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.. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
.. License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
.. file, You can obtain one at
.. _install:
Installing Bedrock
It's a simple `Playdoh
<>`_ instance, which is a Django project.
These instructions assume you have `git` and `pip` installed. If you don't have `pip` installed, you can install it with `easy_install pip`.
Start by getting the source::
$ git clone --recursive git://
$ cd bedrock
**(Make sure you use --recursive)**
.. Important::
Because Bedrock uses submodules, it is important not only to use
``--recursive`` on the initial clone, but every time you checkout
a different branch, to update the submodules with::
git submodule update --init --recursive
You might want to create a post-checkout hook to do that every time
automatically, by putting that command in a file
You need to create a virtual environment for Python libraries. Skip the first instruction if you already have virtualenv installed::
$ pip install virtualenv # installs virtualenv, skip if already have it
$ virtualenv venv # create a virtual env in the folder `venv`
$ source venv/bin/activate # activate the virtual env
$ pip install -r requirements/compiled.txt # installs compiled dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt # installs test dependencies
If you are on OSX and some of the compiled dependencies fails to compile, try explicitly setting the arch flags and try again::
$ export ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64"
$ pip install -r requirements/compiled.txt
Now configure the application to run locally by creating your local settings file::
$ cp bedrock/settings/ bedrock/settings/
You shouldn't need to customize anything in there yet.
Check out the latest product-details::
$ ./ update_product_details
This pulls in version information for Mozilla products like Firefox.
Lastly, you need to install `node` and the `less` package. Soon you won't need this for local development but currently it compiles the LESS CSS code on the server-side::
$ npm -g install less
You don't have to use npm to install less; feel free to install it however you want.
Add the path to the LESS compiler (found by using `which lessc`) to `bedrock/settings/` with the following line::
LESS_BIN = '/path/to/lessc'
Make it run
To make the server run, make sure you are inside a virtualenv, and then
run the server::
$ ./ runserver
If you are not inside a virtualenv, you can activate it by doing::
$ source venv/bin/activate
If you get the error "NoneType is not iterable", you didn't check out the latest product-details. See the above section for that.
.. _with php:
Run it with the whole site
If you need to run the whole site locally, you'll need to **first** set up the
:ref:`PHP side<php>`, and then **also** set up to serve Bedrock from the
same Apache
server at ``/b/``. That's because the rewrite rules in the
PHP and Apache config assume they can serve requests from Bedrock by
rewriting them internally to have a ``/b/`` on the front of their URLs.
Before continuing, go get the :ref:`PHP side<php>` working. Then come
back here.
One way to add Bedrock to your local site, once you have the
:ref:`PHP side<php>` working, is to use runserver to serve Bedrock at port 8000 as
above, then proxy to it from Apache. The whole virtual server config
might end up looking like this::
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName mozilla.local
VirtualDocumentRoot "/path/to/"
RewriteEngine On
RewriteOptions Inherit
ProxyPass /b http://localhost:8000
ProxyPassReverse /b http://localhost:8000
ProxyPass /media http://localhost:8000/media
ProxyPassReverse /media http://localhost:8000/media
Include /path/to/bedrock/etc/httpd/global.conf
But you might have better success using a real WSGI setup that is closer to
what the real servers use. The following configuration is simplified
from what the bedrock staging server uses.
* A Red Hat or Debian-based Linux distribution. (Other distributions might not
have Apache HTTP Server installed and configured the same way.)
* Apache HTTP Server with php and mod_wsgi
* Subversion checkout at `/path/to/mozilla/`
* Subversion checkout at `/path/to/mozilla/` (ideally
as an SVN external)
* Bedrock checkout at `/path/to/mozilla/bedrock`
Create a local config files for and
$ cp /path/to/ /path/to/
$ cp /path/to/ /path/to/`
Edit ``/etc/hosts`` and add:: mozilla.local
Apache config - create file ``/etc/apache2/sites-available/``::
# Main site at /, django-bedrock at /b
<VirtualHost *:80 *:81>
ServerName mozilla.local
DocumentRoot "/path/to/mozilla/"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
RewriteEngine On
<Directory "/path/to/">
Options MultiViews FollowSymLinks -Indexes
AllowOverride All
RewriteMap org-urls-410 txt:/path/to/
RewriteMap org-urls-301 txt:/path/to/
# In the path below, update "python2.6" to whatever version of python2 is provided.
WSGIDaemonProcess bedrock_local python-path=/path/to/bedrock:/path/to/venv-for-bedrock/lib/python2.6/site-packages
WSGIProcessGroup bedrock_local
WSGIScriptAlias /b /path/to/bedrock/wsgi/playdoh.wsgi process-group=bedrock_local application-group=bedrock_local
Alias /media /path/to/bedrock/media
<Directory /path/to/bedrock/media>
AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes
Include /path/to/bedrock/etc/httpd/global.conf
Then enable the new site, build the css and js files, and finally
restart apache:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo a2ensite
sudo a2enmod expires headers actions
python compress_assets
sudo service apache2 restart
If you get Django error pages reporting I/O errors for .css files, it's because
not all the .css files were compiled before starting Apache and Apache does not
have write permissions in the media directories. Running
`python compress_assets` should solve it. Remember to run that
command again anytime the css or less files change.
If you change Python files, either restart Apache or touch playdoh.wsgi, so
that the WSGI processes will be restarted and start running the new code.
If you're working on the rewrite rules in ``bedrock/etc/httpd/*.conf``, be
sure to restart Apache after any change. Apache doesn't re-read those files
after it has started.
If you want to install localizations, just check out the ``locale`` directory::
git svn clone locale
# or
svn checkout locale
You can use git or svn to checkout the repo. Make sure that it is named ``locale``. If you already have it checked out as ``locales``, just do::
ln -s locales locale
You can read more details about how to localize content :ref:`here<l10n>`.
On May 15th, 2013 we upgraded to a newer version of Playdoh_. This brought with it a lot of structural changes to the code.
Here are the required steps to get up and running again with the latest code::
# get the code
git pull origin master
# update the submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
# move your local settings file
mv settings/ bedrock/settings/
# remove old empty directories
rm -rf apps
rm -rf settings
rm -rf vendor-local/src/django
rm -rf vendor-local/src/tower
rm -rf vendor-local/src/jingo-minify
That should do it. If you're not able to run the tests at that point (``python test``) then there are a couple more things to try.
1. If you have a line like ``from settings.base import *`` in your ``bedrock/settings/`` file, remove it.
2. If you were setting a logging level in your ``bedrock/settings/`` file, you may now need to explicitly need to import it (``import logging``).
Otherwise please pop into our IRC channel (``#www`` on ````) and we'll be happy to help.
A shortcut for activating virtual envs in zsh is `. venv/bin/activate`. The dot is the same as `source`.
There's a project called `virtualenvwrapper <>`_ that provides a better interface for managing/activating virtual envs, so you can use that if you want.