2015-04-27 14:19:02 +03:00
.. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
.. License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
.. file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
.. _testing:
Functional testing
Bedrock runs a suite of front-end functional tests using `CasperJS`_ , which is powered by
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a headless web browser called `PhantomJS`_ . These tests live in the `` tests `` directory.
The `` tests `` directory comprises of:
* `` /functional `` contains individual CasperJS test suites.
* `` /lib `` contains various `` config `` and `` helpers `` functions used to run the tests.
* `` config.json `` a configuration file used by PhantomJS when running tests.
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The specific version of CasperJS and PhantomJS needed to run the tests can be installed
by running the following command from the root directory of the project::
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npm install
.. Note ::
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You may have already done `` npm install `` when initially setting up bedrock to run
locally, in which case you can likely skip running this command again.
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To confirm that you have PhantomJS installed correctly, you can run::
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./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs --version
This should output the following::
To confirm that you have CasperJS installed and running together with the correct version
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of PhantomJS, you can run::
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PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE=./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs ./node_modules/.bin/casperjs
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You should see output that starts with something similar to::
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CasperJS version 1.1.0-beta3 at /bedrock/node_modules/casperjs, using phantomjs version 1.9.8
Running tests
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.. Note ::
Before running the tests, please make sure to follow the bedrock :ref:`installation
docs<install>`, including the database sync that is needed to pull in external data such
as event/blog feeds etc. These are required for some of the tests to pass.
To run the full functional test suite against your local bedrock instance, type::
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npm test
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This is just a simple shortcut for the following command::
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PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE=./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs ./node_modules/.bin/casperjs test tests/functional --config=tests/config.json
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This will run all test suites found in the `` tests/functional `` directory and assumes you
have bedrock running at `` localhost `` on port `` 8000 `` .
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To run a single test suite you must tell CasperJS to execute a specific file
e.g. `` tests/functional/home.js `` ::
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2015-06-09 16:59:14 +03:00
PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE=./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs ./node_modules/.bin/casperjs test tests/functional/home.js --config=tests/config.json
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You can also easily run the tests against any bedrock environment by specifying the
`` --domain `` variable. For example, to run all functional tests against dev::
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2015-06-09 16:59:14 +03:00
PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE=./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs ./node_modules/.bin/casperjs test tests/functional --domain=https://www-dev.allizom.org --config=tests/config.json
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.. Note ::
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`` npm test `` is just a simple shortcut and not something you can pass options to. If
you want to specify a particular file to run or a different domain, you must use the
full command like in the examples above. Also, make sure to include the configuration
file `` --config=tests/config.json `` when running tests, as this is sometimes needed
for PhantomJS to open certain URLs served over https.
Writing tests
Tests usually consist of telling CasperJS to open a web page, then verifying things you
expect to exist, and clicking does what you expect. An example test is as follows:
.. code-block :: javascript
casper.test.begin('test example: ' + url, 2, function suite(test) {
casper.start(url, function() {
test.assertNotVisible('#some-element', 'Element is not visible initially');
casper.waitUntilVisible('#some-element', function() {
test.assert(true, 'Element is visible after button was clicked');
casper.run(function() {
.. note ::
It is important to call `` helpers.done(); `` at the end of each test. This makes sure
things such as viewport size and user agent are reset after each test completes.
Please take some time to read over the `CasperJS documentation`_ for details on the testing API.
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You can enable logging on the command line by passing the following additional flags::
--verbose --log-level=debug
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Guidelines for writing tests
* Try and keep tests organized and cleanly separated. Each page should have its own test file, and each test should be responsible for a specific purpose, or component of a page.
* Avoid using generic timeouts. Always use CasperJS methods such as `` waitUntilVisible `` , `` waitForSelector `` , `` waitForUrl `` etc.
* Don't nest callbacks. Try and keep a flat hierarchy for async functions to avoid tests exiting early.
* Don't make tests overly specific. If a test keeps failing because of generic changes to a page such as an image filename or `` href `` being updated, then the test is probably too specific.
* Avoid string checking as tests may break if strings are updated, or could change depending on the page locale.
* If you write something reusable, consider adding it to `` helpers.js `` or `` config.js `` .
* When writing tests, try and run them against a staging or demo environment in addition to local testing.
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.. _CasperJS: http://casperjs.org/
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.. _CasperJS documentation: http://casperjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
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.. _PhantomJS: http://phantomjs.org/
.. _PhantomJS 1.9.8: https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads