ARG PYTHON_VERSION=3.10 # pin Google Cloud SDK to old version due to ARG GOOGLE_CLOUD_SDK_VERSION=417.0.0 # use buster image because the default bullseye image released 2021-08-17 # sha256:ffb6539b4b233743c62170989024c6f56dcefa69a83c4bd9710d4264b19a98c0 # has updated coreutils that require a newer linux kernel than provided by CircleCI, per # # and # --platform=linux/amd64 added to prevent pulling ARM images when run on Apple Silicon FROM --platform=linux/amd64 python:${PYTHON_VERSION}-slim-buster AS base WORKDIR /app # build typed-ast in separate stage because it requires gcc and libc-dev FROM base AS python-deps RUN apt-get update -qqy && apt-get install -qqy gcc libc-dev COPY requirements.txt ./ # use --no-deps to work around RUN pip install --no-deps -r requirements.txt FROM google/cloud-sdk:${GOOGLE_CLOUD_SDK_VERSION}-alpine AS google-cloud-sdk FROM base # add bash for entrypoint RUN mkdir -p /usr/share/man/man1 && apt-get update -qqy && apt-get install -qqy bash git COPY --from=google-cloud-sdk /google-cloud-sdk /google-cloud-sdk ENV PATH /google-cloud-sdk/bin:$PATH COPY --from=python-deps /usr/local /usr/local COPY .bigqueryrc /root/ COPY . . RUN pip install . ENTRYPOINT ["/app/script/entrypoint"]