addons.mozilla.org Validator
The AMO Validator is a tool designed to scan Mozilla add-on packages for
problems such as security vulnerabilities, exploits, spamware and badware,
and lots of other gunk. By using a combination of various techniques and
detection mechanisms, the validator is capable of being both efficient as well
as thorough.
Python Libraries:
- argparse
- cssutils
- rdflib
- fastchardet
Python Libraries for Testing:
- nose
- coverage
You can install everything you need for running and testing with ::
pip install -r requirements.txt
The validator may require some submodules to work. Make sure to run ::
git clone --recursive git://github.com/mozilla/amo-validator.git
so that you get all of the goodies inside.
A working copy of Spidermonkey (debug or non-debug is fine) is a required. The
version installed must include support for the Parser API. Downloading and
installing the latest copy of Tracemonkey from http://hg.mozilla.org/ will
include this API.::
hg clone http://hg.mozilla.org/tracemonkey/
cd tracemonkey/js/src
Once Spidermonkey is installed, the path to the JavaScript shell must be
specified in the /validator/constants.py file in the
``SPIDERMONKEY_INSTALLATION`` variable. If this variable is set to ``None``, no
JavaScript tests will be run.
Run the validator as follows ::
python addon-validator <path to xpi> [-t <expected type>] [-o <output type>] [-v] [--boring] [--selfhosted] [--determined]
The path to the XPI should point to an XPI file.
-t The type that you expect your add-on to be detected as. The
list of types is listed below.
-o The type of output to generate. Types are listed below.
-v Enable verbose mode. Extra information will be displayed in
verbose mode, namely notices (informational messages),
Jetpack information if available, extra error info (like
contexts, file data, etc.), and error descriptions. This
only applies to ``-o text``.
--selfhosted Disables messages that are specific to add-ons hosted on
--boring Disables colorful shell output.
--determined Continue validating the remaining tiers of an add-on if one
tier has failed. Certain high-tiered tests may
inadvertently fail when this option is enabled for badly
malformed add-ons.
--target-appversion Accepts a JSON string containing an object whose keys
are GUIDs and values are lists of version strings. In the
targetApplication and compatibility tests, the add-on's
predefined ``<em:targetApplication>`` values will be
overridden if its GUIDs match thoes from the JSON. E.g.:
``{"{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}": "5.*"}``
--for-appversions Accepts a JSON string containing an object whose keys are
GUIDs and values are lists of version strings. If this
list is specified, non-inlinecompatibility tests will only
be run if they specifically target the applications and
veresions in this parameter. E.g.:
``{"{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}": ["6.*"]}``
Expected Type:
The expected type should be one of the following values:
any (default)
Accepts any extension
Accepts only extensions
Accepts only themes
Accepts only dictionaries
Accepts only language packs
Accepts only OpenSearch XML files (unpackaged)
Accepts only multi-item XPI packages
Specifying an expected type will throw an error if the validator
does not detect that particular type when scanning. All addon type
detection mechanisms are used to make this determination.
Output Type:
The output type may be either of the following:
text (default)
Outputs a textual summary of the addo-on analysis. Supports verbose mode.
Outputs a JSON snippet representing a full summary of the add-on analysis.
Text Output Mode:
In ``text`` output mode, output is structured in the format of one
message per line. The messages are prefixed by their priority level
(i.e.: "Warning: This is the message").
At the head of the text output is a block describing what the
add-on type was determined to be.
JSON Output Mode:
In ``JSON`` output mode, output is formatted as a JSON snippet
containing all messages. The format for the JSON output is that of the
sample document below.
"detected_type": "extension",
"errors": 2,
"warnings": 1,
"notices": 1,
"success": false,
"compatibility_summary": {
"errors": 1,
"warnings": 0,
"notices": 0
"ending_tier": 4,
"message_tree": {
"module": {
"function": {
"error": {
"__messages": ["123456789"],
"__errors": 1,
"__warnings": 0,
"__notices": 0
"__messages": [],
"__errors": 1,
"__warnings": 0,
"__notices": 0
"__messages": [],
"__errors": 1,
"__warnings": 0,
"__notices": 0
"__messages": [],
"__errors": 1,
"__warnings": 0,
"__notices": 0
"messages": [
"uid": "123456789",
"id": ["module", "function", "error"],
"type": "error",
"message": "This is the error message text.",
"description": ["Description of the error message.",
"Additional description text"],
"file": ["chrome/foo.jar", "bar/zap.js"],
"line": 12,
"column": 50,
"context: [
" if(foo = bar())",
" an_error_is_somewhere_on_this_line.prototy.eval("whatever");",
"compatibility_type": "error",
"for_appversions": {
"{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}": ["5.0a2", "6.0a1"]
"tier": 2
"metadata": {
"name": "Best Add-on Evar",
"version": "9000",
"guid": "foo@bar.com"
The ``message_tree`` element to the document above contains a series of
JavaScript objects organized into a tree structure. The key of each element in
the tree is the the name of each successive part of the validator that
generated a particular message or set of messages (increasing in specificity as
the depth of the tree increases). Each tree element also includes a series of
additional nodes which provide extra information:
__errors - number - The number of errors generated in this node
__warnings - number - The number of warnings generated in this node
__notices - number - The number of messages generated in this node
__messages - list - A list of UIDs from messages in the `messages` node
JSON Notes:
File Hierarchy
When a subpackage exists, an angle bracket will delimit the subpackage
name and the message text.
If no applicable file is available (i.e.: when a file is missing), the
``file`` value will be empty. If a ``file`` value is available within a
subpackage, then the ``file`` attribute will be a list containing the
name of the outermost subpackage's name, followed by each successive
concentric subpackage's name, followed by the name of the file that the
message was generated in. If no applicable file is available within a
subpackage, the ``file`` attribute is identical, except the last element
of the list in the ``file`` attribute is an empty string.
For instance, this tree would generate the following messages:
| |
| |-subsubpackage.xpi
| |
| |-chrome.manifest
| |-install.rdf
"type": "notice",
"message": "<em:type> not found in install.rdf",
"description": " ... ",
"file": "install.rdf",
"line": 0
"type": "error",
"message": "Invalid chrome.manifest subject: override",
"description": " ... ",
"file": "chrome.manifest",
"line": 7
"type": "error",
"message": "subpackage.xpi > install.rdf missing from theme",
"description": " ... ",
"file": ["subpackage.xpi", ""],
"line": 0
"type": "error",
"message": "subpackage.xpi > subsubpackage.xpi > Invalid chrome.manifest subject: sytle",
"description": " ... ",
"file": ["subpackage.xpi", "subsubpackage.xpi", "chrome.manifest"],
"line": 5
Line Numbers and Columns
Line numbers are 1-based. Column numbers are 0-based. This can be confusing from a programmatic standpoint, but makes literal sense. "Line one" would obviously refer to the first line of a file.
The context attribute of messages will either be a list or null. Null contexts represent the validator's inability to determine surrounding code. As a list, there will always be three elements. Each element represents a line surrounding the message's location.
The middle element of the context list represents the line of interest. If an element of the context list is null, that line does not exist. For instance, if an error is on the first line of a file, the context might look like:
"This is the line with the error",
"This is the second line of the file"
The same rule applies for the end of a file and for files with only one line.
Unit tests can be run with ::
fab test
or, after setting the proper python path: ::
However, to turn run unit tests with code coverage, the appropriate
command would be: ::
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=validator --cover-skip=validator.outputhandlers.,validator.main,validator.constants,validator.constants_local --cover-inclusive --cover-tests
Note that in order to use the --cover-skip nose parameter, you must install the included patch for nose's coverage.py plugin: ::
This file should overwrite the standard nose coverage plugin at the appropriate location: ::
~/.virtualenvs/[virtual environment]/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages/nose/plugins/cover.py
Some regular maintenance needs to be performed on the validator in order to
make sure that the results are accurate.
App Versions
A list of Mozilla ``<em:targetApplication>`` values is stored in the
``validator/app_versions.json`` file. This must be updated to include the latest
application versions. This information can be found on AMO:
JS Libraries
A list of JS library hashes is kept to allow for whitelisting. This must be
regenerated with each new library version. To update: ::
cd extras
mkdir jslibs
python jslibfetcher.py
python build_whitelist.py
# We keep a special hash for testing
echo "e96461c6c19608f528b4a3c33a032b697b999b62" >> whitelist_hashes.txt
mv whitelist_hashes.txt ../validator/testcases/hashes.txt
To add new libraries to the mix, edit ``extras/jslibfetcher.py`` and add the
version number to the appropriate tuple.
In order to maintain Jetpack compatibility, the whitelist hashes need to be
regenerated with each successive Jetpack version. To rebuild the hash library,
simply run: ::
cd jetpack
That's it!