tags' in kwargs['meta']:
self.meta['tags'] = self._tags_meta(results, **kwargs)
if 'platforms' in kwargs['meta']:
self.meta['platforms'] = self._platforms_meta(results,
result = results[self.queries['primary']]
self.total_found = result.get('total_found', 0) if result else 0
if result.get('error'):
return [] # Fail silently.
if result and result['total']:
return self.get_result_set(term, result, offset, limit)
return []
def _versions_meta(self, results, **kwargs):
# We don't care about the first 10 digits, since
# those deal with alpha/preview/etc
# We want to lob off the last 10 digits of a number
truncate = lambda x: (x / 10 ** 10) * 10 ** 10
# Acceptable version ranges
appversions = AppVersion.objects.filter(application=kwargs.get(
'app', amo.FIREFOX.id))
acceptable_versions = sorted(set([truncate(a.version_int) for a in
r = results[self.queries['min_ver']]
if 'matches' not in r:
return []
min_vers = [truncate(m['attrs']['min_ver'])
for m in r['matches']]
r = results[self.queries['max_ver']]
# 10**13-1 (a bunch of 9s) is a pseudo max_ver that is
# meaningless for faceted search.
max_vers = [truncate(m['attrs']['max_ver'])
for m in r['matches']]
version_pairs = zip(min_vers, max_vers)
versions = []
for min, max in version_pairs:
min_idx = 0
max_idx = len(acceptable_versions)
if min in acceptable_versions:
min_idx = acceptable_versions.index(min)
if max in acceptable_versions:
max_idx = acceptable_versions.index(max) + 1
return sorted(versions, reverse=True)
def _categories_meta(self, results, **kwargs):
r = results[self.queries['category']]
if 'matches' not in r:
return []
category_ids = []
for m in r['matches']:
category_ids = set(category_ids)
categories = []
if category_ids:
qs = Category.objects.filter(id__in=set(category_ids))
if 'app' in kwargs:
qs = qs.filter(Q(application=kwargs['app']) |
categories = order_by_translation(qs, 'name')
return categories
def _platforms_meta(self, results, **kwargs):
r = results[self.queries['platform']]
if 'matches' not in r:
return []
platforms = set()
for m in r['matches']:
return platforms
def _tags_meta(self, results, **kwargs):
r = results[self.queries['tag']]
tag_dict = defaultdict(int)
if 'matches' not in r:
return []
for m in r['matches']:
for tag_id in m['attrs']['tag']:
tag_dict[tag_id] += 1
tag_dict_sorted = sorted(tag_dict.iteritems(),
key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:MAX_TAGS]
tag_ids = [k for k, v in tag_dict_sorted]
return manual_order(Tag.objects.all(), tag_ids)
class PersonasClient(Client):
"""A search client that queries sphinx for Personas."""
def query(self, term, limit=10, offset=0, **kwargs):
sc = self.sphinx
sc.SetLimits(min(offset, SPHINX_HARD_LIMIT - 1), limit)
term = sanitize_query(term)
result = sc.Query(term, 'personas')
except socket.timeout:
log.error("Query has timed out.")
raise SearchError("Query has timed out.")
except Exception, e:
log.error("Sphinx threw an unknown exception: %s" % e)
raise SearchError("Sphinx threw an unknown exception.")
if sc.GetLastError():
raise SearchError(sc.GetLastError())
self.total_found = result['total_found'] if result else 0
if result and result['total']:
return self.get_result_set(term, result, offset, limit)
return []
class CollectionsClient(Client):
"""A search client that queries sphinx for Collections."""
def query(self, term, limit=10, offset=0, **kwargs):
sc = self.sphinx
weight_field = ('@weight + IF(locale_ord=%d, 29, 0) AS myweight '
% get_locale_ord())
sc.SetSelect('collection_id, %s' % weight_field)
sc.SetLimits(min(offset, SPHINX_HARD_LIMIT - 1), limit)
term = sanitize_query(term)
sort_field = 'weekly_subscribers DESC'
sort_choices = {
'weekly': sort_field,
'monthly': 'monthly_subscribers DESC',
'all': 'subscribers DESC',
'rating': 'rating DESC',
'newest': 'created DESC',
if 'sort' in kwargs and kwargs['sort']:
sort_field = sort_choices.get(kwargs.get('sort'))
if not sort_field:
log.error("Invalid sort option: %s" % kwargs.get('sort'))
raise SearchError("Invalid sort option given: %s" %
sc.SetSortMode(sphinx.SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'myweight DESC')
self.sphinx.SetGroupBy('collection_id', sphinx.SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR,
result = sc.Query(term, 'collections')
except socket.timeout:
log.error("Query has timed out.")
raise SearchError("Query has timed out.")
except Exception, e:
log.error("Sphinx threw an unknown exception: %s" % e)
raise SearchError("Sphinx threw an unknown exception.")
if sc.GetLastError():
raise SearchError(sc.GetLastError())
self.total_found = result['total_found'] if result else 0
if result and result['total']:
qs = Collection.objects.all()
transforms = qs._transform_fns
qs._transform_fns = []
collection_ids = (m['attrs']['collection_id'] for m
in result['matches'])
collections = []
for collection_id in collection_ids:
except Collection.DoesNotExist: # pragma: no cover
log.warning(u'%d: Result for %s refers to non-existent '
'addon: %d' % (self.id, term, collection_id))
for fn in transforms:
return ResultSet(collections,
min(self.total_found, SPHINX_HARD_LIMIT), offset)
return []