
217 строки
8.0 KiB

def config
def utils
stage ('Checkout') {
node {
checkout scm
sh 'git submodule sync'
sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
// clean up
sh 'make clean'
// load the config
config = readYaml file: 'jenkins.yml'
// load the utility functions used below
utils = load 'jenkins/utils.groovy'
// defined in the Library loaded above
// save the files for later
stash name: 'scripts', includes: 'bin/,docker/'
stash name: 'tests', includes: 'tests/,requirements/'
stash 'workspace'
if ( config.branches.containsKey(env.BRANCH_NAME) ) {
def branchConfig = config.branches[env.BRANCH_NAME]
stage ('Build Images') {
node {
unstash 'workspace'
// make sure we should continue
if ( branchConfig.require_tag ) {
try {
sh 'docker/bin/'
} catch(err) {
utils.ircNotification(config, [stage: 'Git Tag Check', status: 'failure'])
throw err
utils.ircNotification(config, [stage: 'Test & Deploy', status: 'starting'])
lock ("bedrock-docker-${env.GIT_COMMIT}") {
try {
sh 'docker/bin/ --prod --test'
} catch(err) {
utils.ircNotification(config, [stage: 'Docker Build', status: 'failure'])
throw err
if ( branchConfig.smoke_tests ) {
stage ('Test Images') {
smoke_tests: utils.integrationTestJob('smoke'),
unit_tests: {
node {
unstash 'scripts'
try {
sh 'docker/bin/'
} catch(err) {
utils.ircNotification(config, [stage: 'Unit Test', status: 'failure'])
throw err
if ( branchConfig.push_public_registry ) {
stage ('Push Public Images') {
node {
unstash 'scripts'
try {
utils.pushDockerhub('mozorg/bedrock_l10n', 'mozorg/bedrock')
} catch(err) {
utils.ircNotification(config, [stage: 'Dockerhub Push Failed', status: 'warning'])
* Do region first because deployment and testing should work like this:
* region1:
* push image -> deploy app1 -> test app1 -> deploy app2 -> test app2
* region2:
* push image -> deploy app1 -> test app1 -> deploy app2 -> test app2
* A failure at any step of the above should fail the entire job
if ( branchConfig.apps ) {
// default to usw only
def regions = branchConfig.regions ?: ['usw']
for (regionId in regions) {
def region = config.regions[regionId]
def stageName = "Private Push: ${}"
stage (stageName) {
node {
unstash 'scripts'
try {
utils.pushPrivateReg(region.registry_port, branchConfig.apps)
} catch(err) {
utils.ircNotification(config, [stage: stageName, status: 'failure'])
throw err
for (appname in branchConfig.apps) {
def appSuffix = branchConfig.app_name_suffix ?: ''
def appURL = "https://${appname}${appSuffix}.${}"
stageName = "Deploy ${appname}-${}"
// ensure no deploy/test cycle happens in parallel for an app/region
lock (stageName) {
stage (stageName) {
node {
unstash 'scripts'
"DEIS_APPLICATION=${appname}"]) {
try {
retry(3) {
sh 'docker/bin/'
} catch(err) {
utils.ircNotification(config, [stage: stageName, status: 'failure'])
throw err
if ( branchConfig.apps ) {
// queue up test closures
def allTests = [:]
for (filename in branchConfig.integration_tests) {
allTests[filename] = utils.integrationTestJob(filename, appURL)
stage ("Test ${appname}-${}") {
try {
// wait for server to be ready
sleep(time: 10, unit: 'SECONDS')
parallel allTests
} catch(err) {
node {
unstash 'scripts'
utils.ircNotification(config, [stage: "Integration Tests ${appname}-${}", status: 'failure'])
throw err
node {
unstash 'scripts'
// huge success \o/
utils.ircNotification(config, [message: appURL, status: 'shipped'])
* Deploy demo branches
else if ( env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /^demo__[\w-]+$/ ) {
node {
utils.ircNotification(config, [stage: 'Demo Deploy', status: 'starting'])
stage ('build') {
lock ("bedrock-docker-${env.GIT_COMMIT}") {
try {
sh 'docker/bin/ --demo'
} catch(err) {
utils.ircNotification(config, [stage: 'Demo Build', status: 'failure'])
throw err
def appname = utils.demoAppName(env.BRANCH_NAME)
stage ('deploy') {
lock (appname) {
try {
withCredentials([[$class: 'StringBinding',
credentialsId: 'SENTRY_DEMO_DSN',
variable: 'SENTRY_DEMO_DSN']]) {
"PRIVATE_REGISTRY=localhost:${config.regions.usw.registry_port}"]) {
sh './docker/bin/'
} catch(err) {
utils.ircNotification(config, [stage: 'Demo Deploy', status: 'failure'])
throw err
utils.ircNotification(config, [message: utils.demoAppURL(appname), status: 'shipped'])
else {
echo "Doing nothing for ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"