зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/bedrock.git
117 строки
4.3 KiB
117 строки
4.3 KiB
stage ('Build Images') {
// make sure we should continue
if ( config.require_tag ) {
try {
sh 'docker/bin/check_if_tag.sh'
} catch(err) {
utils.slackNotification([stage: 'Git Tag Check', status: 'failure'])
throw err
utils.slackNotification([stage: 'Test & Deploy', status: 'starting'])
lock ("bedrock-docker-build") {
try {
sh "make clean build-ci"
} catch(err) {
utils.slackNotification([stage: 'Docker Build', status: 'failure'])
throw err
// save the files for later
stash 'workspace'
// test this way to default to true for undefined
if ( config.push_public_registry != false ) {
stage ('Push Public Images') {
try {
if (config.demo) {
else {
// also upload static files to s3 bucket
// the script itself decides if this is a prod push or not
sh "bin/upload-staticfiles.sh"
} catch(err) {
utils.slackNotification([stage: 'Dockerhub Push Failed', status: 'failure'])
throw err
* Do region first because deployment and testing should work like this:
* region1:
* push image -> deploy app1 -> test app1 -> deploy app2 -> test app2
* region2:
* push image -> deploy app1 -> test app1 -> deploy app2 -> test app2
* A failure at any step of the above should fail the entire job
if ( config.apps ) {
tested_apps = []
// default to oregon-b only
def regions = config.regions ?: ['oregon-b']
for (regionId in regions) {
def region = global_config.regions[regionId]
for (appname in config.apps) {
if ( config.demo ) {
appURL = utils.demoAppURL(appname, region)
namespace = 'bedrock-demo'
} else {
appURL = "https://${appname}.${region.name}.moz.works"
namespace = appname
stageName = "Deploy ${appname}-${region.name}"
// ensure no deploy/test cycle happens in parallel for an app/region
lock (stageName) {
stage (stageName) {
if ( region.deis_bin ) {
utils.pushDeis(region, config, appname, stageName)
} else if (region.config_repo){
utils.deploy(region, config, appname, stageName, namespace)
utils.slackNotification([message: appURL, status: 'shipped'])
if ( config.integration_tests ) {
// queue up test closures
def allTests = [:]
def regionTests = config.integration_tests[regionId]
for (filename in regionTests) {
allTests[filename] = utils.integrationTestJob(filename, appURL)
stage ("Test ${appname}-${region.name}") {
try {
// wait for server to be ready
sleep(time: 10, unit: 'SECONDS')
if ( allTests.size() == 1 ) {
} else {
parallel allTests
} catch(err) {
utils.slackNotification([stage: "Integration Tests ${appname}-${region.name}", status: 'failure'])
throw err
tested_apps << "${appname}-${region.name}".toString()
if ( tested_apps ) {
// huge success \o/
utils.slackNotification([message: "All tests passed: ${tested_apps.join(', ')}", status: 'success'])