99 строки
3.2 KiB
99 строки
3.2 KiB
import os
from paver.easy import *
import paver.virtual
wsgiscript=lambda: os.path.abspath("../wsgi-apps/bespin.wsgi")
def _clean_up_extra_egg_info(d):
"""pip freeze has a problem with the extra egg-info directories
that setuptools leaves lying around when you install using
--single-version-externally-managed (which is what pip does).
This does the simplest thing possible to fix this, which is to
get rid of all but the last egg-info directory.
The directory passed in should be the "lib" directory" which
is above the pythonX.X/site-packages directory. This function
will figure out which version of python is in use."""
d = path(d)
vi = sys.version_info
d = d / ("python%s.%s" % (vi[0], vi[1])) / "site-packages"
lastname = None
lastf = None
for f in d.glob("*.egg-info"):
fullname = f.basename()
pkgname = fullname.split("-", 1)[0]
# check for a match against the previous
if lastname == pkgname:
# we have a match, so delete the previous which is
# in theory an older version
info("Deleting old egg-info: %s", lastf)
lastf = f
lastname = pkgname
def setup():
"""Get this production environment setup."""
downloads = path("downloads")
os.environ["PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE"] = downloads.abspath()
sh("bin/pip install -U -r requirements.txt")
print "Don't forget to run the database upgrade! (paver db)"
def db(options):
"""Perform a database upgrade, if necessary.
Your WSGI script is loaded in order to properly get the configuration
set up. By default, the WSGI script is ../wsgi-apps/bespin.wsgi.
You can override this on the command line like so:
paver db.wsgiscript=/path/to/script.wsgi db
from bespin import config, model, db_versions
from migrate.versioning.shell import main
execfile(options.wsgiscript, {'__file__' : options.wsgiscript})
repository = str(path(db_versions.__file__).dirname())
dburl = config.c.dburl
dry("Run the database upgrade", main, ["upgrade", dburl, repository])
# touch the wsgi app so that mod_wsgi sees that we've updated
sh("touch %s" % options.wsgiscript)
def create_db():
"""Creates the production database.
Your WSGI script is loaded in order to properly get the configuration
set up. By default, the WSGI script is ../wsgi-apps/bespin.wsgi.
You can override this on the command line like so:
paver db.wsgiscript=/path/to/script.wsgi create_db
from bespin import config, database, db_versions
from migrate.versioning.shell import main
script = options.db.wsgiscript
execfile(script, {'__file__' : script})
dry("Create database tables", database.Base.metadata.create_all, bind=config.c.dbengine)
repository = str(path(db_versions.__file__).dirname())
dburl = config.c.dburl
dry("Turn on migrate versioning", main, ["version_control", dburl, repository])