120 строки
3.4 KiB
120 строки
3.4 KiB
import subprocess
import socket
import os
import time
import json
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, '../driver')
import utils
class Benchmark:
def __init__(self, suite, version, page):
self.suite = suite
self.version = suite+" "+version
self.page = page
def run(self, engine, submit):
# Run tests.
runOneBenchmark = False
for modeInfo in engine.modes:
if os.path.exists("results"):
host = utils.config.get('main', 'serverUrl')
if host[-1] != "/":
host += "/"
engine.run(host+self.page, modeInfo)
timeout = int(utils.config.get('main', 'timeout')) * 60
while not os.path.exists("results") and timeout > 0:
timeout -= 10
if timeout <= 0:
print "Running benchmark timed out"
fp = open("results", "r")
results = json.loads(fp.read())
results = self.processResults(results)
submit.AddTests(results, self.suite, self.version, modeInfo["name"])
runOneBenchmark = True
return runOneBenchmark
def processResults(self, results):
return results
class Octane(Benchmark):
def __init__(self):
Benchmark.__init__(self, "octane", "2.0.1", "browser-driver/octane.html")
def processResults(self, results):
ret = []
for key in results:
if key == "total":
ret.append({'name': "__total__", 'time': results[key]})
ret.append({'name': key, 'time': results[key]})
return ret
class SunSpider(Benchmark):
def __init__(self):
Benchmark.__init__(self, "ss", "1.0.1", "browser-driver/ss.html")
class Kraken(Benchmark):
def __init__(self):
Benchmark.__init__(self, "kraken", "1.1", "browser-driver/kraken.html")
class AssortedDOM(Benchmark):
def __init__(self):
Benchmark.__init__(self, "assorteddom", "0.1", "benchmarks/misc-desktop/hosted/assorted/driver.html")
with utils.FolderChanger(os.path.join(utils.config.BenchmarkPath, "misc-desktop")):
print subprocess.check_output(["python", "make-hosted.py"])
def processResults(self, results):
ret = []
total = 0
for item in results:
if item == "v":
avg = 0.0
for score in results[item]:
avg += score
avg = avg / len(results[item])
total += avg
ret.append({'name': item, 'time': avg })
ret.append({'name': "__total__", 'time': total })
return ret
class WebGLSamples(Benchmark):
def __init__(self):
Benchmark.__init__(self, "webglsamples", "0.1", "browser-driver/webglsamples.html")
def getBenchmark(name):
if name == "octane":
return Octane()
if name == "sunspider":
return SunSpider()
if name == "kraken":
return Kraken()
if name == "webglsamples":
return WebGLSamples()
if name == "assorteddom":
return AssortedDOM()
raise Exception("Unknown benchmark")
# Test if server is running and start server if needed.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
result = s.connect_ex(("localhost", 8000))
if result > 0:
subprocess.Popen(["python", "server.py"])