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# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import math
from django.conf import settings
from django.test.client import Client
import jingo
from test_utils import TestCase
from nose.tools import eq_
import api
from addons.models import Addon
from amo import helpers
from search.tests import SphinxTestCase
from search.utils import stop_sphinx
def api_url(x, app='firefox', lang='en-US', version=1.2):
return '/%s/%s/api/%.1f/%s' % (lang, app, version, x)
client = Client()
make_call = lambda *args, **kwargs: client.get(api_url(*args, **kwargs))
class No500ErrorsTest(TestCase):
A series of unfortunate urls that have caused 500 errors in the past.
def test_search_bad_type(self):
For search/:term/:addon_type <-- addon_type should be an integer.
response = make_call('/search/foo/theme')
# We'll likely get a 503 since Sphinx is off and that
# is good. We just don't want 500 errors.
assert response.status_code != 500, "We recieved a 500 error, wtf?"
def test_list_bad_type(self):
For list/new/:addon_type <-- addon_type should be an integer.
response = make_call('/list/new/extension')
assert response.status_code != 500, "We recieved a 500 error, wtf?"
def test_utf_redirect(self):
"""Test that urls with unicode redirect propperly."""
response = make_call(u'search/ツールバー', version=1.5)
assert response.status_code != 500, "Unicode failed to redirect."
def test_manual_utf_search(self):
"""If someone searches for non doubly encoded data using an old API we
should not try to decode it."""
response = make_call(u'search/für', version=1.2)
assert response.status_code != 500, "ZOMG Unicode fails."
class ControlCharacterTest(TestCase):
"""This test is to assure we aren't showing control characters."""
fixtures = ['base/addon_592.json']
def test(self):
request = make_call('addon/592')
self.assertNotContains(request, '')
class APITest(TestCase):
fixtures = ['base/addons']
def test_redirection(self):
Test that /api/addon is redirected to /api/LATEST_API_VERSION/addon
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/addon/12', follow=True)
last_link = response.redirect_chain[-1]
assert last_link[0].endswith('en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/12' %
def test_forbidden_api(self):
APIs older than api.MIN_VERSION are deprecated, and we send a 403.
We suggest people to use api.CURRENT_VERSION.
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/0.9/addon/12')
self.assertContains(response, 'The API version, %.1f, you are using '
'is not valid. Please upgrade to the current version %.1f '
'API.' % (0.9, api.CURRENT_VERSION), status_code=403)
def test_addon_detail_missing(self):
Check missing addons.
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/999' %
self.assertContains(response, 'Add-on not found!', status_code=404)
def test_addon_detail_appid(self):
Make sure we serve an appid. See
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/3615' %
def test_addon_detail_empty_eula(self):
Empty EULA should show up as '' not None. See
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/4664' %
self.assertContains(response, '<eula></eula>')
def test_addon_detail_rating(self):
We use the ceiling value of average rating for an addon.
See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=546542.
a = Addon.objects.get(pk=4664)
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/4664' %
self.assertContains(response, '<rating>%d</rating>' %
def test_addon_detail(self):
Test for expected strings in the XML.
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/3615' % 1.2)
self.assertContains(response, "<name>Delicious Bookmarks</name>")
self.assertContains(response, """id="1">Extension</type>""")
self.assertContains(response, "<version>1.0.43</version>")
self.assertContains(response, """<status id="4">Public</status>""")
self.assertContains(response, '<author>carlsjr</author>')
self.assertContains(response, "<summary>Best Addon Evar</summary>")
"<description>Delicious blah blah blah</description>")
icon_url = settings.ADDON_ICON_URL % (3615, 1256144332)
self.assertContains(response, icon_url + '</icon>')
self.assertContains(response, "<application>")
self.assertContains(response, "<name>Firefox</name>")
self.assertContains(response, "<application_id>1</application_id>")
self.assertContains(response, "<min_version>1</min_version>")
self.assertContains(response, "<max_version>2</max_version>")
self.assertContains(response, "<os>ALL</os>")
self.assertContains(response, "<eula></eula>")
self.assertContains(response, "/icons/no-preview.png</thumbnail>")
self.assertContains(response, "<rating>4</rating>")
def test_double_site_url(self):
For some reason I noticed hostnames getting doubled up. This checks
that it doesn't happen.
request = make_call('addon/4664', version=1.5)
self.assertNotContains(request, settings.SITE_URL + settings.SITE_URL)
def test_15_addon_detail(self):
For an api>1.5 we need to verify we have:
# Contributions information, including a link to contribute, suggested
amount, and Meet the Developers page
# Number of user reviews and link to view them
# Total downloads, weekly downloads, and latest daily user counts
# Add-on creation date
# Link to the developer's profile
# File size
e = jingo.env.filters['e']
def urlparams(x, *args, **kwargs):
return e(helpers.urlparams(x, *args, **kwargs))
needles = (
'<addon id="4664">',
% settings.SITE_URL,
'<suggested_amount currency="USD">0.99</suggested_amount>',
% settings.SITE_URL,
"""<reviews num="101">""",
% settings.SITE_URL,
'<created epoch="1174134235">2007-03-17 12:23:55+0000'
'<last_updated epoch="1237836004">'
"2009-03-23 19:20:04+0000</last_updated>",
'<author id="2519"',
% settings.SITE_URL,
"""<preview primary="1">""",
"TwitterBar places an icon in the address bar.</caption>",
"""<full type="image/png">""",
urlparams(settings.PREVIEW_FULL_URL %
('20', 20397, 1209834208), src='api'),
"""<thumbnail type="image/png">""",
urlparams(settings.PREVIEW_THUMBNAIL_URL %
('20', 20397, 1209834208), src='api'),
"<developer_comments>Embrace hug love hug meow meow"
response = make_call('addon/4664', version=1.5)
for needle in needles:
self.assertContains(response, needle)
def test_beta_channel(self):
This tests that addons with files in beta will have those files
response = make_call('addon/5299', version=1.5)
needles = (
"""<install hash="sha256:4395f9cf4934ecc8f22d367c2a301fd7""",
"""9613b68937c59e676e92e4f0a89a5b92" """,
for needle in needles:
self.assertContains(response, needle)
def test_sphinx_off(self):
This tests that if sphinx is turned off that you will get an error.
# Shut down sphinx if it's configured.
if settings.SPHINX_SEARCHD and settings.SPHINX_INDEXER:
response = self.client.get("/en-US/firefox/api/1.2/search/foo")
self.assertContains(response, "Could not connect to Sphinx search.",
test_sphinx_off.sphinx = True
class ListTest(TestCase):
Tests the list view with various urls.
fixtures = ['base/addons', 'base/featured']
def test_defaults(self):
This tests the default settings for /list.
i.e. We should get 3 items by default.
request = make_call('list')
self.assertContains(request, '<addon id', 3)
def test_randomness(self):
This tests that we're sufficiently random when recommending addons.
We can test for this by querying /list/recommended a number of times
until we get two request.contents that do not match.
request = make_call('list/recommended')
all_identical = True
for i in range(99):
current_request = make_call('list/recommended')
if current_request.content != request.content:
all_identical = False
assert not all_identical, (
"All 100 requests returned the exact same response.")
def test_type_filter(self):
This tests that list filtering works.
E.g. /list/recommended/theme gets only shows themes
request = make_call('list/recommended/9/1')
self.assertContains(request, """<type id="9">Persona</type>""", 1)
def test_limits(self):
Assert /list/recommended/all/1 gets one item only.
request = make_call('list/recommended/all/1')
self.assertContains(request, "<addon id", 1)
def test_version_filter(self):
Assert that filtering by application version works.
/list/new/all/1/mac/4.0 gives us nothing
request = make_call('list/new/all/1/all/4.0')
self.assertNotContains(request, "<addon id")
def test_backfill(self):
The /list/recommended should first populate itself with addons in its
locale. If it doesn't reach the desired limit, it should backfill from
the general population of featured addons.
request = make_call('list', lang='fr')
self.assertContains(request, "<addon id", 3)
request = make_call('list', lang='he')
self.assertContains(request, "<addon id", 3)
def test_browser_featured_list(self):
This is a query that a browser would use to show it's featured list.
c.f.: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=548114
request = make_call('list/featured/all/10/Linux/3.7a2pre',
self.assertContains(request, "<addons>")
class SearchTest(SphinxTestCase):
no_results = """<searchresults total_results="0">"""
def test_double_escaping(self):
For API < 1.5 we use double escaping in search.
resp = make_call('search/%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%2590%258C%25E6%2596%'
'2587%25E5%25A0%2582/all/10/WINNT/3.6', version=1.2)
self.assertContains(resp, '<addon id="6113">')
def test_zero_results(self):
Tests that the search API correctly gives us zero results found.
# The following URLs should yield zero results.
zeros = (
"yslow category:alerts",
"jsonview version:1.0",
"firebug type:dictionary",
"grapple platform:linux",
for url in zeros:
if not url.startswith('/'):
url = '/en-US/firefox/api/1.2/search/' + url
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertContains(response, self.no_results, msg_prefix=url)
def test_search_for_specifics(self):
Tests that the search API correctly returns specific results.
expect = {
'yslow': 'YSlow',
'yslow category:web': 'YSlow',
'jsonview version:3.5': 'JSONView',
'firebug type:extension': 'Firebug',
'grapple platform:mac': 'GrApple',
'firebug/1': 'Firebug',
'grapple/all/10/Darwin': 'GrApple',
'jsonview/all/10/Darwin/3.5': 'JSONView',
for url, text in expect.iteritems():
if not url.startswith('/'):
url = '/en-US/firefox/api/1.2/search/' + url
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertContains(response, text, msg_prefix=url)
def test_search_limits(self):
Test that we limit our results correctly.
response = self.client.get(
eq_(response.content.count("<addon id"), 1)
def test_total_results(self):
The search for firebug should result in 2 total addons, even though
we limit (and therefore show) only 1.
response = self.client.get(
self.assertContains(response, """<searchresults total_results="2">""")
def test_sandbox_search(self):
For API < 1.5 and where ?hide_sandbox=1 we should show no addons when
searching for MozEx (a sandboxed addon). However, for API version 1.5
we should find it.
# API < 1.5
response = make_call('search/mozex', version=1.4)
self.assertContains(response, self.no_results,
# API = 1.5, hide_sandbox
response = self.client.get(
api_url('search/mozex', version=1.5) + '?hide_sandbox=1')
self.assertContains(response, self.no_results,
# API = 1.5
response = make_call('search/mozex', version=1.5)
self.assertContains(response, """<status id="1">""")