/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml buildscript { dependencies { classpath 'org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.23' } repositories { jcenter() } } rootProject.name = "appservices" def setupProject(name, projectProps) { def path = projectProps.path def description = projectProps.description def artifactId = projectProps.artifactId // TODO: Can we remove artifactId? if (name != artifactId) { throw new GradleException("Project name should match artifactId: $name != $artifactId") } settings.include(":$name") project(":$name").projectDir = new File(rootDir, path) // project(...) gives us a skeleton project that we can't set ext.* on gradle.beforeProject { project -> // However, the "afterProject" listener iterates over every project and gives us the actual project // So, once we filter for the project we care about, we can set whatever we want if (project.name == name) { project.ext.description = description project.ext.artifactId = artifactId // Expose the rest of the project properties, mostly for validation reasons. project.ext.configProps = projectProps } } } def yaml = new Yaml() def buildconfig = yaml.load(new File(rootDir, '.buildconfig-android.yml').newInputStream()) buildconfig.projects.each { project -> setupProject(project.key, project.value) } Properties localProperties = new Properties(); if (file('local.properties').canRead()) { localProperties.load(file('local.properties').newDataInputStream()) localProperties.each { prop -> gradle.ext.set("localProperties.${prop.key}", prop.value) } logger.lifecycle('Local configuration: loaded local.properties') } else { logger.lifecycle('Local configuration: absent local.properties; proceeding as normal.') } def calcVersion(buildconfig) { def local = gradle.rootProject.findProperty("local") if (gradle.hasProperty("localProperties.branchBuild.application-services.version")) { def branchBuildVersion = gradle.getProperty("localProperties.branchBuild.application-services.version") logger.lifecycle("Branch build: forcing all versions to ${branchBuildVersion}") return branchBuildVersion } else if(local) { return '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT' } else { return buildconfig.libraryVersion } } gradle.projectsLoaded { -> // Wait until root project is "loaded" before we set "config" // Note that since this is set on "rootProject.ext", it will be "in scope" during the evaluation of all projects' // gradle files. This means that they can just access "config.", and it'll function properly gradle.rootProject.ext.library = [ // You can use -Plocal=true to help with mavenLocal publishing workflow. // It makes a fake version number that's smaller than any published version, // which can be depended on specifically by the ./build-scripts/substitute-local-appservices.gradle // but which is unlikely to be depended on by accident otherwise. version: calcVersion(buildconfig), groupId: buildconfig.groupId, ] }