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Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода, которые могут быть отображены не так, как показано ниже. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы показать скрытые символы.

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import math
from django.conf import settings
from django.test.client import Client
import jingo
from test_utils import TestCase
from import eq_
import api
from addons.models import Addon
from amo import helpers
from search.tests import SphinxTestCase
from search.utils import stop_sphinx
def api_url(x, app='firefox', lang='en-US', version=1.2):
return '/%s/%s/api/%.1f/%s' % (lang, app, version, x)
client = Client()
make_call = lambda *args, **kwargs: client.get(api_url(*args, **kwargs))
class No500ErrorsTest(TestCase):
A series of unfortunate urls that have caused 500 errors in the past.
def test_search_bad_type(self):
For search/:term/:addon_type <-- addon_type should be an integer.
response = make_call('/search/foo/theme')
# We'll likely get a 503 since Sphinx is off and that
# is good. We just don't want 500 errors.
assert response.status_code != 500, "We recieved a 500 error, wtf?"
def test_list_bad_type(self):
For list/new/:addon_type <-- addon_type should be an integer.
response = make_call('/list/new/extension')
assert response.status_code != 500, "We recieved a 500 error, wtf?"
def test_utf_redirect(self):
"""Test that urls with unicode redirect propperly."""
response = make_call(u'search/ツールバー', version=1.5)
assert response.status_code != 500, "Unicode failed to redirect."
def test_manual_utf_search(self):
"""If someone searches for non doubly encoded data using an old API we
should not try to decode it."""
response = make_call(u'search/für', version=1.2)
assert response.status_code != 500, "ZOMG Unicode fails."
class ControlCharacterTest(TestCase):
"""This test is to assure we aren't showing control characters."""
fixtures = ['base/addon_592.json']
def test(self):
request = make_call('addon/592')
self.assertNotContains(request, ' ')
class APITest(TestCase):
fixtures = ['base/addons']
def test_redirection(self):
Test that /api/addon is redirected to /api/LATEST_API_VERSION/addon
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/addon/12', follow=True)
last_link = response.redirect_chain[-1]
assert last_link[0].endswith('en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/12' %
def test_forbidden_api(self):
APIs older than api.MIN_VERSION are deprecated, and we send a 403.
We suggest people to use api.CURRENT_VERSION.
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/0.9/addon/12')
self.assertContains(response, 'The API version, %.1f, you are using '
'is not valid. Please upgrade to the current version %.1f '
'API.' % (0.9, api.CURRENT_VERSION), status_code=403)
def test_addon_detail_missing(self):
Check missing addons.
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/999' %
self.assertContains(response, 'Add-on not found!', status_code=404)
def test_addon_detail_appid(self):
Make sure we serve an appid. See
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/3615' %
def test_addon_detail_empty_eula(self):
Empty EULA should show up as '' not None. See
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/4664' %
self.assertContains(response, '<eula></eula>')
def test_addon_detail_rating(self):
We use the ceiling value of average rating for an addon.
a = Addon.objects.get(pk=4664)
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/4664' %
self.assertContains(response, '<rating>%d</rating>' %
def test_addon_detail(self):
Test for expected strings in the XML.
response = self.client.get('/en-US/firefox/api/%.1f/addon/3615' % 1.2)
self.assertContains(response, "<name>Delicious Bookmarks</name>")
self.assertContains(response, """id="1">Extension</type>""")
self.assertContains(response, "<version>1.0.43</version>")
self.assertContains(response, """<status id="4">Public</status>""")
self.assertContains(response, '<author>carlsjr</author>')
self.assertContains(response, "<summary>Best Addon Evar</summary>")
"<description>Delicious blah blah blah</description>")
icon_url = settings.ADDON_ICON_URL % (3615, 1256144332)
self.assertContains(response, icon_url + '</icon>')
self.assertContains(response, "<application>")
self.assertContains(response, "<name>Firefox</name>")
self.assertContains(response, "<application_id>1</application_id>")
self.assertContains(response, "<min_version>1</min_version>")
self.assertContains(response, "<max_version>2</max_version>")
self.assertContains(response, "<os>ALL</os>")
self.assertContains(response, "<eula></eula>")
self.assertContains(response, "/icons/no-preview.png</thumbnail>")
self.assertContains(response, "<rating>4</rating>")
def test_double_site_url(self):
For some reason I noticed hostnames getting doubled up. This checks
that it doesn't happen.
request = make_call('addon/4664', version=1.5)
self.assertNotContains(request, settings.SITE_URL + settings.SITE_URL)
def test_15_addon_detail(self):
For an api>1.5 we need to verify we have:
# Contributions information, including a link to contribute, suggested
amount, and Meet the Developers page
# Number of user reviews and link to view them
# Total downloads, weekly downloads, and latest daily user counts
# Add-on creation date
# Link to the developer's profile
# File size
e = jingo.env.filters['e']
def urlparams(x, *args, **kwargs):
return e(helpers.urlparams(x, *args, **kwargs))
needles = (
'<addon id="4664">',
% settings.SITE_URL,
'<suggested_amount currency="USD">0.99</suggested_amount>',
% settings.SITE_URL,
"""<reviews num="101">""",
% settings.SITE_URL,
'<created epoch="1174134235">2007-03-17 12:23:55+0000'
'<last_updated epoch="1237836004">'
"2009-03-23 19:20:04+0000</last_updated>",
'<author id="2519"',
% settings.SITE_URL,
"""<preview primary="1">""",
"TwitterBar places an icon in the address bar.</caption>",
"""<full type="image/png">""",
urlparams(settings.PREVIEW_FULL_URL %
('20', 20397, 1209834208), src='api'),
"""<thumbnail type="image/png">""",
urlparams(settings.PREVIEW_THUMBNAIL_URL %
('20', 20397, 1209834208), src='api'),
"<developer_comments>Embrace hug love hug meow meow"
response = make_call('addon/4664', version=1.5)
for needle in needles:
self.assertContains(response, needle)
def test_beta_channel(self):
This tests that addons with files in beta will have those files
response = make_call('addon/5299', version=1.5)
needles = (
"""<install hash="sha256:4395f9cf4934ecc8f22d367c2a301fd7""",
"""9613b68937c59e676e92e4f0a89a5b92" """,
for needle in needles:
self.assertContains(response, needle)
def test_sphinx_off(self):
This tests that if sphinx is turned off that you will get an error.
# Shut down sphinx if it's configured.
if settings.SPHINX_SEARCHD and settings.SPHINX_INDEXER:
response = self.client.get("/en-US/firefox/api/1.2/search/foo")
self.assertContains(response, "Could not connect to Sphinx search.",
test_sphinx_off.sphinx = True
class ListTest(TestCase):
Tests the list view with various urls.
fixtures = ['base/addons', 'base/featured']
def test_defaults(self):
This tests the default settings for /list.
i.e. We should get 3 items by default.
request = make_call('list')
self.assertContains(request, '<addon id', 3)
def test_randomness(self):
This tests that we're sufficiently random when recommending addons.
We can test for this by querying /list/recommended a number of times
until we get two request.contents that do not match.
request = make_call('list/recommended')
all_identical = True
for i in range(99):
current_request = make_call('list/recommended')
if current_request.content != request.content:
all_identical = False
assert not all_identical, (
"All 100 requests returned the exact same response.")
def test_type_filter(self):
This tests that list filtering works.
E.g. /list/recommended/theme gets only shows themes
request = make_call('list/recommended/9/1')
self.assertContains(request, """<type id="9">Persona</type>""", 1)
def test_limits(self):
Assert /list/recommended/all/1 gets one item only.
request = make_call('list/recommended/all/1')
self.assertContains(request, "<addon id", 1)
def test_version_filter(self):
Assert that filtering by application version works.
/list/new/all/1/mac/4.0 gives us nothing
request = make_call('list/new/all/1/all/4.0')
self.assertNotContains(request, "<addon id")
def test_backfill(self):
The /list/recommended should first populate itself with addons in its
locale. If it doesn't reach the desired limit, it should backfill from
the general population of featured addons.
request = make_call('list', lang='fr')
self.assertContains(request, "<addon id", 3)
request = make_call('list', lang='he')
self.assertContains(request, "<addon id", 3)
def test_browser_featured_list(self):
This is a query that a browser would use to show it's featured list.
request = make_call('list/featured/all/10/Linux/3.7a2pre',
self.assertContains(request, "<addons>")
class SearchTest(SphinxTestCase):
no_results = """<searchresults total_results="0">"""
def test_double_escaping(self):
For API < 1.5 we use double escaping in search.
resp = make_call('search/%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%2590%258C%25E6%2596%'
'2587%25E5%25A0%2582/all/10/WINNT/3.6', version=1.2)
self.assertContains(resp, '<addon id="6113">')
def test_zero_results(self):
Tests that the search API correctly gives us zero results found.
# The following URLs should yield zero results.
zeros = (
"yslow category:alerts",
"jsonview version:1.0",
"firebug type:dictionary",
"grapple platform:linux",
for url in zeros:
if not url.startswith('/'):
url = '/en-US/firefox/api/1.2/search/' + url
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertContains(response, self.no_results, msg_prefix=url)
def test_search_for_specifics(self):
Tests that the search API correctly returns specific results.
expect = {
'yslow': 'YSlow',
'yslow category:web': 'YSlow',
'jsonview version:3.5': 'JSONView',
'firebug type:extension': 'Firebug',
'grapple platform:mac': 'GrApple',
'firebug/1': 'Firebug',
'grapple/all/10/Darwin': 'GrApple',
'jsonview/all/10/Darwin/3.5': 'JSONView',
for url, text in expect.iteritems():
if not url.startswith('/'):
url = '/en-US/firefox/api/1.2/search/' + url
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertContains(response, text, msg_prefix=url)
def test_search_limits(self):
Test that we limit our results correctly.
response = self.client.get(
eq_(response.content.count("<addon id"), 1)
def test_total_results(self):
The search for firebug should result in 2 total addons, even though
we limit (and therefore show) only 1.
response = self.client.get(
self.assertContains(response, """<searchresults total_results="2">""")
def test_sandbox_search(self):
For API < 1.5 and where ?hide_sandbox=1 we should show no addons when
searching for MozEx (a sandboxed addon). However, for API version 1.5
we should find it.
# API < 1.5
response = make_call('search/mozex', version=1.4)
self.assertContains(response, self.no_results,
# API = 1.5, hide_sandbox
response = self.client.get(
api_url('search/mozex', version=1.5) + '?hide_sandbox=1')
self.assertContains(response, self.no_results,
# API = 1.5
response = make_call('search/mozex', version=1.5)
self.assertContains(response, """<status id="1">""")