[tool.ruff] line-length = 150 target-version = 'py39' extend-exclude = ["docs", "assets", "static", "bedrock/externalfiles/files_cache"] [tool.ruff.lint] # Set what ruff should check for. # See https://beta.ruff.rs/docs/rules/ for a list of rules. select = [ # TODO: Enable flake8-builtin and fix errors to fix variable name shadowing errors. # "A", # flake8-builtin errors. # TODO: Enable bugbear and fix errors. # "B", # bugbear errors "DJ", # flake8-django errors. "E", # pycodestyle errors "F", # pyflakes errors "I", # import sorting "Q", # flake8-quotes errors "W", # pycodestyle warnings ] [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] "bedrock/settings/__init__.py" = ["F405"] "bedrock/contentful/tests/data.py" = ["E501"] [tool.ruff.lint.isort] known-first-party = ["bedrock", "lib", "pages"] section-order = ["future", "standard-library", "django", "third-party", "first-party", "local-folder"] combine-as-imports = true [tool.ruff.lint.isort.sections] django = ["django"]