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72 строки
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from django import http
from tower import ugettext_lazy as _lazy
from addons.views import BaseFilter
import amo
from amo.models import manual_order
from amo.utils import paginate
from mkt.webapps.models import Webapp
from stats.models import Contribution
from translations.query import order_by_translation
class PurchasesFilter(BaseFilter):
opts = (('purchased', _lazy(u'Purchase Date')),
('price', _lazy(u'Price')),
('name', _lazy(u'Name')))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.ids = kwargs.pop('ids')
self.uids = kwargs.pop('uids')
super(PurchasesFilter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def filter(self, field):
qs = self.base_queryset
if field == 'purchased':
# Id's are in created order, so let's invert them for this query.
# According to my testing we don't actually need to dedupe this.
ids = list(reversed(self.ids[0])) + self.ids[1]
return manual_order(qs.filter(id__in=ids), ids)
elif field == 'price':
return (qs.filter(id__in=self.uids)
.order_by('addonpremium__price__price', 'id'))
elif field == 'name':
return order_by_translation(qs.filter(id__in=self.uids), 'name')
def purchase_list(request, user, product_id):
cs = (Contribution.objects
if product_id:
cs = cs.filter(addon=product_id)
ids = list(cs.values_list('addon_id', flat=True))
product_ids = []
# If you are asking for a receipt for just one item, show only that.
# Otherwise, we'll show all apps that have a contribution or are free.
if not product_id:
product_ids = list(user.installed_set
.values_list('addon_id', flat=True))
contributions = {}
for c in cs:
contributions.setdefault(c.addon_id, []).append(c)
unique_ids = set(ids + product_ids)
listing = PurchasesFilter(request, Webapp.objects.all(),
key='sort', default='purchased',
ids=[ids, product_ids],
if product_id and not listing.qs.exists():
# User has requested a receipt for an app he ain't got.
raise http.Http404
products = paginate(request, listing.qs, count=len(unique_ids))
return products, contributions, listing