зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/bedrock.git
rewrite l10n_check command to generate locale files with else statements
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,14 +3,12 @@
{% block content %}
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
{% l10n foo, 20110630 %}
<p>Localizable, unversioned.</p>
{% l10n foo, 20110915 %}
<p>This needs localization!</p>
{% endl10n %}
{% l10n bar, 20110715 %}
<p>Localizable, versioned.</p>
{% else %}
<p>This should always be shown.</p>
{% l10n bar, 20110910 %}
<p>This was changed a while ago.</p>
{% endl10n %}
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ for error and avoids unnecessary code duplication across various locales.
.. figure:: images/l10n-blocks.jpg
:alt: L10n blocks example
This is an example of what parts of a page would be expressed as localizable
@ -123,3 +123,34 @@ Done! The template engine will automatically use these translated blocks and
put them into the source template in the appropriate places when rendering
the German version of this page.
Generating the locale files
./manage.py l10n_check
This command will check which blocks need to be translated and update
the locale templates with needed translations. It will copy the
English blocks into the locale files if a translation is needed.
It uses the version of a block to determine if a translation is
needed. You need to update this version (which is a date in the format
YYYYMMDD) if you want it to be re-localized.
New blocks will simply appear in english in the locale files. For
example, in the German template, it will look like:
{% l10n foo %}
<h1>This is an English string that needs translating.</h1>
{% endl10n %}
If there was a previous translation, it will be kept in the file so
the the page will still display it:
{% l10n foo %}
<h1>This is an English string that needs translating.</h1>
{% else %}
<h1>Dies ist ein English string wurde nicht.</h1>
{% endl10n %}
The localizer needs to translate the English string and remove the
else block and previous translation.
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import datetime
import itertools
import os
import re
import os, errno
from os import path
from optparse import make_option
import codecs
@ -7,11 +9,234 @@ import codecs
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.conf import settings
from jingo import get_env
from jinja2 import Environment, TemplateNotFound
from jinja2.parser import Parser
def l10n_file(*args):
return path.join(settings.ROOT, 'locale', *args)
def l10n_tmpl(tmpl, lang):
return l10n_file(lang, 'templates', tmpl)
def app_tmpl(tmpl):
app = tmpl[0:tmpl.index('/')]
return path.join(settings.ROOT, 'apps', app, 'templates', tmpl)
def list_templates():
"""List all the templates in all the installed apps"""
for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
tmpl_dir = path.join(settings.ROOT, 'apps', app, 'templates')
if path.exists(tmpl_dir):
# Find all the .html files
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tmpl_dir):
for filename in files:
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext == '.html':
full_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
yield full_path.replace(tmpl_dir, '').lstrip('/')
def update_templates(langs):
"""List templates with outdated/incorrect l10n blocks"""
for tmpl in list_templates():
for lang in langs:
if path.exists(l10n_tmpl(tmpl, lang)):
update_template(tmpl, lang)
copy_template(tmpl, lang)
def update_template(tmpl, lang):
"""Detect outdated/incorrect l10n block and notify"""
parser = L10nParser()
blocks = parser.parse_template(app_tmpl(tmpl))
t = l10n_tmpl(tmpl, lang)
l10n_blocks = parser.parse_template(t, strict=False)
l10n_version = parser.parse_tmpl_version(t)
for name, data in blocks.iteritems():
if name in l10n_blocks:
old = l10n_blocks[name]
if l10n_version < data['version']:
# Move the main content to the else content only if it
# doesn't already exist, and then update the main content
if not old['else_content']:
old['else_content'] = old['main_content']
old['main_content'] = data['main_content']
l10n_blocks[name] = data
write_l10n_template(l10n_blocks, tmpl, lang)
def write_l10n_template(blocks, tmpl, lang):
"""Write out blocks to an l10n template"""
dest = l10n_tmpl(tmpl, lang)
# Make sure the template dir exists
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass
else: raise
with open(dest, 'w+') as file:
today = datetime.date.today()
file.write('{# Version: %s #}\n' % today.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
file.write('{# DO NOT MODIFY THE ABOVE LINE #}\n\n')
for (name, data) in blocks.iteritems():
file.write('{%% l10n %s %%}\n' % name)
file.write('\n{% else %}\n')
file.write('\n{% endl10n %}\n\n')
def copy_template(tmpl, lang):
"""Create a new l10n template by copying the l10n blocks"""
parser = L10nParser()
blocks = parser.parse_template(app_tmpl(tmpl))
if blocks:
write_l10n_template(blocks, tmpl, lang)
class L10nParser():
file_version_re = re.compile('{# Version: (\d+) #}')
def __init__(self):
self.tmpl = None
def parse_tmpl_version(self, tmpl):
line = codecs.open(tmpl, encoding='utf-8').readline().strip()
matches = self.file_version_re.match(line)
if matches:
return int(matches.group(1))
return None
def parse_template(self, tmpl, strict=True):
"""Read a template and parse the l10n blocks"""
self.tmpl = tmpl
return self.parse(codecs.open(tmpl, encoding='utf-8').read(),
def parse(self, src, strict=True):
"""Analyze a template and get the l10n block information"""
env = Environment()
self.tokens = env.lex(src)
blocks = {}
for name, version in self.parse_blocks(strict):
main_content, else_content = self.block_content()
blocks[name] = {'version': version,
'main_content': main_content,
'else_content': else_content}
return blocks
def parse_blocks(self, strict):
"""Extract tags from the l10n block"""
while self.scan_until('block_begin'):
name = self.scan_next('name')
if name != 'l10n':
block_name = self.scan_next('name')
block_version = None
if self.scan_next('operator') == ',':
block_version = self.scan_next('integer')
error = False
# Version must be in the date format YYYYMMDD
if len(block_version) != 8:
error = True
block_version = int(block_version)
except ValueError:
error = True
if error:
raise Exception("Invalid l10n block declaration: "
"bad version '%s' in %s"
% (block_name, self.tmpl))
elif strict:
raise Exception("Invalid l10n block declaration: "
"missing date for block '%s' in %s"
% (block_name, self.tmpl))
yield [block_name, block_version]
def block_content(self):
"""Parse the content from an l10n block"""
in_else = False
main_content = []
else_content = []
for token in self.tokens:
if token[1] == 'block_begin':
name = self.scan_next('name')
if name == 'endl10n':
elif name == 'else':
in_else = True
buffer = else_content if in_else else main_content
return [''.join(x).replace('\\n', '\n').strip()
for x in [main_content, else_content]]
def scan_until(self, name):
for token in self.tokens:
if token[1] == name:
return True
return False
def scan_ignore(self, name):
for token in self.tokens:
if token[1] != name:
# Put it back on the list
self.tokens = itertools.chain([token], self.tokens)
def scan_next(self, name):
token = self.tokens.next()
if token and token[1] == name:
return token[2]
return False
class Command(BaseCommand):
args = ''
help = 'Checks which content needs to be localized.'
@ -29,126 +254,6 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
if args:
langs = args
langs = os.listdir(self.l10n_file())
langs = os.listdir(l10n_file())
if options['templates']:
def l10n_file(self, *args):
return path.join(settings.ROOT, 'locale', *args)
def check_templates(self, langs):
"""List templates that don't exist in the localized folders"""
for tmpl in self.list_templates():
for lang in langs:
fullpath = self.l10n_file(lang, 'templates', tmpl)
if not path.exists(fullpath):
print "[%s] %s" % (lang, tmpl)
def check_blocks(self, langs):
"""List templates with outdated/incorrect l10n blocks"""
for tmpl in self.list_templates():
for lang in langs:
fullpath = self.l10n_file(lang, 'templates', tmpl)
if path.exists(fullpath):
blocks = self.parse_template(tmpl)
l10n_blocks = self.parse_template(fullpath)
self.compare_versions(tmpl, lang, blocks, l10n_blocks)
def compare_versions(self, tmpl, lang, latest, localized):
"""Detect outdated/incorrect l10n block and notify"""
for name, version in latest.iteritems():
if version:
if not name in localized:
print "%s: %s needs %s localized" % (tmpl, lang, name)
elif not localized[name]:
print ("%s: %s has unversioned %s but should be v%s"
% (tmpl, lang, name, version))
elif localized[name] < version:
print ("%s: %s has %s at v%s but needs to be at v%s"
% (tmpl, lang, name, localized[name], version))
def list_templates(self):
"""List all the templates in all the installed apps"""
for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
tmpl_dir = path.join(settings.ROOT, 'apps', app, 'templates')
if path.exists(tmpl_dir):
# Find all the .html files
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tmpl_dir):
for filename in files:
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext == '.html':
full_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
# Strip the path to get just the
# namespaced template name
yield full_path.replace(tmpl_dir, '').lstrip('/')
def parse_template(self, tmpl):
"""Analyze a template and get the l10n block information"""
env = get_env()
src = env.loader.get_source(env, tmpl)
except TemplateNotFound:
src = codecs.open(tmpl, encoding='utf-8').read()
self.tokens = env.lex(src)
blocks = {}
while self.scan_until('block_begin'):
blockname = self.scan_next('name')
if blockname == 'l10n':
name = self.scan_next('name')
if self.scan_next('operator') == ',':
version = self.scan_next('integer')
version = int(version)
except ValueError:
raise Exception("Invalid l10n block declaration '%s' in %s"
% (name, tmpl))
blocks[name] = version
blocks[name] = False
return blocks
def scan_until(self, name):
for token in self.tokens:
if token[1] == name:
return True
return False
def scan_ignore(self, name):
for token in self.tokens:
if token[1] != name:
# Put it back on the list
self.tokens = itertools.chain([token], self.tokens)
def scan_next(self, name):
token = self.tokens.next()
if token and token[1] == name:
return token[2]
return False
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import unittest
from management.commands.l10n_check import list_templates, L10nParser
class TestL10nCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def test_list_templates(self):
tmpls = filter(lambda tmpl: 'mozorg/channel.html' in tmpl,
print list(list_templates())
assert tmpls
def test_parse_templates(self):
parser = L10nParser()
blocks = parser.parse('foo bar bizzle what? '
'{% l10n baz, 20110914 %}'
'{% else %}'
'{% endl10n %}'
baz = blocks['baz']
self.assertEqual(baz['main_content'], 'mumble')
self.assertEqual(baz['else_content'], 'elsed')
self.assertEqual(baz['version'], 20110914)
blocks = parser.parse('foo bar bizzle what? '
'{% l10n baz, 20110914 %}'
'{% endl10n %}'
baz = blocks['baz']
self.assertEqual(baz['main_content'], 'mumble')
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