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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import json
import re
from functools import wraps
from hashlib import md5
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import caches
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
from django.utils.functional import cached_property, lazy
from fluent.runtime import FluentLocalization, FluentResource
from fluent.syntax.ast import GroupComment, Message
from lib.l10n_utils import translation
__all__ = [
cache = caches["fluent"]
REQUIRED_RE = re.compile(r"^required\b", re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
TERM_RE = re.compile(r"\{\s*-[a-z-]+\s*\}")
class FluentL10n(FluentLocalization):
def _localized_bundles(self):
for bundle in self._bundles():
if bundle.locales[0] == self.locales[0]:
yield bundle
def _message_ids(self):
messages = set()
for bundle in self._bundles():
return list(messages)
def _localized_message_ids(self):
messages = set()
for bundle in self._localized_bundles():
return list(messages)
def required_message_ids(self):
Look in the "en" file for message IDs grouped by a comment that starts with "Required"
:return: list of message IDs
messages = set()
for resources in self.resource_loader.resources("en", self.resource_ids):
for resource in resources:
in_required = False
for item in resource.body:
if isinstance(item, GroupComment):
in_required =
if isinstance(item, Message) and in_required:
return list(messages)
def has_required_messages(self):
return all(self.has_message(m) for m in self.required_message_ids)
def active_locales(self):
# first resource is the one to check for activation
return get_active_locales(self.resource_ids[0])
def percent_translated(self):
if not self._message_ids:
return 0
return (float(len(self._localized_message_ids)) / float(len(self._message_ids))) * 100
def has_message(self, message_id):
# assume English locales have the message
if self.locales[0].startswith("en-"):
return True
return message_id in self._localized_message_ids
class FluentResourceLoader:
"""A resource loader that will add english brand terms to every bundle"""
def resources(locale, resource_ids):
for root in settings.FLUENT_PATHS:
resources = load_fluent_resources(root, locale, resource_ids)
if resources:
yield resources
def _cache_key(*args, **kwargs):
key = f"fluent:{args}:{kwargs}"
return md5(force_bytes(key)).hexdigest()
def memoize(f):
"""Decorator to cache the results of expensive functions"""
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
key = _cache_key(f.__name__, *args, **kwargs)
value = cache.get(key)
if value is None:
value = f(*args, **kwargs)
cache.set(key, value)
return value
return inner
def l10nize(f):
"""Decorator to create and pass in the l10n object"""
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
ftl_files = kwargs.get("ftl_files", [])
if isinstance(ftl_files, str):
ftl_files = [ftl_files]
elif isinstance(ftl_files, tuple):
ftl_files = list(ftl_files)
# can not use += here because that mutates the original list
ftl_files = ftl_files + settings.FLUENT_DEFAULT_FILES
locale = kwargs.get("locale") or translation.get_language(True)
locales = [locale]
if locale != "en":
l10n = fluent_l10n(locales, ftl_files)
return f(l10n, *args, **kwargs)
return inner
def load_fluent_resources(root, locale, resource_ids):
resources = []
for resource_id in resource_ids:
path = root.joinpath(locale, resource_id)
if not path.is_file():
if resources:
if locale != "en":
path = settings.FLUENT_LOCAL_PATH.joinpath("en", "brands.ftl")
return resources
def load_fluent_file(path):
with"utf-8") as ftl_file:
return FluentResource(
def get_metadata_file_path(ftl_file):
return settings.FLUENT_REPO_PATH.joinpath("metadata", ftl_file).with_suffix(".json")
def get_metadata(ftl_file):
path = get_metadata_file_path(ftl_file)
with as mdf:
return json.load(mdf)
except (OSError, ValueError):
return {}
def write_metadata(ftl_file, data):
metadata_path = get_metadata_file_path(ftl_file)
if not metadata_path.exists():
metadata_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with"w") as mdf:
json.dump(data, mdf, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def get_active_locales(ftl_files, force=False):
"""Return the list of active locales for a Fluent file.
If `settings.DEV` is `True` it will just return the full list of
available languages. You can pass `force=True` to override this
if settings.IS_POCKET_MODE:
# All locales in Pocket should be 100% ready to go, because they are
# translated by a vendor, so we can just use Prod languages all the time
return settings.PROD_LANGUAGES
if settings.DEV and not force:
return settings.DEV_LANGUAGES
if isinstance(ftl_files, str):
ftl_files = [ftl_files]
locales = {settings.LANGUAGE_CODE}
for ftl_file in ftl_files:
file_locales = set()
metadata = get_metadata(ftl_file)
if metadata and "active_locales" in metadata:
i_locales = metadata.get("inactive_locales")
if i_locales:
return sorted(locales)
def ftl_file_is_active(ftl_file, locale=None):
"""Return True if the given FTL file is active in the given locale."""
locale = locale or translation.get_language(True)
return locale in get_active_locales(ftl_file)
def fluent_l10n(locales, files):
if isinstance(locales, str):
locales = [locales]
# file IDs may not have file extension
files = [f"{f}.ftl" if not f.endswith(".ftl") else f for f in files]
return FluentL10n(locales, files, FluentResourceLoader)
def ftl_has_messages(l10n, *message_ids, require_all=True):
test = all if require_all else any
return test([l10n.has_message(mid) for mid in message_ids])
def translate(l10n, message_id, fallback=None, **kwargs):
# check the `locale` bundle for the message if we have a fallback defined
if fallback and not l10n.has_message(message_id):
message_id = fallback
return l10n.format_value(message_id, kwargs)
# View Utils
# for use in python views
has_messages = l10nize(ftl_has_messages)
ftl = l10nize(translate)
# for use in python outside of a view
ftl_lazy = lazy(ftl, str)