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import copy
import re
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned
from django.db import connection, models
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.sql.query import AND, OR
from django.utils.tree import Node
ORDER_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^[-+]?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$')
FIELD_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+$')
RAW_FILTER_PATTERN = re.compile(
class LazyRawSQLManager(object):
"""A deferred manager to work around metaclass lameness."""
def __init__(self, sql_model_class):
self.__sql_model_class = sql_model_class
self.__manager = None
def __getattr__(self, name):
if not self.__manager:
self.__manager = RawSQLManager(self.__sql_model_class())
return getattr(self.__manager, name)
class RawSQLManager(object):
"""Raw SQL Manager for a Raw SQL Model.
This provides a very minimal set of features in the Query Set API.
def __init__(self, sql_model, base_query=None):
self.sql_model = sql_model
if not base_query:
base_query = copy.deepcopy(sql_model.base_query())
self.base_query = base_query
if 'where' not in self.base_query:
self.base_query['where'] = []
if 'having' not in self.base_query:
self.base_query['having'] = []
if 'order_by' not in self.base_query:
self.base_query['order_by'] = []
if 'limit' not in self.base_query:
self.base_query['limit'] = []
if '_args' not in self.base_query:
self.base_query['_args'] = {}
self._cursor = None
self._record_set = []
def __iter__(self):
for row in self._iter_cursor_results():
yield row
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, slice):
if key.start and key.stop:
# Translate slice into LIMIT, e.g.
# [0:2] ->
# LIMIT 0, 2
# [10:15] ->
# LIMIT 10, 5
offset = self._check_limit(key.start)
end = self._check_limit(key.stop)
row_count = max(0, end - offset)
self.base_query['limit'] = [offset, row_count]
elif key.start:
self.base_query['limit'] = [self._check_limit(key.start)]
elif key.stop:
self.base_query['limit'] = [0, self._check_limit(key.stop)]
return self._record_set
elif isinstance(key, int):
if not len(self._record_set):
# Get all rows! Better to use a limit with slices.
return self._record_set[key]
raise TypeError('Key must be a slice or integer.')
def all(self):
return self._clone()
def count(self):
"""Count of all results, preserving aggregate grouping."""
self._execute('SELECT count(*) from (%s) as q' % self.as_sql())
return self._cursor.fetchone()[0]
def get(self):
clone = self._clone()
cnt = clone.count()
if cnt > 1:
raise clone.sql_model.MultipleObjectsReturned(
'get() returned more than one row -- it returned %s!' % cnt)
elif cnt == 0:
raise clone.sql_model.DoesNotExist('No rows matching query')
return clone[0:1][0]
def exclude(self, *args, **kw):
raise NotImplementedError()
def filter(self, *args, **kw):
"""Adds a where clause with keyword args.
qs = qs.filter(category='trees')
qs = qs.filter(Q(type=1) | Q(name='foo'))
clone = self._clone()
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, Q):
'(%s)' % (clone._flatten_q(arg, clone._kw_clause_from_q)))
raise TypeError(
'non keyword args should be Q objects, got %r' % arg)
for field, val in kw.items():
return clone
def filter_raw(self, *args):
"""Adds a where clause in limited SQL.
qs = qs.filter_raw('total >', 1)
qs = qs.filter_raw('total >=', 1)
qs = qs.filter_raw(Q('name LIKE', '%foo%') |
Q('status IN', [1, 2, 3]))
The field on the leftside can be a key in the select dictionary.
That is, it will be replaced with the actual expression when the
query is built.
clone = self._clone()
specs = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, Q):
'(%s)' % (clone._flatten_q(arg, clone._filter_to_clause)))
if len(specs):
return clone
def having(self, spec, val):
"""Adds a having clause in limited SQL.
qs = qs.having('total >', 1)
qs = qs.having('total >=', 1)
The field on the leftside can be a key in the select dictionary.
That is, it will be replaced with the actual expression when the
query is built.
clone = self._clone()
clone.base_query['having'].append(clone._filter_to_clause(spec, val))
return clone
def order_by(self, spec):
"""Order by column (ascending) or -column (descending)."""
if not ORDER_PATTERN.match(spec):
raise ValueError('Invalid order by value: %r' % spec)
if spec.startswith('-'):
dir = 'DESC'
field = spec[1:]
dir = 'ASC'
field = spec
clone = self._clone()
'%s %s' % (clone._resolve_alias(field), dir))
return clone
def as_sql(self):
stmt = self._compile(self.base_query)
return stmt
def _clone(self):
return self.__class__(self.sql_model,
def _flatten_q(self, q_object, join_specs, stack=None):
"""Makes a WHERE clause out of a Q object (supports nested Q objects).
Pass in join_specs(*specs) based on what kind of arguments you think
the Q object will have. filter() Qs are different from filter_raw() Qs.
specs = []
if stack is None:
stack = [None]
# TODO(Kumar): construct NOT clause:
if q_object.negated:
raise NotImplementedError('negated Q objects')
connector = q_object.connector
def add(specs):
c = join_specs(*specs, connector=connector)
if stack[-1] in (AND, OR):
c = u'(%s)' % (c)
elif stack[-1] is not None:
if c:
for child in q_object.children:
if isinstance(child, Node):
specs[:] = []
self._flatten_q(child, join_specs, stack=stack)
if len(specs):
return u' '.join([c for c in stack if c])
def _kw_clause_from_q(self, *pairs, **kw):
"""Makes a WHERE clause out of pairs of (key, val) from Q objects."""
connector = kw.get('connector', AND)
stmt = []
for field, val in pairs:
stmt.append(self._kw_filter_to_clause(field, val))
return (u' %s ' % connector).join(stmt)
def _kw_filter_to_clause(self, field, val):
"""Makes a WHERE clause out of field = val."""
if not FIELD_PATTERN.match(field):
raise ValueError('Not a valid field for where clause: %r' % field)
param_k = self._param(val)
field = self._resolve_alias(field)
return u'%s = %%(%s)s' % (field, param_k)
def _filter_to_clause(self, *specs, **kw):
"""Makes a WHERE clause out of filter_raw() arguments."""
connector = kw.get('connector', AND)
specs = list(specs)
if (len(specs) % 2) != 0:
raise TypeError(
"Expected pairs of 'spec =', 'val'. Got: %r" % specs)
full_clause = []
while len(specs):
spec, val = specs.pop(0), specs.pop(0)
clause = RAW_FILTER_PATTERN.match(spec)
if not clause:
raise ValueError(
'This is not a valid clause: %r; must match: %s' % (
spec, RAW_FILTER_PATTERN.pattern))
field ='field')
field = self._resolve_alias(field)
if'op').lower() == 'in':
# eg. WHERE foo IN (%(param_0)s, %(param_1)s, %(param_2)s)
# WHERE foo IN (1, 2, 3)
parts = ['%(' + self._param(p) + ')s' for p in iter(val)]
param = '(%s)' % ', '.join(parts)
param = '%%(%s)s' % self._param(val)
full_clause.append('%s %s %s' % (field,'op'), param))
c = (u' %s ' % connector).join(full_clause)
if len(full_clause) > 1:
# Protect OR clauses
c = u'(%s)' % c
return c
def _resolve_alias(self, field):
"""Access a field (or expression) by alias, similar to how a view works.
if field in self.base_query['select']:
field = self.base_query['select'][field]
return field
def _compile(self, parts):
sep = u",\n"
and_ = u' %s\n' % AND
select = [u'%s AS `%s`' % (v, k) for k, v in parts['select'].items()]
stmt = u"SELECT\n%s\nFROM\n%s" % (sep.join(select),
if parts.get('where'):
stmt = u"%s\nWHERE\n%s" % (stmt, and_.join(parts['where']))
if parts.get('group_by'):
stmt = u"%s\nGROUP BY\n%s" % (stmt, parts['group_by'])
if parts.get('having'):
stmt = u"%s\nHAVING\n%s" % (stmt, and_.join(parts['having']))
if parts.get('order_by'):
stmt = u"%s\nORDER BY\n%s" % (stmt, sep.join(parts['order_by']))
if len(parts['limit']):
stmt = u"%s\nLIMIT %s" % (stmt, ', '.join([str(i) for i in
return stmt
def _execute(self, sql):
self._record_set = []
self._cursor = connection.cursor()
self._cursor.execute(sql, self.base_query['_args'])
def _param(self, val):
param_k = 'param_%s' % len(self.base_query['_args'].keys())
self.base_query['_args'][param_k] = val
return param_k
def _build_cursor(self):
def _build_record_set(self):
self._record_set = []
for row in self._iter_cursor_results():
def _iter_cursor_results(self):
col_names = [c[0] for c in self._cursor.description]
while 1:
row = self._cursor.fetchone()
if row is None:
yield self._make_row(row, col_names)
def _make_row(self, row, col_names):
values = dict(zip(col_names, row))
return self.sql_model.__class__(**values)
def _check_limit(self, i):
i = int(i)
if i < 0:
raise IndexError("Negative indexing is not supported")
return i
class RawSQLModelMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
super_new = super(RawSQLModelMeta, cls).__new__
cls = super_new(cls, name, bases, attrs)
cls.objects = LazyRawSQLManager(cls)
return cls
class RawSQLModel(object):
"""Very minimal model-like object based on a SQL query.
It supports barely enough for django-tables and the Django paginator.
Why not use database views and Meta.managed=False? Good question!
This is for rare cases when you need the speed and optimization of
building a query with many different types of where clauses.
__metaclass__ = RawSQLModelMeta
DoesNotExist = ObjectDoesNotExist
MultipleObjectsReturned = MultipleObjectsReturned
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, val in kwargs.items():
field = getattr(self.__class__, key, None)
if field is None:
raise TypeError(
'Field %r returned from raw SQL query does not have '
'a column defined in the model' % key)
setattr(self, field.get_attname() or key, field.to_python(val))
def base_query(self):
"""Returns a dict with parts of the raw SQL query.
def base_query(self):
return {
'select': {
'category': '',
'total': 'count(*)',
'latest_product_date': 'max(p.created)'
'from': [
'product p',
'join product_cat x on',
'join category c on'],
'where': [],
'group_by': 'category',
'having': []
return {}
def _explode_concat(self, value, sep=',', cast=int):
"""Returns list of IDs in a MySQL GROUP_CONCAT(field) result."""
if value is None:
# for NULL fields, ala left joins
return []
# Cope with a value like ...1261530,1261530, which occurs because of:
# 1 line(s) were cut by GROUP_CONCAT()
return [cast(i) for i in value.split(sep) if i]