339 строки
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339 строки
13 KiB
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from django.db import connection
from django.db.models import Sum, Count, Q
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
import jingo
from babel import numbers
from tower import ugettext as _
import amo
from addons.models import Addon
from amo.decorators import login_required, permission_required, json_view
from amo.urlresolvers import reverse
from amo.utils import paginate
from apps.access import acl
from apps.bandwagon.models import Collection
from devhub.models import ActivityLog
from market.models import AddonPaymentData, Refund
from mkt.account.utils import purchase_list
from mkt.webapps.models import Installed
from stats.models import DownloadCount, Contribution
from users.models import UserProfile
@permission_required('AccountLookup', 'View')
def home(request):
return jingo.render(request, 'lookup/home.html', {})
@permission_required('AccountLookup', 'View')
def user_summary(request, user_id):
user = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, pk=user_id)
is_admin = acl.action_allowed(request, 'Users', 'Edit')
app_summary = _app_summary(user.pk)
# All refunds that this user has requested (probably as a consumer).
req = Refund.objects.filter(contribution__user=user)
# All instantly-approved refunds that this user has requested.
appr = req.filter(status=amo.REFUND_APPROVED_INSTANT)
refund_summary = {'approved': appr.count(),
'requested': req.count()}
# TODO: This should return all `addon` types and not just webapps.
# -- currently get_details_url() fails on non-webapps so this is a
# temp fix.
user_addons = (user.addons.filter(type=amo.ADDON_WEBAPP)
user_addons = paginate(request, user_addons, per_page=15)
paypal_ids = set(user.addons.exclude(paypal_id='').values_list('paypal_id',
payment_data = (AddonPaymentData.objects.filter(addon__authors=user)
return jingo.render(request, 'lookup/user_summary.html',
{'account': user,
'app_summary': app_summary,
'is_admin': is_admin,
'refund_summary': refund_summary,
'user_addons': user_addons,
'payment_data': payment_data,
'paypal_ids': paypal_ids})
@permission_required('AccountLookup', 'View')
def app_summary(request, addon_id):
app = get_object_or_404(Addon, pk=addon_id)
authors = (app.authors.filter(addonuser__role__in=(amo.AUTHOR_ROLE_DEV,
if app.premium and app.premium.price:
price = app.premium.price
price = None
purchases, refunds = _app_purchases_and_refunds(app)
return jingo.render(request, 'lookup/app_summary.html',
{'abuse_reports': app.abuse_reports.count(),
'app': app,
'authors': authors,
'downloads': _app_downloads(app),
'purchases': purchases,
'payment_methods': _app_pay_methods(app),
'refunds': refunds,
'price': price})
@permission_required('AccountLookup', 'View')
def user_purchases(request, user_id):
"""Shows the purchase page for another user."""
user = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, pk=user_id)
is_admin = acl.action_allowed(request, 'Users', 'Edit')
products, contributions, listing = purchase_list(request, user, None)
return jingo.render(request, 'lookup/user_purchases.html',
{'pager': products,
'account': user,
'is_admin': is_admin,
'listing_filter': listing,
'contributions': contributions,
'single': bool(None),
'show_link': False})
@permission_required('AccountLookup', 'View')
def user_activity(request, user_id):
"""Shows the user activity page for another user."""
user = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, pk=user_id)
products, contributions, listing = purchase_list(request, user, None)
is_admin = acl.action_allowed(request, 'Users', 'Edit')
collections = Collection.objects.filter(author=user_id)
user_items = ActivityLog.objects.for_user(user).exclude(
admin_items = ActivityLog.objects.for_user(user).filter(
amo.log(amo.LOG.ADMIN_VIEWED_LOG, request.amo_user, user=user)
return jingo.render(request, 'lookup/user_activity.html',
{'pager': products,
'account': user,
'is_admin': is_admin,
'listing_filter': listing,
'collections': collections,
'contributions': contributions,
'single': bool(None),
'user_items': user_items,
'admin_items': admin_items,
'show_link': False})
def _expand_query(q, fields):
query = {}
rules = {
'text': {
'query': q, 'boost': 4, 'type': 'phrase'},
'text': {
'query': q, 'boost': 3, 'analyzer': 'standard'},
'fuzzy': {
'value': q, 'boost': 2, 'prefix_length': 4},
'startswith': {
'value': q, 'boost': 1.5},
for k, v in rules.iteritems():
for field in fields:
query['%s__%s' % (field, k)] = v
return query
@permission_required('AccountLookup', 'View')
def user_search(request):
results = []
q = request.GET.get('q', u'').lower().strip()
fields = ('username', 'display_name', 'email')
if q.isnumeric():
# id is added implictly by the ES filter. Add it explicitly:
fields = ['id'] + list(fields)
qs = UserProfile.objects.filter(pk=q).values(*fields)
qs = (UserProfile.search().query(or_=_expand_query(q, fields))
for user in qs:
user['url'] = reverse('lookup.user_summary', args=[user['id']])
user['name'] = user['username']
return {'results': results}
@permission_required('AccountLookup', 'View')
def app_search(request):
results = []
q = request.GET.get('q', u'').lower().strip()
addon_type = request.GET.get('type', amo.ADDON_WEBAPP)
fields = ('name', 'app_slug')
non_es_fields = ['id', 'name__localized_string'] + list(fields)
if q.isnumeric():
qs = (Addon.objects.filter(type=addon_type, pk=q)
# Try to load by GUID:
qs = (Addon.objects.filter(type=addon_type, guid=q)
if not qs.count():
qs = (Addon.search().query(type=addon_type,
or_=_expand_query(q, fields))
for app in qs:
app['url'] = reverse('lookup.app_summary', args=[app['id']])
# ES returns a list of localized names but database queries do not.
if type(app['name']) != list:
app['name'] = [app['name__localized_string']]
for name in app['name']:
dd = app.copy()
dd['name'] = name
return {'results': results}
def _app_downloads(app):
stats = {'last_7_days': 0,
'last_24_hours': 0,
'alltime': 0}
if app.is_webapp():
Data = Installed
Data = DownloadCount
_7_days_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=7)
qs = Data.objects.filter(addon=app)
if app.is_webapp():
_24_hr_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=24)
stats['last_24_hours'] = (qs.filter(created__gte=_24_hr_ago)
stats['last_7_days'] = (qs.filter(created__gte=_7_days_ago)
stats['alltime'] = qs.count()
# Non-app add-ons.
def sum_(qs):
return qs.aggregate(total=Sum('count'))['total'] or 0
yesterday = datetime.now().date() - timedelta(days=1)
stats['last_24_hours'] = sum_(qs.filter(date__gt=yesterday))
stats['last_7_days'] = sum_(qs.filter(date__gte=_7_days_ago.date()))
stats['alltime'] = sum_(qs)
return stats
def _app_summary(user_id):
sql = """
select currency,
sum(case when type=%(purchase)s then 1 else 0 end)
as app_total,
sum(case when type=%(purchase)s then amount else 0.0 end)
as app_amount,
sum(case when type=%(inapp)s then 1 else 0 end)
as inapp_total,
sum(case when type=%(inapp)s then amount else 0.0 end)
as inapp_amount
from stats_contributions
where user_id=%(user_id)s
group by currency
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, {'user_id': user_id,
'purchase': amo.CONTRIB_PURCHASE,
'inapp': amo.CONTRIB_INAPP})
summary = {'app_total': 0,
'app_amount': {},
'inapp_total': 0,
'inapp_amount': {}}
cols = [cd[0] for cd in cursor.description]
while 1:
row = cursor.fetchone()
if not row:
row = dict(zip(cols, row))
for cn in cols:
if cn.endswith('total'):
summary[cn] += row[cn]
elif cn.endswith('amount'):
summary[cn][row['currency']] = row[cn]
return summary
def _app_purchases_and_refunds(addon):
purchases = {}
now = datetime.now()
base_qs = (Contribution.objects.values('currency')
for typ, start_date in (('last_24_hours', now - timedelta(hours=24)),
('last_7_days', now - timedelta(days=7)),
('alltime', None),):
qs = base_qs.all()
if start_date:
qs = qs.filter(created__gte=start_date)
sums = list(qs)
purchases[typ] = {'total': sum(s['total'] for s in sums),
'amounts': [numbers.format_currency(s['amount'],
for s in sums]}
refunds = {}
rejected_q = Q(status=amo.REFUND_DECLINED) | Q(status=amo.REFUND_FAILED)
qs = Refund.objects.filter(contribution__addon=addon)
refunds['requested'] = qs.exclude(rejected_q).count()
percent = 0.0
total = purchases['alltime']['total']
if total:
percent = (refunds['requested'] / float(total)) * 100.0
refunds['percent_of_purchases'] = '%.1f%%' % percent
refunds['auto-approved'] = (qs.filter(status=amo.REFUND_APPROVED_INSTANT)
refunds['approved'] = qs.filter(status=amo.REFUND_APPROVED).count()
refunds['rejected'] = qs.filter(rejected_q).count()
return purchases, refunds
def _app_pay_methods(addon):
Get a breakdown of payment methods used in commerce for this add-on.
Currently we only support one payment method, PayPal, so consider this
a placeholder for when we support more, which requires a model change.
qs = Contribution.objects.filter(addon=addon,
# TODO(Kumar) adjust this when our db model supports multiple
# payment methods.
other = qs.filter(paykey=None).count()
paypal = qs.exclude(paykey=None).count()
amt_per_method = [(other, _('Other')),
(paypal, 'PayPal')]
total = float(sum(amt for amt, typ in amt_per_method))
summary = []
for amt, typ in amt_per_method:
if amt == 0:
percent = '%.1f%%' % (amt / total * 100.0)
# L10n: first argument is a percentage, second is a payment method.
summary.append(_(u'{0} of purchases via {1}').format(percent, typ))
return summary