Updated language control files for Fennec, Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Thunderbird

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Matt Basta 2012-06-18 15:04:49 -07:00
Родитель 86d06cfabc
Коммит e46eedb07d
7 изменённых файлов: 91 добавлений и 4 удалений

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@ -8,3 +8,4 @@

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@ -440,9 +440,23 @@ Language Packs
With every version of every app that's released, the language pack references
need to be updated. It is usually easiest to extract them from the OS X .app
packages, though they can likely be obtained elsewhere.
need to be updated.
These reference files need to be placed in the ``validator/testcases/langpacks``
We now have an automated tool to ease this tedious process. It is currently
designed to work on OS X with the OS X versions of Mozilla applications, though
it could conceivably run on any \*NIX platform against the OS X application
To run the tool, first create a new directory: ``extras/language_controls/``
Put the ``.app`` packages for each updated product into this directory. Once
this is ready, simply run: ::
cd extras
python update_langpacks.py
That should be it. Note that this tool will fail horribly if any of the teams
change the locations that the various language files are stored in.
Also note that this tool should only be run against the en-US versions of these

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import os
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from zipfile import ZipFile
PACKAGE_MAPPINGS = {"Fennec.app": "fennec",
"Firefox.app": "firefox",
"SeaMonkey.app": "seamonkey",
"Thunderbird.app": "thunderbird",}
def copy_to_zip(read_zip, write_zip, pattern, prefix=""):
for member in read_zip.namelist():
if fnmatch(member, pattern):
filename = member.split("/")[-1]
write_zip.writestr("%s%s" % (prefix, filename),
def copy_to_new_zip(callback, read_zip, pattern, prefix=""):
with NamedTemporaryFile("w") as temp:
with ZipFile(temp.name, "w") as write_zip:
copy_to_zip(read_zip, write_zip, pattern, prefix)
def main():
for package in os.listdir("language_controls/"):
if package.startswith(".") or package not in PACKAGE_MAPPINGS:
platform = PACKAGE_MAPPINGS[package]
path = "language_controls/%s" % package
jar = ZipFile("../validator/testcases/langpacks/%s.xpi" % platform, "w")
if platform == "firefox":
# Firefox puts this stuff in omni.ja.
with ZipFile("%s/Contents/MacOS/omni.ja" % path, "r") as omni_ja:
#print list(x for x in omni_ja.namelist() if x.startswith("chrome/"))
# Copy the chrome/en-US/ directory to /en-US.jar in the new zip.
def callback(name):
jar.write(name, "en-US.jar")
copy_to_new_zip(callback, omni_ja, "chrome/en-US/*")
elif platform in ("thunderbird", "seamonkey", ):
# Thunderbird puts stuff in omni.ja, too,
with ZipFile("%s/Contents/MacOS/omni.ja" % path, "r") as omni_ja:
# Copy the chrome/en-US/ directory to /en-US.jar in the new zip.
def callback(name):
jar.write(name, "en-US.jar")
copy_to_new_zip(callback, omni_ja, "chrome/en-US/*")
jar.write("%s/Contents/MacOS/chrome/localized.manifest" % path,
jar.write("%s/Contents/MacOS/chrome/en-US.jar" % path,
if __name__ == "__main__":

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