зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/bedrock.git
208 строки
6.9 KiB
208 строки
6.9 KiB
DC_CI = "bin/docker-compose.sh"
DC = $(shell which docker) compose
DOCKER = $(shell which docker)
TEST_DOMAIN = www.mozilla.org
# Check if 'uv' exists and set the command accordingly
ifneq (, $(shell which uv 2>/dev/null))
pip = uv pip
pip = pip
all: help
@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
@echo " build - build docker images for dev"
@echo " run - 'docker compose up' the entire system for dev"
@echo " stop - stop all docker containers"
@echo " kill - kill all docker containers (more forceful than stop)"
@echo " pull - pull the latest production images from Docker Hub"
@echo " run-shell - open a bash shell in a fresh container"
@echo " shell - open a bash shell in the running app"
@echo " djshell - start the Django Python shell in the running app"
@echo " fresh-data - pull the latest database and update all external data"
@echo " clean - remove all build, test, coverage and Python artifacts"
@echo " rebuild - force a rebuild of all of the docker images"
@echo " lint - check style with Ruff, ESlint, Stylelint, and Prettier"
@echo " format - format front-end code using Stylelint and Prettier"
@echo " test - run tests against local files"
@echo " test-image - run tests against files in docker image"
@echo " test-cdn - run CDN tests against TEST_DOMAIN"
@echo " docs - generate Sphinx HTML documentation with server and live reload using Docker"
@echo " livedocs - generate Sphinx HTML documentation with server and live reload"
@echo " build-docs - generate Sphinx HTML documentation using Docker"
@echo " build-ci - build docker images for use in our CI pipeline"
@echo " test-ci - run tests against files in docker image built by CI"
@echo " compile-requirements - update Python requirements files using pip-compile"
@echo " check-requirements - get a report on stale/old Python dependencies in use"
@echo " install-local-python-deps - install Python dependencies for local development"
@echo " install-custom-git-hooks - install custom git hooks"
@echo " uninstall-custom-git-hooks - uninstall custom git hooks"
@echo " clean-local-deps - remove all local installed Python dependencies"
@echo " preflight - refresh installed dependencies and fetch latest DB ahead of local dev"
@echo " preflight -- --retain-DB - refresh installed dependencies WITHOUT fetching latest DB"
@echo " run-local-task-queue - run rqworker on your local machine. Requires redis to be running"
@if [ ! -f .env ]; then \
echo "Copying .env-dist to .env..."; \
cp .env-dist .env; \
${MAKE} build
${MAKE} pull
build: .docker-build-pull
${DC} build --pull app assets
touch .docker-build
build-prod: .docker-build-pull
${DC} build --pull release
pull: .env
-GIT_COMMIT= ${DC} pull release app assets builder app-base
touch .docker-build-pull
rebuild: clean build
run: .docker-build-pull
${DC} up assets app
run-prod: .docker-build-pull
${DC} up release-local
${DC} stop
${DC} kill
${DC} exec app bin/sync-all.sh
${DC} run --rm app bash
${DC} exec app bash
${DC} exec app python manage.py shell_plus
# python related things
find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} +
find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} +
find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -rf {} +
# test related things
-rm -f .coverage
# docs files
-rm -rf docs/_build/
# static files
-rm -rf static_build/
# state files
-rm -f .docker-build*
# clean untracked files & directories
git clean -d -f
lint: .docker-build-pull
${DC} run test ruff
${DC} run assets npm run lint
format: .docker-build-pull
${DC} run assets npm run format
${DC} run app ruff format .
test: .docker-build-pull
${DC} run --rm test
test-cdn: .docker-build-pull test_infra/fixtures/tls.json
${DC} run test pytest --base-url https://${TEST_DOMAIN} test_infra
test-image: .docker-build
${DC} run test-image
docs: .docker-build-pull
${DC} up docs
build-docs: .docker-build-pull
${DC} run app make -C docs/ clean html
${MAKE} -C docs/ clean livehtml
${DOCKER} run -it --rm jumanjiman/ssllabs-scan:latest --quiet https://${TEST_DOMAIN}/en-US/ > "test_infra/fixtures/tls.json"
# For use in CI
${MAKE} build-ci
build-ci: .docker-build-pull
${DC_CI} build --pull release
# tag intermediate images using cache
${DC_CI} build app builder assets app-base
touch .docker-build-ci
test-ci: .docker-build-ci
${DC_CI} run test-image
# Requirements management
compile-requirements: .docker-build-pull
${DC} run --rm compile-requirements
check-requirements: .docker-build-pull
${DC} run --rm app ./bin/check-pinned-requirements.py
# For use in local-machine development (not in Docker)
# Trick to avoid treating flags (eg --retain-db) as a make target
${MAKE} install-local-python-deps
@npm install
@$(if $(findstring --retain-db,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),bin/sync-all.sh --retain-db,bin/sync-all.sh)
@python manage.py bootstrap_local_admin
# Dev requirements are a superset of prod requirements, but we install
# them in the same separate steps that we use for our Docker-based build,
# so that it mirrors Production and Dev image building
$(pip) install -r requirements/prod.txt
$(pip) install -r requirements/dev.txt
# We temporarily source the .env for the command's duration only
(source ".env" && \
[ -n "$$REDIS_URL" ] || { echo "REDIS_URL env var is not set"; exit 1; } && \
$(pip) uninstall mdx_outline -y && $(pip) freeze | xargs $(pip) uninstall -y
# Done explicitly to avoid surprises
cp bin/custom-git-hooks/post-merge .git/hooks/post-merge
chmod u+x .git/hooks/post-merge
# Done explicitly to avoid surprises
rm .git/hooks/post-merge
.PHONY: all clean build pull docs livedocs build-docs lint run stop kill run-shell shell test test-image rebuild build-ci test-ci fresh-data djshell run-prod build-prod test-cdn compile-requirements check-requirements install-local-python-deps preflight clean-local-deps install-custom-git-hooks uninstall-custom-git-hooks run-local-task-queue