469 строки
17 KiB
469 строки
17 KiB
"use strict";
const httpMocks = require("node-mocks-http");
const DB = require("../../db/DB");
const EmailUtils = require("../../email-utils");
const FXA = require("../../lib/fxa");
const getSha1 = require("../../sha1-utils");
const user = require("../../controllers/user");
const { testBreaches } = require ("../test-breaches");
const { TEST_SUBSCRIBERS, TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES } = require("../../db/seeds/test_subscribers");
const mockRequest = { fluentFormat: jest.fn() };
function expectResponseRenderedSubpagePartial(resp, partial) {
const renderCallArgs = resp.render.mock.calls[0];
test("user add POST with email adds unverified subscriber and sends verification email", async () => {
const testUserAddEmail = "addingnewemail@test.com";
const testSubscriberEmail = "firefoxaccount@test.com";
const testSubscriber = await DB.getSubscriberByEmail(testSubscriberEmail);
// Set up mocks
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
method: "POST",
url: "/user/add",
body: { email: testUserAddEmail },
session: { user: testSubscriber },
fluentFormat: jest.fn(),
headers: {
referer: "",
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await user.add(req, resp);
// Check expectations
const testSubscriberEmailAddressRecords = await DB.getUserEmails(testSubscriber.id);
const testSubscriberEmailAddresses = testSubscriberEmailAddressRecords.map(record => record.email);
for (const testSubscriberEmailAddress of testSubscriberEmailAddresses) {
if (testSubscriberEmailAddress.email === testUserAddEmail) {
const mockCalls = EmailUtils.sendEmail.mock.calls;
const mockCallArgs = mockCalls[0];
test("user add POST with upperCaseAddress adds email_address record with lowercaseaddress sha1", async () => {
const testUserAddEmail = "addingUpperCaseEmail@test.com";
const testSubscriberEmail = "firefoxaccount@test.com";
const testSubscriber = await DB.getSubscriberByEmail(testSubscriberEmail);
// Set up mocks
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
method: "POST",
url: "/user/add",
body: { email: testUserAddEmail },
session: { user: testSubscriber },
fluentFormat: jest.fn(),
headers: {
referer: "",
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await user.add(req, resp);
// Check expectations
const testSubscriberEmailAddressRecords = await DB.getUserEmails(testSubscriber.id);
const testSubscriberEmailAddresses = testSubscriberEmailAddressRecords.map(record => record.email);
const testSubscriberEmailAddressHashes = testSubscriberEmailAddressRecords.map(record => record.sha1);
test("user resendEmail with valid session and email id resets email_address record and sends new verification email", async () => {
const testSubscriberEmail = TEST_SUBSCRIBERS.firefox_account.primary_email;
const testSubscriber = await DB.getSubscriberByEmail(testSubscriberEmail);
const testEmailAddressId = TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.unverified_email_on_firefox_account.id;
const startingTestEmailAddress = await DB.getEmailById(testEmailAddressId);
// Set up mocks
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
method: "POST",
url: "/user/resend-email",
body: { emailId: testEmailAddressId },
session: { user: testSubscriber },
fluentFormat: jest.fn(),
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await user.resendEmail(req, resp);
// Check expectations
const resetTestEmailAddress = await DB.getEmailById(testEmailAddressId);
test("user updateCommunicationOptions request with valid session updates DB", async () => {
const testSubscriberEmail = TEST_SUBSCRIBERS.firefox_account.primary_email;
const testSubscriber = await DB.getSubscriberByEmail(testSubscriberEmail);
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
method: "POST",
url: "/user/update-comm-option",
body: { communicationOption: 0 },
session: { user: testSubscriber },
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await user.updateCommunicationOptions(req, resp);
// Check expectations
const updatedTestSubscriber = await DB.getSubscriberByEmail(testSubscriberEmail);
req.body = { communicationOption: 1 };
// Call code-under-test
await user.updateCommunicationOptions(req, resp);
const againUpdatedTestSubscriber = await DB.getSubscriberByEmail(testSubscriberEmail);
// TODO: more tests of resendEmail failure scenarios
test("user add request with invalid email throws error", async () => {
const testSubscriberEmail = "firefoxaccount@test.com";
const testSubscriber = await DB.getSubscriberByEmail(testSubscriberEmail);
// Set up mocks
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
method: "POST",
url: "/user/add",
body: { email: "a" },
session: { user: testSubscriber },
fluentFormat: jest.fn(),
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await expect(user.add(req, resp)).rejects.toThrow("user-add-invalid-email");
test("user verify request with valid token but no session throws error", async () => {
const validToken = TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.unverified_email_on_firefox_account.verification_token;
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
method: "GET",
url: `/user/verify?token=${validToken}`,
fluentFormat: jest.fn(),
app: { locals: { breaches: testBreaches } },
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await expect(user.verify(req, resp)).rejects.toThrow("error-must-be-signed-in");
const emailAddress = await DB.getEmailByToken(validToken);
test("user verify request with valid token verifies user", async () => {
const validToken = TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.unverified_email_on_firefox_account.verification_token;
const testSubscriberEmail = "firefoxaccount@test.com";
const testSubscriber = await DB.getSubscriberByEmail(testSubscriberEmail);
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
method: "GET",
url: `/user/verify?token=${validToken}`,
session: { user: testSubscriber },
fluentFormat: jest.fn(),
app: { locals: { breaches: testBreaches } },
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await user.verify(req, resp);
const emailAddress = await DB.getEmailByToken(validToken);
test("user verify request with valid token but wrong user session does NOT verify email address", async () => {
const validToken = TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.unverified_email_on_firefox_account.verification_token;
const testSubscriberEmail = "verifiedemail@test.com";
const testSubscriber = await DB.getSubscriberByEmail(testSubscriberEmail);
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
method: "GET",
url: `/user/verify?token=${validToken}`,
session: { user: testSubscriber },
fluentFormat: jest.fn(),
app: { locals: { breaches: testBreaches } },
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await expect(user.verify(req, resp)).rejects.toThrow("user-verify-token-error");
const emailAddress = await DB.getEmailByToken(validToken);
test("user verify request for already verified user doesn't send extra email", async () => {
const alreadyVerifiedToken = TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.firefox_account.verification_token;
const testSubscriberEmail = "firefoxaccount@test.com";
const testSubscriber = await DB.getSubscriberByEmail(testSubscriberEmail);
// Set up mocks
EmailUtils.sendEmail = jest.fn();
mockRequest.session = { user: testSubscriber };
mockRequest.query = { token: alreadyVerifiedToken };
mockRequest.app = { locals: { breaches: testBreaches } };
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await user.verify(mockRequest, resp);
const emailAddress = await DB.getEmailByToken(alreadyVerifiedToken);
test("user verify request with invalid token returns error", async () => {
const invalidToken = "123456789";
const testSubscriberEmail = "firefoxaccount@test.com";
const testSubscriber = await DB.getSubscriberByEmail(testSubscriberEmail);
// Set up mocks
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
method: "GET",
url: `/user/verify?token=${invalidToken}`,
session: { user: testSubscriber },
fluentFormat: jest.fn(),
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
await expect(user.verify(req, resp)).rejects.toThrow("error-not-subscribed");
test("user unsubscribe GET request with valid token and hash for primary/subscriber record returns 302 to preferences", async () => {
// from db/seeds/test_subscribers.js
const subscriberToken = TEST_SUBSCRIBERS.firefox_account.primary_verification_token;
const subscriberHash = getSha1(TEST_SUBSCRIBERS.firefox_account.primary_email);
// Set up mocks
const req = { fluentFormat: jest.fn(), query: { token: subscriberToken, hash: subscriberHash } };
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await user.getUnsubscribe(req, resp);
test("user unsubscribe GET request with valid token and hash for a secondary email_addresses record renders unsubscribe", async () => {
// from db/seeds/test_subscribers.js
const subscriberToken = TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.firefox_account.verification_token;
const subscriberHash = getSha1(TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.firefox_account.email);
// Set up mocks
const req = { fluentFormat: jest.fn(), query: { token: subscriberToken, hash: subscriberHash } };
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
resp.render = jest.fn();
// Call code-under-test
await user.getUnsubscribe(req, resp);
expectResponseRenderedSubpagePartial(resp, "subpages/unsubscribe");
test("user unsubscribe GET request with valid token and hash for an old pre-FxA subscriber record renders unsubscribe", async () => {
// from db/seeds/test_subscribers.js
const subscriberToken = TEST_SUBSCRIBERS.verified_email.primary_verification_token;
const subscriberHash = getSha1(TEST_SUBSCRIBERS.firefox_account.primary_email);
// Set up mocks
const req = { fluentFormat: jest.fn(), query: { token: subscriberToken, hash: subscriberHash } };
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
resp.render = jest.fn();
// Call code-under-test
await user.getUnsubscribe(req, resp);
expectResponseRenderedSubpagePartial(resp, "subpages/unsubscribe");
test("user unsubscribe POST request with valid session and emailId for email_address removes from DB", async () => {
const validToken = TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.firefox_account.verification_token;
const validHash = TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.firefox_account.sha1;
// Set up mocks
const req = { fluentFormat: jest.fn(), body: { token: validToken, emailHash: validHash }, session: { user: TEST_SUBSCRIBERS.firefox_account }};
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await user.postUnsubscribe(req, resp);
const emailAddress = await DB.getEmailByToken(validToken);
test("user removeEmail POST request with valid session but wrong emailId for email_address throws error and doesnt remove email", async () => {
const testEmailAddress = TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.all_emails_to_primary;
const testEmailId = testEmailAddress.id;
const req = { fluentFormat: jest.fn(), body: { emailId: testEmailId }, session: { user: TEST_SUBSCRIBERS.firefox_account }};
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
await expect(user.removeEmail(req, resp)).rejects.toThrow("error-not-subscribed");
const emailAddress = await DB.getEmailByToken(testEmailAddress.verification_token);
test("user/remove-fxm GET request with invalid session returns error", async () => {
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
method: "GET",
url: "/user/remove-fxm",
fluentFormat: jest.fn(),
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
await expect(user.getRemoveFxm(req, resp)).rejects.toThrow("error-must-be-signed-in");
test("user/remove-fxm GET request with valid session returns 200 and renders remove_fxm", async () => {
// Set up mocks
const req = { fluentFormat: jest.fn(), csrfToken: jest.fn(), session: { user: TEST_SUBSCRIBERS.firefox_account }};
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
resp.render = jest.fn();
// Call code-under-test
await user.getRemoveFxm(req, resp);
expectResponseRenderedSubpagePartial(resp, "subpages/remove_fxm");
test("user/remove-fxm POST request with invalid session returns error", async () => {
// Set up mocks
const req = { fluentFormat: jest.fn(), session: {} };
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await expect(user.postRemoveFxm(req, resp)).rejects.toThrow("error-must-be-signed-in");
test("user remove-fxm POST request with valid session removes from DB and revokes FXA OAuth token", async () => {
const req = { fluentFormat: jest.fn(), session: { user: TEST_SUBSCRIBERS.firefox_account, reset: jest.fn() }};
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
FXA.revokeOAuthTokens = jest.fn();
await user.postRemoveFxm(req, resp);
const subscriber = await DB.getEmailByToken(TEST_SUBSCRIBERS.firefox_account.primary_verification_token);
test("user unsubscribe GET request with invalid token returns error", async () => {
const invalidToken = "123456789";
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
method: "GET",
url: `/user/unsubscribe?token=${invalidToken}`,
fluentFormat: jest.fn(),
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
await expect(user.getUnsubscribe(req, resp)).rejects.toThrow("error-not-subscribed");
test("user unsubscribe POST request with valid hash and token for email_address removes from DB", async () => {
const validToken = TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.firefox_account.verification_token;
const validHash = TEST_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.firefox_account.sha1;
// Set up mocks
const req = { fluentFormat: jest.fn(), body: { token: validToken, emailHash: validHash }, session: {}};
const resp = httpMocks.createResponse();
// Call code-under-test
await user.postUnsubscribe(req, resp);
const emailAddress = await DB.getEmailByToken(validToken);
test("user unsubscribe POST request with invalid token and throws error", async () => {
const invalidToken = "123456789";
const invalidHash = "0123456789abcdef";
const req = { fluentFormat: jest.fn(), body: { token: invalidToken, emailHash: invalidHash } };
const resp = { redirect: jest.fn() };
await expect(user.postUnsubscribe(req, resp)).rejects.toThrow("error-not-subscribed");